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The Ruin A Wish Foundation


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granted but a few months from now you get arrested for not paying said ticket and are sent to jail where you are raped repeatedly for the entirety of your stay.in defense you kill one of your attackers only to be charged with their murders.you spend the rest of your life getting anally sodomized by the prisoners on death row until you are finally executed.only thing is the new executioner somehow fucks it up and it takes 3 tries.all very,very painful.right after your death you are exonerated of all charges posthumously and money for damages are given to your surviving family members who forever live the sweet life but forget all about you..


shoulda paid that speedin ticket nigga.




as for me i forfeit my wish to the next one in this thread who now gets two wishes instead of one.

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granted, but they finally arrest you for stealing books on campus to fuel your heroine addiction you fucking scumbag. you are given the chance to roll over on your dealer or do a year in butt rape prison, and you rolled over on your hook up. not only are you going to hell for snitching, the devil himself shows up at your door in the form of a pissed off asian with a samurai sword - a Yao Ming Cartel assassin! you pull out your replica samurai sword from your collection of samurai weapons... now is your chance to shine samurai! too late! this motherfucker hit you with a chinese star in your gooch as you bent over to pick up your sword, then you impale yourself on your own sword.... see you in hell motherfucker!


i wish i had an english bulldog puppy

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granted but you dont know how to care for it correctly and it builds up a resentment for you. one day if breaks out of the yard and is missing for a week or so. you are distraught by this and cry night and day, naked on you couch eating ice cream. one day your beloved bulldog comes home. but unfortunately for you he has contracted rabies. this, coupled with its deepseeded resentment for you causes him to pounce on you and eat away at your face and your exposed genetalia regions. you are ripped to shreds by this event. you go to the hospital to get patched up. in the end you are scarred for life and are considered a monster. soon an angry mob forms to kill you becuase your so hideous and everyone hates you for scaring their kids. so you escape and the people hunt you down using the excuse that you dont have your rabies shot and are contagious/crazy. you spend the next year running for your life,living on food you scavage from the dumpster and stray cats when you can catch them. one day, to your dismay your are caught and tortured for weeks on end for scaring their children and eating the peoples kittie cats. finally you are burned at the stake. when you finally get to the pearly gates you are turned away becuase of your grotesque appearance, which would ruin everyone elses paradise becuase they would have to look at your ugly ass for eternity,and no one wants that(dont feel bad you wouldnt have made it in regardless) anyways you spend the rest of eternity in hell getting raped to death with the devils pitchfork becuase your to hideous for him to actually rape and he is unable to get an erection in your presence.



thats what you get for trying to copy me nigga




i wish i had a milkshake

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