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Fuck Your 2012...


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Im pretty much sick of hearing my friends talk, and reading internet comments about how the world is gonna end.

So this thread here I started will hopefully clear things up a bit.


Im gonna try and keep this as short as possible cause long posts suck.




-The base of all the predictions is the end of the Maya calendar in 2012, which is supposed to mean the end of the world or a period of radical changes. In fact, the end of the Maya calendar is known as the end of the Great Cycle. People find it easy to believe in that theory because Maya civilization is known for advanced writing, mathematics and astronomy. It can seem like they really know what they’re talking about, but the truth is that the end of the Great Cycle is not the end of the world, it’s in fact a great celebration for the Mayas.


The astronomer Philip Plait has stated very clearly that the Mayan calendar does not end in 2012 at all, that it is like the odometer on your car, as each section of the odometer reaches 9 and then clicks over to 0, the next number to it starts a new cycle, so that when all the numbers again reach 0 all the way across the odometer - the last number will change from 1 to 2 and the new cycle starts all over again.




-Pole shift is a process that roughly takes 5,000 years to complete and doesn’t start on a specific date and time and the real truth is that nobody knows when the next one is due.


Planet X or Nibiru as some like to call it is a large hypothetical planet beyond Neptune. Why hypothetical? Because no one ever saw or proved the existence of Planet X. That’s also where the name X comes from; to represent the unknown. A lot of attempts were made to prove the existence of the planet, even by NASA, but without success.


2012 is not the first time Planet X is associated with some sort of prophecy. The last one was in 2003. Nibiru was supposed to pass near earth sometime in June 2003 causing the same catastrophes.



Ill stop here for now cause these two "prophecies" are the most common, although I will be more than happy to disprove any of the others if you like.

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Yeah but man, people are never wrong about this kind of shit. Remember when the media and everybody kept predicting that planes were going to fall out of the sky and all the nukes would launch themselves because of the Y2K bug? Us few survivors of that horrible incident can never forget and we have to take apocalyptic predictions very seriously now.

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Zecharia Sitchin



Born Baku-Azerbaijan


Citizenship-United States


Zecharia Sitchin (born 1922) is an author of books promoting an explanation for human origins involving ancient astronauts.


Sitchin attributes the creation of the ancient Sumerian culture to the "Annunaki" (or "Nephilim"), a race of aliens from a planet he calls Nibiru, which he believes to be in an elongated, elliptical orbit in the Earth's own Solar System. He asserts that Sumerian mythology reflects this view, though his speculations are entirely discounted by professional scientists, historians, and archaeologists, who note many problems with his translations of ancient texts and with his understanding of physics.




-From Wikipedia

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I'll cut the electrical breakers off at midnight on New years eve 2011 just like Y2K.

You'll shart if you are at the party.


thats a good one, although it would have to be done at midnight on december 20/21st 2012.


The y2k new years party I was at actually lost power for a few... lets say it was interesting at the least.

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maybe the mayans ran out of rock to scribe on, but they are the ones who killed millions of people to bring the sun "back".

wtf do they know....i think the bible says that people will" clame to know but only he will know, not even his angles know. "

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the human race will die way before the "end of the world"


the world has been here for 4.5 billion years.....in that time mass extinctions have happened all the time.


the point.... species come and go.....the earth stays.

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^ no, the earth does what i tell it, if i say shake a leg bitch you better believe it answers, and causes what you people know as "earthquakes" which is really nothing more than earth breaking off a heel on one of her shoes cause the bitch is in a hurry, and species only go instinct when they piss me off.



Originally Posted by T.S. Eliot



This is the way the world ends

This is the way the world ends

This is the way the world ends

Not with a bang but a whimper.


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^ no, the earth does what i tell it, if i say shake a leg bitch you better believe it answers, and causes what you people know as "earthquakes" which is really nothing more than earth breaking off a heel on one of her shoes, and species only go instinct when they piss me off.




haha....then us humans better not piss you off!:)

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