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shai, a coworker of mine got a gig at a north shore farm where you get to live on farm for free if you work 3 hours a day. she gets a small plot of land to grow whatever for herself, already has bananas and papayas on it. you and ocean should move out here n do some island hippie oner shit like that.


That's what I do. I get nine acres and a cabin on some worktrade steez. 8 hours a week

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40 acres and a mule means you were a bitch that allowed yourself to be enslaved.




i was a black history minor. wurga. i was more confused about the

"pon de river" part. which got me thinking of "pon de floor" by major

lazer. which got me thinking on how the fuck the two have any connection.

and btw. if i was a a freed slave nigga and given the opportunity to have my

own land to start a family farm on, "at the time," i most likely would have taken it.

negr0's got the shaft in the end of course but there was nothing else around half as

appealing. niggas was h0ngry mang.

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^^Having a slave is though


All day.


i was a black history minor. wurga. i was more confused about the

"pon de river" part. which got me thinking of "pon de floor" by major

lazer. which got me thinking on how the fuck the two have any connection.

and btw. if i was a a freed slave nigga and given the opportunity to have my

own land to start a family farm on, "at the time," i most likely would have taken it.

negr0's got the shaft in the end of course but there was nothing else around half as

appealing. niggas was h0ngry mang.


Whatever helps you sleep at night, Darkness.

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You get out of culinary school what you put into it. If you go in thinking you know everything you're not gonna get shit out of it and probably drop out. If you go in thinking you know nothing and listen to what the instructors teach you you'll find you knew very little to begin with anyway. I went to Le Cordon Bleu. It helped me a lot even though I already had fundamentals down since i had been cooking since I was 16. But many chefs will tell you "there are a million ways to do one thing." It's all about how you go about it and how serious you are in furthering yourself. Put simply for me it was worth it.

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before school


pork tenderloin, potatoes and i think a chunky apple sauce (memory gets fuzzy)



blackened salmon, grossly over cooked veg and rice pilaf


after school

fresh ricotta and sausage tortellini, roasted red pepper sauce, goats cheddar polenta, asparagus spears and water cress, parm



braised then glazed short rib, whipped yukon golds w/ chevre, trio of mushrooms, roasted romanesco, caramelized onion and marrow cake, braising liquid reduction


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found Dow about halfway through his fuckin' 4 mile walk to work while i was driving to drop off some resumes. no one wants to pick this nigga up. the fuck?


he didn't know it was me, gets in the car and is hella surprised: "damn i saw you pull up and i was like 'Hell yeah, this guy's white! WHITE POWER!'"

LOL'd. took him to store to buy beer and smokes (for him). ditch him at the beach

dropped aforementioned resumes off, went back to beach. chilled for an hour or so before his shift. his cute co-worker (whose car i puked in) randomly shows up. chills. (i decided i still wanna fuck her, Dow, but i got some making up to do. and i didn't notice her feet, despite sitting right next to her. and i'm glad i was swag'd out with a white t and some not filthy shorts and my favorite hat... not my usual filthy, slept-on-the-beach-last-night look... i digress)

i roll out, watch the giants whoop the phils. help moms around the office with computer shit she's too old to know how to do.

now i'm here... feeling 100% better than i did earlier this week. just watched the new episode of Wilfred... now mellow hiphop 'till i'm sleepy

Solid simple fucking day.


i'm starting to feel that lust for life back in my heart... and i dig it. it's been dearly missed...


no emo!

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