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The Ruin A Wish Foundation


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granted. the rain stops and everyone is happy until a 9.5 earthquake rips through downtown wherever the fuck you live at and everyone you know and care about is dead.except you who managed to survive but lost your legs. given the current economic state no aid is sent and you spend the next 3 weeks crawling through the rubble and the dead bodies trying to find food or whatever..and your legs. you eat the bodies of your fallen neighbors and drink from water puddles when you can. finally you find help and they take you to the nearest hospital.your extremely relieved at this point but unfortunately you have contracted cholera and hep c from the puddles you were drinking from.you could have been saved but your immune system was too week from the loss of your limbs.tough luck guy.you die alone in your hospital bed with projectile diarhea...



i wish i could go home now..

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also frate.


granted but you spend it all on blow and hookers and now you sleep in a cardboard box right next to me...


i wish i wasnt living with my grandma.this bitch is really annnoying me.always nagging and bitching and complaining and talking down on me. i left a wrapper on the counter and she totally flipped out and screamed at everyone in the house for like fifteen minutes before going back to cleaning.

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Granted... But then u end up moving in with a 478 pound prostitute who makes u shoot up heron in her gooch and beats you for no reason everytime u fall asleep... Then since she only has room in her bathroom studio for one bed you often wake up to her having sex on top of you with truckers that have never heard of the word deorderant....



I wish the ren & stimpy show would come back...

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but you had to get hair plugs to have it. You have now contracted Graft-versus-host disease and your plugs are sucking all your nourishment out of your body causing your big guts to eat your little guts. Good luck getting a coffin in one piece!


I wish I had a taxidermy ram head to mount on my wall.

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