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What's The Last Movie You Saw: The Sequel


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finally got around to seeing transformers (yup, the first one)...after having it on my dvr for over a year.





it was good...i liked it....but all the stupid humorless comedy was really not needed.


dont watch the second one

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I thought it was wayyyyyyy too long.

I like long movies, but Transformers being 2 and a half hours long?

A bit much for me.

Plus, the comic relief they added to it was annoying...JAR JAR BINKS LEVEL ANNOYING.

Then it went all typical Michael Bay and everything exploded and heart strings got pulled blah blah blah.

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true, saw it couple days ago nice action and script.



saw today the movie is quite nice not something special but worth a watch.


the taxi driver i was talking to last night when i was drunk said this movie was bolloks. he also said his favourite film ever was kick ass, so i dont know how much of his opinion i can really take serious.

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wait...whats wrong with the second one?...i havent seen it, but was planning on it...now im scared..what sucks about it?


ehhh, i shouldnt say dont watch it because you'll never know how bad it sucks, but if you consider your time to be very precious and only watch decent/good movies, then dont watch transformers 2..unless you want to see 10 seconds of megan's tits flopping about

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ehhh, i shouldnt say dont watch it because you'll never know how bad it sucks, but if you consider your time to be very precious and only watch decent/good movies, then dont watch transformers 2..unless you want to see 10 seconds of megan's tits flopping about


that movie's worth watching and i never even saw a nipple. transformers are hard asses

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