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Bacon related rant.


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This is super menial but it pissed me the hell off today.


Okay, well at the moment i am living in a share house due to getting evicted from the house i was living in, it's kind of like off campus student accom. Theres a bunch of alright people who live in the same house, theres 2 Korean girls one with bosoms the size of watermelons, a Mauritian dude and his girly who i smoke up with. There all good but theres 2 dudes from Saudi Arabia. they are kinda weird and keep mainly to themselves until it comes to my cooking habits. From what i can pick up there pretty hard core into their religion, they have never had a sip of booze and have never eaten pork. This is were the problems comes up, these dudes get all pissy when i fry up bacon and they come out giving me dirty looks and asking me why i eat the stuff, not to cook it in a fry pan they will use. I dont really understand the reason their religion forbids it but im sick and tired of having to cook dinner like a ninja, creeping around frying my dinner in a second to avoid there bull crap.



Im respectful to all cultures but bacon is my right and i will commit a jihad on any mother fucker trying to ruin my bacon experience.


Use this thread to complain about people you live with.

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This is super menial but it pissed me the hell off today.


Okay, well at the moment i am living in a share house due to getting evicted from the house i was living in, it's kind of like off campus student accom. Theres a bunch of alright people who live in the same house, theres 2 Korean girls one with bosoms the size of watermelons, a Mauritian dude and his girly who i smoke up with. There all good but theres 2 dudes from Saudi Arabia. they are kinda weird and keep mainly to themselves until it comes to my cooking habits. From what i can pick up there pretty hard core into their religion, they have never had a sip of booze and have never eaten pork. This is were the problems comes up, these dudes get all pissy when i fry up bacon and they come out giving me dirty looks and asking me why i eat the stuff, not to cook it in a fry pan they will use. I dont really understand the reason their religion forbids it but im sick and tired of having to cook dinner like a ninja, creeping around frying my dinner in a second to avoid there bull crap.



Im respectful to all cultures but bacon is my right and i will commit a jihad on any mother fucker trying to ruin my bacon experience.


Use this thread to complain about people you live with.



lay with her, you will feel better.

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I used to have a nice set of copper pots when I was living at this one boarding house in Berkeley with a bunch of foreign students (not much different than you). This one dude from Argentina would always use my pots to cook meat (which I don't eat) and then proceed to not wash them out. I got heated with him a few times but he didn't get it...I finally resorted to just keeping my shit in my room. So it was a similar situation, but I would never get mad at someone cooking meat or whatever they wanted to eat as long as they weren't grilling skunk assholes and rubber bands or something equally gnarly.

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I live with cool people but there's a couple here who blow up into wild arguments at least once a day. I feel sorry for the dude cos his bitch is crazy. She accuses him of cheating if the train is delayed and he gets home 20 minutes late. Then when she's losing the argument she just puts crappy music (Nickelback, Evanesence, Chris Brown) on really loud and kicks him out of the house. On the up side I can cook as much Bacon as I like, whenever I like.

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I GREW UP WITH LOTS OF PEOPLE like this. they are stupid fundamentalist morons who obviously never heard about the antibacterial properties of soap. ask them why, since the god they pray to is "most forgiving, most merciful", if they eat even a bacon molecule, they think they will be banished to hell. i guarantee they will give you some bull shit about how they cant eat anything that has even touched a pig, or they will go to hell.


just grind up some bacon and put it in their hummus

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i've lived with vegetarians in the past and they get this same way. no offense shai, but a lot of vegetarians/ vegans are extremely self righteous and will take any opportunity to try and convert or just dennis miller fag rant. it's like motherfucker i don't talk shit on the over priced cardboard burgers you eat, the dishes get sanitized in a fucking dishwasher, end of argument.

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i've lived with vegetarians in the past and they get this same way. no offense shai, but a lot of vegetarians/ vegans are extremely self righteous and will take any opportunity to try and convert or just dennis miller fag rant. it's like motherfucker i don't talk shit on the over priced cardboard burgers you eat, the dishes get sanitized in a fucking dishwasher, end of argument.


I don't care as long as I don't know. Wash the pot, put it back, no one's the wiser. It's more like bad roommate manners, especially when you've been told twice.


I don't care what other people eat anymore. I used to think it was a big deal, then I realized my bad habits were probably going to catch up to me in the next ten years or so. So fuck it.


Like George Carlin said, we're all going to be inhabiting a giant smoking ball of shit in about 40 years anyway...who cares what someone else eats/smokes/drinks? Live it up. JUST WASH MY GODDAMN POTS WHEN YOU USE THEM.

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theres 2 Korean girls one with bosoms the size of watermelons,


Pics please...


also they are Muslim and they see pork as a dirty animal. There is a dude I work with who also says the same thing....


Fuck them, more chocolate covered bacon for me :)

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put bacon in the fruit loops or whatever they eat surreptitiously of course.


if things escalate apove that im pretty sure if you kill them and use bacon hating as your defense you'll get off scot free.



98% sure.

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