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Black Boat's taking all the good spots! Fuck you man!



1. Caligula

2. SpreadAids

3. Caligula

4. TugBoatTimmy

5. ICB

6. Deloner


8. Spitfire

9. Injury




these are all terrible spots, because the RI platoon already is gangin on her before this list happens.


so technically im getting seconds, in the worst possible spot. :lol:

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So check this out... VAJ's father... used to tell her that I was no good because I "had no ambition in life."


Now ol rubbing alcohol drinking dude is over there w/ no job.... lolz.




Dhabz cmon son....show some real ambition....get pissed on or go for the gusto and maybe even shitted on

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So check this out... VAJ's father... used to tell her that I was no good because I "had no ambition in life."


Now ol rubbing alcohol drinking dude is over there w/ no job.... lolz.




for someone with no emotional connection to all this...








weak nigguh.

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Hey I missed some of the people here too... and it was unfortunate that I had to irk out because after all... if it weren't for me, none of you guys would even know the gem that is VAJ.


Also, I don't have to stay... if it gets boring I'll leave... as of right now this is entertaining.

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HERRRRA MAD..... BRB>>> GOING TO TEH LAKEZ..... DHABZ, COME BY and maybe you'll stop ignoring your calls........... im such a faggot right? i heard you smoked meth in yer mom's garage... truth?


and about her pops... well, that motherfucker knows what's up and he knows a smart kid when he sees 'em.... and you weren't one of them, and i am. thats why i live here and you're mad................. HAIL SATAN

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and mero aint nothin' but a fake nigger acting like one..... like half of the people like y'all.... spare me with that nonsense you fucking squares.... you not even squares, you're cubes.... that's why you care about this shit. it was built to pull gossip'n girls like you outta the woodwork.

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I've actually met Mero and the dude is legit to his personality on here --fucking hilarious. He's also got a good head on his shoulders and I don't think he'd fly anywhere to live with some broad's parents. Especially a urine drinker.


POZ, you do have to face facts though. You moved across an ocean to fuck an average looking, everyday run of the mill TGI Friday's waitress looking, broad --AND live at her parent's house.


Not for nothing, but calling us squares is a compliment. You're the fucking loser living with SOMEONE'S parents. I mean come on man. You live in her dad's house. How you going to tell people they ain't shit when you flew across and ocean to live with the 12oz cum towel?

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these are all terrible spots, because the RI platoon already is gangin on her before this list happens.


so technically im getting seconds, in the worst possible spot. :lol:


actually you're wrong.

here's the order:

1. me

2. milkgrenades

3. bananafish

4. RI platoon

5. you


poz i gotta say you're a trooper

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OH LOOK OUT, THE FAT KID MOD MIGHT BAN ME.... FUCKING CUBE.... and believe me, i've seen that fake nigger's face because he put it on blast.... and quit sweating me you fucking nutriding hoe.... you and swindle follow me like stink on shit

....... better things to do?



nope, just moderate a trainwreck of a forum.... fuckin SQUUUUARE!

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hahahaha! fat kid? I'm about as lanky as they fucking come dude. I weigh as much as Vaj's thigh! hahah.


UMAD because you're noticing how much of a loser you are. Keep looking in the mirror and telling yourself you're cool Stewart.




You're living with someone's parents fucking a broad that's had her shit fully exposed on a website you frequent. Face facts dude.


And I won't ban you over this, I'm not petty like that. I only ban people for acting really stupid, not actually being really stupid.



And you can say what you want about me. I've already admitted fully that I'm a big fucking nerd. I'm not hiding anything from anyone on here.

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