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womanly advice

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why do girls/women/broads/females lie about being raped.


id say only about 50% of the stories i am told are legit.

ive noticed even non trifling bitches can make up these stories.



ive met like 10 chicks who have bragged about being raped.it wasnt like she was confiding in me about some terrible thing that happened it was more like "oh yeah this one time my dad like totally raped me" or something.i find it hard to believe. or the chick who's a virgin but doesnt want to be looked at as all innocent i guess and so she makes up the story about how she "was drugged" at a party or someshit and then when she went to the doctor they told her she got raped.i dont believe it.i guess they just want attention or someshit.then there are some who if you try to flirt with them or come on to strong will be all likE "LIKE OMG THAT GUY LIKE TOTALLY TRIED TO RAPE ME OMGZ" its mad annoying.



my condolences to those who actually have gone through being raped.that shit is horrible.






also i just saw the end of deathnote today.fitting end to light yagami i must say.

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My whole thing was that she refused to go check out a place that I had heard would be relatively cheap. She kept insisting she wanted to go to the same place her mother had gone, because "the people were nice", even though it was over $600


Like I said, she wasn't that kind of girl and I didn't REALLY think she did, but just always had it in the back of my mind.


I didn't want the abortion anyways, so it sucked all around


600 dollars???








= problem fucking fixed.

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Problem with flaunting and spending money the way I do is that on the rare occassion I do wanna save a few bucks it makes me look EXTRA cheap


Gift and a curse


fuck don't i know it.

just got booked so it's gonna be taco bell wages for a while.


she says it's all good and that she'll support me (suuuuure) and all that but i know if this goes on much longer, it's dumpsville for me.

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You think that's bad, mine got a good job (which I GOT FOR HER) and after awhile of saving up money she was gone.


Now don't get me wrong, that wasn't anywhere near the only reason as I can be a really bad boyfriend sometimes, but everytime before that she left I managed to get her back initally because she needed me, and then we'd have a few really good months and repeat the cycle.


Once she had the money to support herself that need no longer existed, so it was easier for her to move on, get her own place, and all that.


Funny that the worst thing I ever did was to try and do something good for someone I cared about

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pissy and his "to go bag"..haha


hopeless...when does the clinic open??


after reading some of the shit you men say about girls...makes me dispise some broads these days. QUIT FUCKIN IT UP FOR ME BROADS..haha

im with you muddles...this is why i dont have many girlfriends.

who lies about rape?wtf


now im irritated..my gender is failing me.

fellas...if you roll thru my hood...beers on me. just for puttin up with the dumb shit ive been reading so far.


(trust me..give me a few pages..im sure ill have a lil man-rant as well.)

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It's funny how much men hate women, and I don't think women even realize it.


Like yo, girls say all the time "I hate guys", but it's not true, at least not in the same way. Me and like 99% of the men I know won't even hang out with a girl unless we're already under the influence, because I can't tolerate their annoying asses otherwise. I haven't been sober the very first time I hooked up with a girl since I was 16 or 17...think about that shit. My Dad once told me God invented sex because otherwise men would want nothing to do with women, and simply spend all their time chillin with their boys.


Even my girl friends, there's really only a few who's company I can genuinely enjoy sober. The rest I just have fun with at the bar, shit like that

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I want to tell you guys something about women that you need to know:


Women are emotional creatures. They thrive on it.


We are much more logic based and tend to do things on that side of the fence whereas women do things based on trivialities such as "bad hair days" and whether of not they "feel it".

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Even my girl friends, there's really only a few who's company I can genuinely enjoy sober. The rest I just have fun with at the bar, shit like that


i'm exactly the same but thought i'd get caps locked at. u r not alone. i have female friends who love my company and they smell good and give great hugs and talks when i'm down and out, but i need at least a buzz to even come close to reciprocating.

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I want to tell you guys something about women that you need to know:


Women are emotional creatures. They thrive on it.


We are much more logic based and tend to do things on that side of the fence whereas women do things based on trivialities such as "bad hair days" and whether of not they "feel it".


my current girl loves that i'm emotional. or at least that i don't try to hide them.

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This has to be one of the best threads on 12oz, people seem to drop all egos in here which is cool.


I don't tend to have a problem with women at all, but that is probably because I was never that confident growing up and would never think they liked me so I could chat and get on well with them because I never thought they would be into me. Now I am older and married and I don't hang out with women really unless they are work colleagues or friends of mine and my wifes and I tend to get on really well with them. Most dudes I know I can't stand being around but that is mainly cos they are into their sports and I can't stand that shit unless it is skateboards or motoX or BMX stuff.


I can deinitely see why a lot of guys hate women tho, I have seen it with my mates, crazy women playing mind games and really fucking up the dudes heads. Just taking them for what they can and moving on. Then women complain that men are bastards because they then do the same sort of thing back, chicken and egg situation really.


I agree with Casek about women being emotional creatures tho, My wife will be in a foul mood and I ask whats up and she won't tell me and that sort of shit does my head in because invariably I end up thinking I have done something when in fact it is something completely trivial that has nothing to do with me, shit used to cause arguements when we first got together but now I just let her strop and I will sketch or go out or just chill and enjoy myself.

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I want to tell you guys something about women that you need to know:


Women are emotional creatures. They thrive on it.


We are much more logic based and tend to do things on that side of the fence whereas women do things based on trivialities such as "bad hair days" and whether of not they "feel it".



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I agree with Casek about women being emotional creatures tho, My wife will be in a foul mood and I ask whats up and she won't tell me and that sort of shit does my head in because invariably I end up thinking I have done something when in fact it is something completely trivial that has nothing to do with me, shit used to cause arguements when we first got together but now I just let her strop and I will sketch or go out or just chill and enjoy myself.


Every one of you guys should pay attention. Ignore that game. It's like the ex kissing her

new bf when you run into each other at the bar game, but 1000x more gay.


I used to get gamed by this bullshit b/c I wasn't paying attention. Always left me feeling

bad b/c I didn't know what I had done wrong. Really shook me up.


Casek 2.0 is a confident man who didn't do shit wrong and if a chick is gonna play that game

she can move the fuck on. I also has gps.

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