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Google Earth will track cars


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This is one of the awesomestest and scariestest technology demonstrations I've seen in a long while: Georgia Institute of Technology's students are using CCTV video to map actual vehicles and people into Google Earth. Why is this scary? Right now, all the data displayed is anonymous, which makes up for a cool looking technology. You could see a football game in real time or the actual traffic in your route to work. Eventually, you will be able to see clouds moving, the weather changing, and even birds move in real time.

Now, put on your tin foil hat and imagine.

Imagine that someone is able to tag you in some way. In theory, it could be as easy as having access to one of the CCTV cameras and this system. You mark a car on the screen and, provided that you have enough cameras along the way, the technology would be able to follow the vehicle wherever it goes. In England, for example, this will be really easy to do, because there are CCTV cameras absolutely everywhere. And let's not talk about RFID tags.

Of course, I'm sure that no government agency will be interested in using this for controlling someone's movements. Why would they?

Now, excuse me while I go pack and move to an island in the Maldives. [PopSci]

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google earth is going to make watching crack and meth heads the most amazing thing ever
























man i have plans of giant signs and hotpants on my balcony in january if it works like i think it will.







on a side note.







dear casek,

if you have leet connections to makers of cracked warez. specifically AIR and H2O.

can you ask them to stop putting uber gay music in their keygens and setups..

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Nah, you can watch vagrants jerk off in dry riverbeds though. NH.



fuck that im game for watching fat women sunbathe by their pools in the suburbs.



real time red lobsters b...




















real time

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They can watch me do whatever the fuck they want.


Dude's are gonna' be like...


"Oh shit! Bojangles is out drinking ...again."


"Damn he just farted ...again"


"LOOK! He's hollering at a girl out of his league ...again."


They'll change the channel after awhile.

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