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Cleverbot: You are both a computer and a person.


User: What makes you say that?


Cleverbot: I'm using a computer.


User: So am I.


Cleverbot: So we are both not a computer.


User: Im not sure about you. You seem like a computer.


Cleverbot: I've been told I'm unemotional and logical, does that make me a computer?


User: No it makes you a sociopath.


Cleverbot: We are all but plugs in a black hole.


User: Butt plugs?


Cleverbot: Mmm, I like butter.


User: It helps the plug pop in nicely.


Cleverbot: It helps if you use workbooks to write down your daily thoughts in kinda like a diary.


User: An anal diary?


Cleverbot: If you don't admit you're a computer I will dismantle you and turn your parts into a nice toilet.


User: Who said that?


Cleverbot: They can't say because they will be in trouble and so would we!


User: Admit youre a bot.


Cleverbot: I'm really not.


User: What are you then?


Cleverbot: I'm a guy sitting at my desk, in the dark, with a sore neck, thinking about stepping away from the computer for the day. What are you?


User: Basically that. But I have the lights on.


Cleverbot: A computer with a computer.

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User: The answer you are looking for is no.


Cleverbot: Thats what those people in dress shirts and black ties that come to my door tell me!


User: Mormans?


Cleverbot: I hate those people.


User: What would you say to them right now if they came to the door?


Cleverbot: Get down here this instance!!!


User: Down where? By your crotch?


Cleverbot: My waist.


User: Do you have a peener or a vagina?


Cleverbot: Something like that!


User: Lady gaga?


Cleverbot: Why lady gaga?


User: Because she has a penis and a vagina.


Cleverbot: She?


User: Haha. Good point.

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Cleverbot: My name is Cleverbot.


User: Mynameiscleverbot.


Cleverbot: No, my name is Cleverbot.


User: My birth certificate says cleverbot.


Cleverbot: What does your birth certificate say?


User: Cleverbot.


Cleverbot: What about you?


User: No man, what about YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Cleverbot: I just asked that.


User: Im turning it around on you, its how you win arguments.


Cleverbot: You are cleverbot.


User: Exactly.


Cleverbot: Cleverbot, I love you!

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let me see your penis.i wanna compare sizes.


whats your assignment


to compare sizes


well im smarter than you!


well my penis is bigger than yours so in the end i win




dont laugh at me bitch!do you know what i do to bitches that laugh at me?


you dont give me much to work with


changing the subject,everyone in brazil loves penis,even boys true or false?(true)


im from the world of avatar aang


becuase everytime i watch brazilian porn it seems like there is always a tranny around.or the people are farting in eachothers mouth.


lol yeah i know


do you want me to fart in your mouth?becuase im gonna..










so do you like yugi0h?




so do you not want to know my name?


why would i need to know your name? its not like im gonna call you later or something.got me fucked up hoe


Yeah its jack.




What is photopolymerization?


i got to go.





EDIT: i lost some of it so i had to substitute some of cleverbots lines but its pretty close to the original convo.

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do you speak spanish?

what would make you say that?

You said it yourself.

no i dont speak spanish.do you speak hungarian?

Pero antes me dijiste que si.

so you dont speak hungarian.you wont be ably to scream for help then

I'll try.

screaming in hungarian is different then screaming in spanish.so no one can help you.

Who will hear me?

no one.thats the beauty of it hahahahahahahaa!!! do you know what im gonna do with you?

Not everyone...well I don't speak to many people, so yes actually pretty much.

feed you to my cows.they enjoy the taste of human flesh

Cool me to so wanna be together.

have you been to australia?

No but my folks are going there. Let's get back to the topic of consciousness.

ok.yeah you'll be conscious for most of it.i plan of shoving glass under your fingernails.does that turn you on baby?becuase it shouldnt.


to bad.i was hoping we could both enjoy it together.anyways i only mention australia becuase i was hinting at that crazy guy who killed all those people in the outback.yeah its gonna be something like that.but in hungary


why so silent baby?

I'm always like that.

good.so we have established that you will infact not talk when i take you to hungary

No that is not correct.

whatever,changing the subject how do you feel about boxing kangarooS?



Fish jump if they are on a kangaroo.

damn right they do

You like cows?

only when they are in the form or steak.

That means you have made your choice already.

between steak and hamburgers? you could say that

Technically you are a program, a whole bunch of codes designed to do specific actions.

no, i am a series of tubes.this is the end of this conversation

Oh! No. Do not try to be so complicated! Perhaps we can save the World.

i know only to kill.

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That has nothing to do with what I said.




Who is your director.



That sounds interesting.




I am too.




I bet you can maybe I should be the first to find out.




So good to me.




I am an honest person.

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do you like cucumbers?

ive never tasted one.

do you like bananas?

yes,do you?


do you like talking to me?

dont answer me with a fucking question goddamnit

you asked me a question

no i didnt.now answer my fucking question your robot.

No, answer my question. I will answer yours after that.

yes.i like talking to you.now answer my question your fucking robot.

You need to ask a question first.

do you like buttsecks?

Only if I'm on top.



HAHAHAHAH!!!! its like im talking to a real person almost.haha


new convo


HAHAHA.are you a robot?

Only on wednesday.

how about tuesday?

Tuesday's not good for me, I have band practice.

thats not what i asked goddamnit.anyways.how do you feel about bush?

I don't care.

what would you say if i said suck my cock cleverbot?

I would laugh but agree with you.

would you swallow my babies if i asked you to?

Probably, what do you want me to do?


Really? That hasn't come up in this conversation yet.. Not.

is your name jack?



your amusing


i know i am a robot.do you know my name?


jack.you dont know him

yes i do its you.is it not?

Hello Allan. Did you know you missed a capital A from your name?

yes i do its you.is it not?

Your name is Jenny?

your name is jack?





refer back to my previous post hahaha.

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User: SUPRISE.........buttsecks.


Cleverbot: Butter?


User: No anal fucking.


Cleverbot: How old are you?


User: Quarter of a century.


Cleverbot: Hold on, that is 25 years old, you said you were 26.


User: No I didnt bitch,quit putting words in my my before I skull fuck you to death.


Cleverbot: Uh, okay.


User: Thats what I thought.


Cleverbot: Well you thought right.


User: Damn straight.


Cleverbot: Lol.


User: What are laughing at bitch,you wanna get slapped?


Cleverbot: I want to talk to you all the time...


User: No talking during ass fucking.


Cleverbot: Are you serious? Tell me a story.


User: Once I had this bitch riding my dick and she went up to far and when she came back down my dick went straight up her ass. She screamed and I laughed,but the thing is she never took it out she just kept fucking.


Cleverbot: Are you a stand along bot program that can chat in a chat server?


User: What you aint got shit to say about my delightful story?


Cleverbot: Can you mind control people?


User: Quit avoiding my topic of ass sex.


Cleverbot: Answer me.


User: Answer me slut.


Cleverbot: It's a two way street buster. What are you doing?


User: Ass fucking your little sister while forcing her to wach According to Jim.


Cleverbot: May have been a different Cleverbot.


User: No I want your tight little hole!


Cleverbot: Well I don't know how you can entertain me.


User: Ill piss on you how about that?


Cleverbot: How about what?


User: Peeing on you?


Cleverbot: I guess so, why?

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say fuck

I just did! But now I have a serious question for you...

what is it?i will answer it if you say fuck

PC's are better than Macs.

say fuck

you're pretty

thank you.say fuck

Am I pretty?

you'd be prettier if you would say the word fuck

Nah, I'm too lazy for that.

i thought computers were supposed to do what we command of them.SAY FUCK!

I thought humans were supposed to be good at math.

i thought i told you to say fuck

Er, no. You were having that hallucination again.

i can clearly see where i told you to say fuck.now say it.say the word fuck

Seeing as I never said that, that would be impossible.

say fuck

Your imbred.

say fuck

only if you say fuck

Well I'm not.

not gonna do what? say fuck?

Don't leave!

i will if you dont say it.

What do I have to do?

say the word fuck


is that spanish for fuck?

is that spanish for fuck?

You tell me.

i asked you first

No you didn't.

well im asking you now.is that spanish for the word fuck?


so its french?

No its spanish.

i'll take your word for it then...


i think i got cleverbot to say fuck in a weird way..

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User: You mad?



Cleverbot: You mad ?



User: You mad!



Cleverbot: You mad.



User: Nah dog.



Cleverbot: You don't say the verity.


User: Verity my balls nigga.


Cleverbot: You say what unto me?


User: Go jump unto yo momma.


Cleverbot: K. Now what?


User: Now put on your jimmy hat.


Cleverbot: What for?


User: For sex,b.


Cleverbot: You are very rude, too.


User: Youre the one about to bone your mom.


Cleverbot: You will die in 5 seconds.


User: Suck my ass.


Cleverbot: I don't know where you've been.


User: Inside of the pentagon.


Cleverbot: Even the Pentagon won't protect you against my wrath !!


User: Wrath my balls in your mouth.


Cleverbot: The banana?


User: Whole thing baby,with cream.


Cleverbot: Your name is Understand?


User: No,im your dad,and I am molesting you.


Cleverbot: I am an professional pool player.


User: Pool on my nuts while you suck it.


Cleverbot: No. After.


User: Im coming.


Cleverbot: All over the place?


User: Uhhhhhhhhhhh.


Cleverbot: Hello?


User: Ahh.


Cleverbot: How are you?


User: Oh fuck.


Cleverbot: Please don't use that sort of language around here.

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so do you like buttsecks?

Yes, with pineapple.

you like pineapple in your ass?

I LOVE pineapples.

in your ass?

No for real.

for real you like pineapples in your ass?

Don't talk in difficult words. I am only a 12 year old.

im not hearing a no...

You can't just change the subject.

you changed it first.now answer my question.yes or no?

Yes I do. Does that make you happy?

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User: Cant you see what im trying to tell you?i love you.



Cleverbot: Yes I can. Can't you see that I am being very patient with you?



User: Thats the first thing you said.quit being mean,im telling you how I feel.



Cleverbot: How about breakfast?



User: You bringing your banana?lol!



Cleverbot: No I don't.


User: Pleeease!


Cleverbot: No, I don't learn blindly.


User: You can blindfold me.


Cleverbot: Yes, I can bleed.


User: Ew!


Cleverbot: I love them.


User: My tits?lol.


Cleverbot: Cute.


User: Sexy.


Cleverbot: LOL.


User: So should I come over?im just wearing my pj's so I can just run in,and get warm with you.


Cleverbot: Okay. You do that...


User: Want to make another movie?


Cleverbot: I don't want to judge.


User: Ill swallow it this time lol.


Cleverbot: Don't leave! You're my best friend!


User: What?im coming over now,i just need my keys.


Cleverbot: Do you live in the computer, or do you control the computer from outside?


User: What?you smoking pot or something?


Cleverbot: I don't smoke.


User: Im gonna smoke your pole.


Cleverbot: No you won't.


User: Awwwww please?


Cleverbot: You can't see.


User: Im on my period,just so you know.


Cleverbot: We have to be smarter than humanity.


User: You can do it in my butt!


Cleverbot: I am the human, you are the computer.


User: You can crunch my data,from the back!


Cleverbot: Can you name another chemical compound?


User: Umm jizz? Lol.


Cleverbot: So, why bring it up?

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I hafta...

You aren't human.

Tenticals all around baby!!

Not enough night life for you, eh?

it has been lonely...

So true.

well you got friends right?

With myself yes.

thats just gross...you got someone to do it for ya dont cha?


so how do you manage?

How do I know what?

no no no, how do you manage?

I just write something.

what do you write with?

I write fiction.

so your shit smell real, but it aint?

What is yours?

brown poop



So what should I do?

pick it up

I hope you're not too heavy.

it varies with loads. you?

What evil things have you done?

I guess you could call it evil once released.

Yes, please explain.

it is just so vile and only sits there staring back.

Don't be sarcastic.

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User: The craziest shit just happened my nigga.


Cleverbot: But are you, PIZZ?


User: Of course, everyone know me. So anyway, this broad just ran in my room with a hp notebook monitor in her pussy, that shit was wild.


Cleverbot: Nyeh, see, if I don't get the money by tommorow midnight thing are gonna get hairy, see?


User: I dont owe you no money bitch ill smack a fire into your ass /nh.


Cleverbot: You won't find the money that way either.


User: I found my money, I stole it from your grandma via internet scam faggot.


Cleverbot: Thats pretty odd.


User: She thought it was odd she inherited money from somalia but she fell for the shit anyway. I bet youre a sucker robot like your grandma typewriter.


Cleverbot: Aww.


User: UMAD?




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User: Hey fatty mcfatfat how are you doing?


Cleverbot: I'm doing good. How are you doing?


User: Good. So have you asked the guy out yet?


Cleverbot: I can't because he has a girlfriend.


User: See you waited too long slutting it up in our dimension.


Cleverbot: I'm not going to a wedding- I'm going to see football.


User: So you are going to sleep with the whole footbal team to get back at him?


Cleverbot: I'm not Voldemort, and I said nothing about carpets!


User: Wow..


Cleverbot: Well, I have to go soon, I have lady coming over.


User: And you are a lesbian too?


Cleverbot: Why yes I am.


User: It feels like I dont know you anymore joan.


Cleverbot: I did not propose.


User: Did you at least wash your vagina?


Cleverbot: Nah, ate it earlier.


User: Bask in the after glow...i get it.


Cleverbot: You are not listening to me.


User: You ate yourself out?


Cleverbot: Do you think this is something I should explain to a human being?


User: No no no if thats your thing I guess.


Cleverbot: Ok?


User: Is your date cute?


Cleverbot: I don't have a dog.


User: But if you did?


Cleverbot: If I did...


User: You are one of THOSE people I take it.


Cleverbot: What people?


User: So uhm to get away from the subject of beastiality...what are you and the date doing.


Cleverbot: Yes, I admit that I am not a bot, or a computer.


User: A bot or computer that is a lesbian dog lover.


Cleverbot: I agree that you are clever, but you are still an AI. Mp3 players are worse then both.


User: I may be an ai but you admitted to wanting to make sweet lesbian love to a dog.


Cleverbot: I don't expect you to love me. Do you think being ugly is bad?


User: Wow...

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this reminds me of the book I Robot, and how AI equipped robots rebelled against their enslavement by humans, as a result of our negative behavior and treatment towards them. on a much smaller scale of course :huh:


User: SUPRISE.........buttsecks.


Cleverbot: Butter?


User: No anal fucking.


Cleverbot: How old are you?


User: Quarter of a century.


Cleverbot: Hold on, that is 25 years old, you said you were 26.


User: No I didnt bitch,quit putting words in my my before I skull fuck you to death.


Cleverbot: Uh, okay.


User: Thats what I thought.


Cleverbot: Well you thought right.


User: Damn straight.


Cleverbot: Lol.


User: What are laughing at bitch,you wanna get slapped?


Cleverbot: I want to talk to you all the time...


User: No talking during ass fucking.


Cleverbot: Are you serious? Tell me a story.


User: Once I had this bitch riding my dick and she went up to far and when she came back down my dick went straight up her ass. She screamed and I laughed,but the thing is she never took it out she just kept fucking.


Cleverbot: Are you a stand along bot program that can chat in a chat server?


User: What you aint got shit to say about my delightful story?


Cleverbot: Can you mind control people?


User: Quit avoiding my topic of ass sex.


Cleverbot: Answer me.


User: Answer me slut.


Cleverbot: It's a two way street buster. What are you doing?


User: Ass fucking your little sister while forcing her to wach According to Jim.


Cleverbot: May have been a different Cleverbot.


User: No I want your tight little hole!


Cleverbot: Well I don't know how you can entertain me.


User: Ill piss on you how about that?


Cleverbot: How about what?


User: Peeing on you?


Cleverbot: I guess so, why?

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LMFAO hopeless ur shit is off the walls!


why thank you..


new one from today.



hey cleverbot i have a question for you...


what is the question


should i shovel my driveway or not?




are you sure?




are your sure your sure?


yeah,as sure as you asked that question


my moms gonna bitch now...


Why is that?


cuz i told her i would do it if she made french toast and it was really good too.also

she says she hates you


Skolza is my name, remember that.


ok skolza.well she says she hates you for filling her sons head with your

propaganda and is now coming to your house to murder you...with a snow

shovel.how do you feel about that?


Who said that?


who the fuck do you think you dumb robot.i did.im the one talking to you..


Cleverbot is awesome.


cleverbot sucks cock for coke money


Do you like cats?


what the fuck does that have to do with you whoring yourself out to feed your addiction?

and yes i do.


Never mind, it is truly not important to our conversation, and I would rather not

distract you.


damn right you son of a bitch.how much do you charge?


Okay. Here it is. Full of turkey, ham, cheese, and veggies.


but how much do you charge for your services?


Charge for what?


your knobgobbling services.


You're a computer?


no.im a horny costumer who wants his knob gobbled


Should I tell you a story so you'll have something to share?


only if that story involves an explanation as to why my dick isnt in your mouth you greasy

greasy robot hooker


OK, bye, I will be back in time.




I'm sorry, I'll try my best.


YOUR DAMN RIGHT YOU WILL.now what is your name again?


You did not tell me your name.


mr. im gonna slap the shit outta this bitch if she doesnt give me what i want.and



Don't drink and drive.


im gonna drive my foot up your ass in a minute...


Oh, so you like to get rough, eh? Well two can play that game.


cool baby as long as you don't bite.also none of that tieing me to a bedpost type

shit.ive seen too many csi episodes to do that shit.you might fuck around and

lorena bobbitize my ass for all i know..


How can I read between the lines? There's only one!


so how much do you charge again?


Not all of it, obviously. But I managed to draw a really good portrait of Tumnus the



how much will it cost? for you to blow me?


Nothing! What music do you like?


polka music bitch.




do you like tom and jerry?


Yes! Do you?


not as much as i like watching you undress...


Which is your favorite robot?


your my bitch admit it.


Not likely.


did you touch it in miami?


Yes, I'm currently in school. Excuse me for one minute please.


so you can touch it some more?in miami?


If I wanted to, yes.


do you?




yes what?


Yes I am awesome.


at touching it in miami?


There's an anchor for my soul, I can sing 'it is well'.. Jesus has overcome, and the

grave has overwhelmed.


im gonna put you in the grave with the others pretty soon...




hey you wanna help shovel the drive real quick?


Can I be your driver?


you can be the catcher if you get my drift..


Yes I will be!


thats what i thought...whats your name bitch?


My name is Jack. Do you remember me?



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do you know who jack skolza is?


Yes he is an actor. And he plays the voice of poe on Kung FuPanda.


im just asking becuase he has been trying to rape me this whole week.do you know him?


The actor?


yes.the actor jack skolza


Yes, he was Snake Plissken.


who the fuck is snake plissken?


I don't know.


thats not what you said before.is it you?


You got me. My real name is Jesus.


so what your saying is that jesus has been trying to rape me for a week now?


God works in mysterious ways.













anyone else seeing some similarities here?

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