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B **************** S **************** M's superdutytoughthread


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i did get him to stop seeing the psycho suicidal chick with a kid from a previous relationship if that counts to guiding..but other than that i didnt do shit.


thanks anyway.

more congrats to him guy sorted his whole life out got clean. got married. got his own business and now has a kid ,in 5 years anythings possible.

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more congrats to him guy sorted his whole life out got clean. got married. got his own business and now has a kid ,in 5 years anythings possible.


My older cousin was a homeless, alcoholic, criminal, degenerate piece of shit for the first 45 or so years of his life. His only accomplishment in his entire life was robbing a credit union, from which he only got about 10 grand, which his daughter then stole from him. He was such a piece of shit me and HATER once stumbled upon him sleeping outside a tunnel we were painting.


I was at my parent's crib for my 21st birfday and somehow he got brought up, and I was like "Yeah, I haven't seen him around lately, is he dead?", to which my dad replied "Dead? Nah, I'll call him".


The fuck? He has a phone now? Turns out not only did he have a phone, he had a car, he had on a nice suit, he had on nice jewelry, he had an apartment, he had a dog, and the muthafucka was managing a strip club for a living. Basically, yeah, anything is possible

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Yeah, I'm happy as fuck for the guy. Me and my brother went to visit the club he manages a few months ago, and he showed mad love, with free drinks, prime rib dinners, lapdances, etc, and told us we were the only family he had that never treated him like scum.


Only problem is, I could tell he was starting to get the urge to drink again, and if he does that, he'll fuck it all up

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to ladies that wear excessive amounts of glitter while rolling at a lingerie party. CHILL ON THE GLITTER!

i can't get the glitter out of my pubic region. shits ingrained my skin. makes my crotch look like a fucking disco ball. shits not cool. not BSM.


sure you had a nice ass, but i was drunk enough to ignore your five head.


thank you,

satan is my homeboy oner

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i cant stay away from my whore of an ex girlfriend. i really hate her for being a whore. it wouldnt be so bad if her body wasnt so hot and she wasnt so good in bed. i know shit aint good for me to keep hitting her up. i wont take her back. i know it would be best to just delete her # and be done with it. but i keep fucking her. i got other broads on deck but... i dunno. i wish my brain would overpower by cock.


gimme some insight here.


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obviously he's already doing that and can't handle it. dude just cut her the fuck off. if you got other pussy on deck you shouldn't sweat it. if it's fuckin you up in the head that bad you need to stay the fuck away from it. i've had that shit happen it always gets way to deep and shit. or......just keep fuckin her but always....and i mean always bust in her hair....always.

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