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KFC introduces the Double Down "sandwich"

Reuben Kinkaid

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Ive seen 2 liter bucket cups at a kfc buffet in bumfuck south tn

I only drink soda with liquor



So I ate one

worst decision of this year

too fucking salty

like 2 salt chicken sponges injected with bacon cheese dip and breaded in wonder bread

I'm currently shitting on the toilet wishing I threw it up

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a- the first thing about fast food that punches me in the face if i hadnt eatin it inna week or so is the sodium like whoa.


b- americans say liter?


c- i was confused when you said kfc buffet until i did a quick googlatmoy on the subject and was speechless to confirm what i thought you had said. wtf KFC BUFFETTS


good idea i suppose, just strange to me :)

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i cant get ov er the size of there drinks at fast food joints down there. like biggie sized or supersized or whatever they call it from wherever arte literally more than twice the size as a large up here.


I had a friend visiing from England a couple of months ago. I guess over there they regulate fast food hardcore, he was even shocked by the size of OUR big macs. So naturally when we drove down to Seattle, first pit stop we took was at a Jack In the Box in some buttfuck nowhere Washington town (it's important as Canadians that when in the US we eat at fast food restaurants that do not exist here). He went all out, got the fucking XL drink and the triple cheeseburger and the footlong box of fries. It was disgusting. But the absolute icing on the fucking cake was this:




Two free tacos! Why? JUST FOR FUCKING ORDERING! No coupon. No special offer. Simply for placing an order, they threw in 2 free tacos. We were speechless.


They were fucking heinously disgusting though and we threw them out the window on the highway, but still....




Come on.

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Anyone remember the McDonalds humongosize fries?


Basically a super-size softdrink cup stuffed to the brim with fries. Maybe it was something only that location did back in the 90s.


Edit: Had a friend that worked the McD's fry cart at an amusement park....we got two bags stuffed with fries for free. Omg I couldn't eat anymore, after 10 minutes it was like eating a salty waxy cold potato. /nh God it was delicious at first tho.

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