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What book are you reading? Part 20

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i still need to pick up a copy of 1984 and read it too.

all i read from orwell was animal farm back in high school.

but i keep seeing it popping up in this thread and also on "best 100 books of all times" lists...lol.


im gonna go to the library and see if they have the "large print" version of the book.

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i want to read war and peace one day...i actually downloaded it in pdf format either from manybooks or ebookee (i cant remember)....the girl im seeing also downloaded it...she has more time than me, but shes only made it into the first 20 pages or something lol.

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so i got about 1/2 way into snow falling on cedars, wasn't into it, saw it was on netflix, watched that and though, as a rule movies always suck in comparison to the book, i'm glad i didn't hang on for the second half of the book.


currently reading


its quite good, i like his style a lot, simple and on point.


i don't remember if i posted about charles portis "norwood" being very good also


up next, steinbeck "log from the sea of cortez"

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i want to read war and peace one day...i actually downloaded it in pdf format either from manybooks or ebookee (i cant remember)....the girl im seeing also downloaded it...she has more time than me, but shes only made it into the first 20 pages or something lol.


HOWWW can you read shit on those things...? i couldn't do it man.


so i got about 1/2 way into snow falling on cedars, wasn't into it, saw it was on netflix, watched that and though, as a rule movies always suck in comparison to the book, i'm glad i didn't hang on for the second half of the book.




not true. as a movie nerd i have to disagree.

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i want to read war and peace one day...i actually downloaded it in pdf format either from manybooks or ebookee (i cant remember)....the girl im seeing also downloaded it...she has more time than me, but shes only made it into the first 20 pages or something lol.


i wanna check that out too, and anna karenina.

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more over, every time I watch the film version of something I've read it completely replaces my minds image of the characters with the actors who played them


every time I read about frodo baggins I just see elijah wood goddamnit. I can't help it.


edit: in reply to fist for fucks sake...

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i have yet to see a film maker capture the greatness of my imagination and soaring of emotion that i've felt reading a great novel on film.


not even close.


what would your arguments be? i'd really like to know what your examples are.


not really arguments, rather a couple films i definitely didn't think "sucked" in comparison

to the book. first and foremost. a clockwork orange. then movies like the hours, the crucible, and Malcolm X(based largely on the autobiographical book). idk. perhaps i haven't read as much as i've watched. more recently i'd definitely have to say i liked the book version of "let the right one in" and "youth in revolt" better than the movie. "let the right one in" did not by any means "suck" in comparison. neither the version of the film for that matter. point being. in closer attention. i haven't read enough to really make that call. but as for what i have seen and read i don't think they did any injustice.

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i've only read and watched a clockwork orange and the crucible. clockwork was obviously a very good film, and probably the strongest argument that film can be done right to the book.


i haven't seen any of the others you mentioned so i can't comment,but i think that it is generally impossible, they are two vastly different mediums that aren't capable of mirroring each other, and maybe they're not meant to.


i particularly hate when great liberties or erasures are made, when the tone is changed (ALL THE PRETTY HORSES, wtf? what a disappointment) or characters are dropped (where the fuck was tom bombadil??????).

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Finished A Dance With Dragons a few days ago. Started Blood Meridian today on my lunch break.


ADWD is great.


Blood Meridian is also great.







Before ADWD was released I started a book called Lucifer's Hammer. ADWD was released before I was able to get through Lucifer's Hammer, so I put that down and started ADWD.


Lucifer's Hammer is highly recommended to anyone that likes dystopian, apocolypse, end of the world as we know it stories.


Now, the first 1/3rd of the book goes sort of slow as the story and characters are built (the disaster happens about a 1/3rd of the way through the book) but as soon as that shit happens, the book gets absolutely AMAZING. READ. THIS. BOOK.




So Seriously You Guys.

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