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  1. Funny how the snitches are on here talking about beat downs and hoping no one gets caught... Oh man cops are out guess we can't go do hollows and 30 crew tags on one wall. Get mad because toys go harder in the street, if it woulda been one of the people whos nuts you all ride ya'll woulda cummed your fucking pants. Get over it people are mad about graffiti...imagine that. Stop running your fucking mouths and giving fucking names out.
  2. Lofis killing right now. Wheres the flicks at?!
  3. Oh man someone is writing the same word as someone somewhere else. Real writers paint snow flakes and finger prints
  4. Yea, in a rush though thats why I only got the wide flick
  5. *pause* so if enme is as good as me, that makes him better than you also right? And I hope your not comparing your stock cap, dusty, bland ass, unimproved in years tag to mine? You get good spots homie, no denying that, but you needa start making better use of them. Spots that snap, zeek, and like wise would pull of atleast a hollow, you do a four foot tall stock and because you talk a big game and are friends with a few people you're "good"? Ha, you can paint, I seen it at a chill, but you cant on the streets and even your trains. Maybe you needa do more acid to paint better. Fools like you and yalls "I'm big shit because my friends bump me" attitude that'll keep this city having perpetually shitty graffiti. And enme your adorable /end rant, let the next hurricane whipe this city off the map.
  6. Look tomes and enme, heres the plan. All the paint you two aquire to go do your shit...just give it to the rest of us, your wasting it anyway. So why not give it to everyone else who can make better use of it. I mean practice can only take you so far and its obviously not working for you two.
  7. No doubt, I wasnt arguing your point. Only speaking from my experience with the kid. And the hipster graff comment was unrelated.
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