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i hate it when

- my camera dies at a spot i wont have a chance to get back to in forever

- drunk girls yell everything

- you cant remember something trivial and it bothers you for days on end

- qdoba closes early

- people talk about how fucked up they were last night and proceded to tell me all about their antics

- i have to shit as soon as i get to the spot with not restroom around

- i run out or doritos and ramen

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-when girls dnt know when to SHUT THE FUCK UP! i mean i havnt been talking for the last 5 minutes why are you still ramlbling bitch!!

-when your in the middle of a long ass text and someone calls you

-old people driving

-when you hit that stupid insert button on the keyboard and you try to delete the last letter you typed but it deletes the letter before that, yall know.

-when people dont know how to control their kids

- im hispanic, but when these fools tell you "im sorry i dont speak good english"when they just told you that perfectly

-salesman that use the word free to get you hooked, then say for only $35, fuck outta here

-fools that will talk shit to while driving but you tell em to pull over and they somehow find a way to get ahead of you

-when motherfuckers look at my wife

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-not being able to paint nearly as much as you want because you still don't have a car yet and cant get to spots :mad:

-getting all sweaty to the point you have to change shirts and wish you could shower

-being bored on a nice day knowing you should be out doing something but can't decide


-running out of bud

-not knowing what you wanna do with your life and worrying about it

-being broke


-walking when it starts getting super windy and your pant legs etc.. flap around

-getting poo on your hand when you wipe

-stepping out of the shower and having shit like hair etc.. stick to the bottom of your feet


-when your dog licks you right on the mouth


I could go on and on.

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-hate it when you spend $100 at the bar and youre not even drunk

-hate it when you buy weed thats not dried properly, then you leave the bag open, wake up the next morning and its like half the amount

-hate it when people ask if you got "an extra smoke"...nigga, with tobacco prices being what they are, there aint no "extras"

-hate it when you cant buy single philly blunts, they want you to buy the whole pack

-hate when i burn holes in my car seat

-hate it when i blow a speaker

-hate it when people flaunt bad tattoos

-i fuckin hate chicks with clefts on their chins, or bitches with acne, or backne, or ass acne

-hate it when your girls on the rag, and she aint down for blowjob day

-hate it when youve been tryna bag some broad for ages, then the one time shes finally down to fuck youre drunk as hell, the rooms spinning, you feel like youre gonna puke, and you just wanna pass out

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-you pick up a felony charge for something you didnt even know about


-80's in the day, 40's in the night

-everyone you know going on vacation and your stuck at home hanging out with strange potheads that nobody really likes

-having to save up to get 200 dollars

-cars that arent worth a goddamn thing but the owner says "hey, it runs." and then charge you 200 dollars even though nobody would buy it and it would cost money to get rid of it.

-friend zones

-asking a girl out and then realizing your in the friend zone

-girls who put guys in the friend zone yet continually flirt and shit like nothing happened

-when its warm as hell out but the sand is still cold for some reason at the beach


-girls on vacation in your town who dont want to be "slutty" even though they will never ever see be withing 500 miles of this town again

-four loko's


thats just a general hate list.

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when youre chillin with a group of people in public and you have to take shit, so you go do your business, but since you took so damn long, everybody knows you took a shit. and its this weird unspoken thing that you just took a shit, but everybody knows because it doesnt take 5 minutes to pee.

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