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Things you Hate Appreciation thread..........................

Poesia [ ] T

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Re: Shit you Hate Appreciation thread..........................


i hate when i have been sat down for a while, or even for no apparent reason at all, my dick decides to piss in random directions during pee pee time.


especially when im pissing in public or at a friends house.



dick leakage when intoxicated after zipper is closed.

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Re: Shit you Hate Appreciation thread..........................


asecho, if you want to get technical hes yellow ,but anyway I didnt mean to hurt your feels buddy. thanks for taking the time to call me out on my post did i hit a nerve or something?



As for me replying, no problem man; you took the time to reference me, so I thought I'd return the favor. Besides, what else is internet lurking for? Regarding him being yellow, while this is technically true, I think it is well understood that on the Simpsons white people are portrayed as yellow. And no, you didn't hurt my feelings. I realize you were joking - hence my semi-joking reply. Cheers.


Why I hate beyonce? She is an untalented whore who does nothing other than encourage other no-talent sluts in their debauchery and unmerited feelings of grandiosity (independent women stand-up!)

For further research, check here-




And here-


Or simply proceed to the nearest bar on ladies night and wait for one of her caterwauling abortions to play. The ensuing shenanigans are my reason.

Another person I hate;


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Re: Shit you Hate Appreciation thread..........................


i hate when you wash your dick after sex and the girl gets all offended




Amen to that.


It's like I know she smell dat too, she can't be enjoying dat aroma.

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Re: Shit you Hate Appreciation thread..........................



eating to much meal food to eat ice cream right after.

not having a car.

not having money.

wanting a dog but ^




ford mustangs.

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Re: Shit you Hate Appreciation thread..........................


Parents that shout and swear at their small children.


Girls that refer to a group of male friends as "the boys".


Black kids that give it the big one every day of their life.


People that don't say thanks when you hold the door open for them.


Customers at work who bring up the fact they have young children as a reason why they MUST have their shopping delivered.


Having college work to do and sitting on Facebook or 12oz putting it off when I should be getting it done.


There's loads more but I should be finishing my assignment!

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Re: Shit you Hate Appreciation thread..........................


fat girls that think they're pretty.


this gay club music.


not having a job.


stupid movies that i waste 2 hours of my life on.


forgetting you left a beer in the freezer.




girls that dont know when to shut the fuck up.


blacking out.


security gaurds that take their job WAY to seriously.


fools that stop you to preach at you and ask if you die where do you think you'll go, heaven? or hell?

its like, i dont want to be a dick but i really got to take care of something, so fuck off. please.

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Re: Shit you Hate Appreciation thread..........................


1) ex-girlfriend.

2) painting over the bar.

3) weak drinks.

4) bad weed.


thankfully, i'll be fleeing the country (for good) within the next couple of months. that should solve at least two or three of those "problems".

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