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shits got to stop


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Takes alot to get me shook. Ive had maybe 5 serious

relationships. Probably 40 hookups I never called back. Sex is easy come easy go. Which leads me to this. I had a girlfriend. It lasted 4 or 5 years. She treated me indifferently, stole from me, not even that good looking (off brand generic asian) caused me problems. I mean... the list goes on and on. The only positive quality I could say she possessed was loyalty. Now the bitch lives 3K miles away and has a girlfriend and every couple months she decides to start text messaging me and calling... Its been going on for more than 3 years.


The shit fucks with my head. Then to make it stop i end up saying a bunch of mean shit.

Makes me feel like an asshole but then again.

what positive anything can come of this

what is it that she wants

is this normal?

I wouldnt bother making a thread of it but the shits about as irritating as the flu and it lingers in my head for days

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Long-distance relationships are a waste of time and it's basically just asking for endless drama, guilt trips, and nights spent wishing you were getting laid when you aren't getting laid but could be getting laid if you weren't suckered into thinking that two people separated by half a country can actually make something work and stay in love.

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Also, the only time I think anyone should try to make a long-distance relationship work is if one of them is in prison.

Then at least you have sappy letters and money on your books to look forward to.


If you aren't in prison, all you have to look forward to are late night drunk calls fueled by paranoia that end in one person losing sleep and being highly aggravated while the other person says shit that means nothing and is just wanting to excite emotions.

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fuck that chick yo...

my ex girl caused me a shitload of problems...

she would always argue over dumb shit that dont mean nothing,

her parents hated me and called the police on me frequently

for random acts of crime i never commited, and a whoooole bunch of other shit..

im not even gonna begin with stories cause i doubt anyone will read it,

but when shit like this comes along your way you gotta basically weigh the options...

when me and o' girl broke up i sat down, rolled up a blunt and thought to myself,

"ok this girl means alot to me... i really care about her.. obviously she dont feel

the same way for me... what positive thing would come out of us getting back together..?"

and the answer i came up with is nothing... cause she was on some other other...

so i left it at that and said kick rocks ho and moved on... she sent me a message

a couple weeks ago saying how shes in peru and she knows i dont wanna talk to her

but she wants to wish me a happy birthday... nice gesture no doubt, but i still hate that bitch..

and even if she does come back and wants to chill and i end up smashing then so be it..

but i aint gonna put myself through all the dumb shit again ya dig... i basically took all

emotions and feelings i have for her and toss them out the window since i know what shes on...



long story short, dont sweat it yo and keep doing ya thang...

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I dont want a long distance relationship. I dont want any relationship

with this girl. If she still lived nearby i would consider sending my girl cousins

to rock her.

I just dont understand her motivations.

Does she somehow wish we were still together?

I mean... i asked nice. I was like. You start trying to

contact me and it fucks me up in the head.

Bitch. You 3000 miles away. I dont care if its beautiful there and

you are watching Wristcutters


3 years is a long time. I moved on but the bitch likes

to pop up from nowhere. I would be lying if i said there

never were feelings there. strong ones. Im trying to let

sleeping dogs lie. thats all i want

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I haven't even read anyone else's response, but I'll tell you what to do. You drive that 3000 miles and knock on her door at 3am. Make sure she's asleep so when she opens the door she's all groggy. When she says "Hey, what are you doing here?" Scream as loud as you can, with your inner viking voice, this:




Then get back in your car and drive home. I recommend wearing doing the astronaut road trip, so stock up on diapers.

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she just wants attention. it feels good for girls to be still "wanted" even if its by an ex. if you dont like it, stop taking her calls and ask her politly to leave you alone. you need to to this to move on. but this is outta her own selfishness for attention. dont fall victim to this banter.


dont not catch yellow fever again

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everybody here is right. all good advice. Im just sick about it is all.

Its just that you wont catch me doing some shit like this. I dont try

to get at my X things. All it can ever accomplish is dredging up painful

memories and emotions. I dont want them doing that shit to me either.

Of course i want them to be doing well, I hope for them to have happy

lives and good times but the time for me to kno about them are past.

I try the civil good natured please stop approach and it doesnt work with

this one. If i change my cell number it will come via the home phone

instead. And now im stuck ruminating on the good times. The positives.

It just makes me sad. /noemo/ I would rather get kicked in the head

and have a 12 hour headache than get fucked with in the head and deal

with 3 days of depression. Shit i didnt ask for to begin with

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Long-distance relationships are a waste of time and it's basically just asking for endless drama, guilt trips, and nights spent wishing you were getting laid when you aren't getting laid but could be getting laid if you weren't suckered into thinking that two people separated by half a country can actually make something work and stay in love.


too true, I had a "long distance" relationship from Detroit to a girl in Chicago, which is only about 4 hours away. Late night paranoid texting, all sorts of shit getting lost in translation, not being able to get out there when planned due to work....naturally, that shit crumbled. Still feel bad about it. Maybe I should've just moved there:(

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It's all about boundaries. If interaction with her is negative to your head space then you need to set in place boundaries that either halt communication (my advice) or limit communication (a dicey proposition).


There is nothing mean about it and you do not need to be an asshole to get the point across to her and if all else fails they invented caller ID for a reason.


If you are still tied to her in a way that affects your well being then it will make it very difficult for you to move on and open yourself up to new and hopefully more fulfilling interactions with women.


You ask in your post what positive can come of this? Answer: nothing, nothing at all.


Some relationships can end in the romantic sense and become civil in the friendship sort of a way, but this is not one of them.



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see. that was the origional plan. I stole this girl from another chik.

my plan was to turn them both out with a discretely hidden video cam.

I was 50% successful. Got the 1 and not the other. Mind you the other

has hated me with a passion since. It took some time to get over this

girl. This is what makes it so difficult when she reaches out. We were on

the same wave length. Whenever someone let they guard down we

caught it and exploited it at the same instant. We thought alike and

i could count on her. She literally saved my life. If it wasnt for her i would

have been shot and left in a gutter off Harper and Van Dyke. Time is

supposed to heal all. And it would if she would just let it and leave it alone

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Time is

supposed to heal all. And it would if she would just let it and leave it alone


dont stress it homie..

its hard believe me if you really had a thing with o' girl,

but you cant keep on weeping over it... dont mean to sound like an asshole

but fuck that stupid bitch she just wants attention and is fucking with you yo...

she knows if she texts you or calls you whenever like that she can have you

sweatin her and knows that once she hangs up or stops answering your text

that your mind is going a million miles a second and probably pacing back

and forth in your living room reminiscing on "the good days"...

all in all its a game... and seems like shes kinda winning..

dont let her fuck with you like that.. if you gotta treat her then treat her..

sometimes you gotta be the asshole at times...

just like you said you're trying to let sleeping dogs lie,

let them niggas lie down and sleep then dont keep tossing them doggie treats ya diiiig...

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that shits fucked up. man dont beat yourself down (tyler durton) over that shit. sometimes the best thing to do is just let that shit be. years down the road youll still think about the crazy broad. but then a few more years or you start banging a AUTHENTIC non-generic asian youll be glad you left that shit alone.


curious tho. what that bitch steal from you?

and did she have that poppin-out asian butthole?

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