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The Beer Thread

H. Lecter

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I assume this got mentioned somewhere in pages back before i had internets over here, but i'm watching BEER WARS right now. pretty interestng, anybody else seen it?


Just watched it this morning on netflix. Really made watching the superbowl commercials interesting - the big 3 aren't selling taste, they're selling a lifestyle and appearance... good movie, wonder whatever happened to the Moonshot lady. Not sure how good a super-caffienated beer would taste...

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Worked the event yesterday. Ended up being used more as a server than anything else. That sorta sucked cus I didn't get to eat any of the food.


But I left with a couple liter bottles of Moonlight Toast and the Triple Rock Keyser Soze (which is a beast of a beer). If you could turn a russian imperial stout into a barleywine that's pretty much what the Soze is. It's at 15 percent. Fucking rugged.

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Fucking good (I'm horribly biased here). Basically an original microbrew place that closed. The brewmasters were trained by Shipyard's brewmaster, guess they got them to brew their old beers for them. Pretty sure it's a limited range of distribution. Their other shit is good too.






And as I've said before, Hitachino is good shit.

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Meh, in the aftertaste there is some hint that something in this was wood-aged. For some reason I keep trying their shit but remain unimpressed. On a related note, has anyone tried any of their special brews that come in the 22oz? Normally I might not care but I saw an article in a random mag talking about a scientist who studied ancient remnants of beer & brewing, made a molecular breakdown of what the ingredients were, and then Dogfish Head used those ingredients to make a few brews, think it's like Theobroma and Panagea as 2 of them.

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Meh, in the aftertaste there is some hint that something in this was wood-aged. For some reason I keep trying their shit but remain unimpressed. On a related note, has anyone tried any of their special brews that come in the 22oz? Normally I might not care but I saw an article in a random mag talking about a scientist who studied ancient remnants of beer & brewing, made a molecular breakdown of what the ingredients were, and then Dogfish Head used those ingredients to make a few brews, think it's like Theobroma and Panagea as 2 of them.



I buy the DFH 22oz bottles all the time, I recently had Squall IPA a less balanced version of their 90 minute and Sahtea which is a beer they made using a 9th century Finnish process of heating up river rocks to ferment the beer. I thought Sahtea was terrible, it had a syrup taste and was way too sweet. I also fucked up and let the bottle sit around for about 6 months and drank it after drinking some really hoppy beers so I'm sure this affected the taste and aging it resulted in alot of the flavors disappearing.


I think your referring to Theobroma (the beer created using a recipe derived from an ancient kettle found in Honduras).




Pangaea is a beer made with ingredients from every continent, I don't think its part of their Ancient Ale Series

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at 9 am.... fuck your hip beer. step your game down.... girls dig the cobra.




funny thing is, cobra has some kinda rep like 211 does, but shit's not even on the same page.... cobra ain't some bootpiss tasting shit.


Ummm yes it is. Don't kid yourself.

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and if you have any leftover Burton Baton I suggest aging it for a couple years, it only gets better

I don't want to linger on that argument too much again, but if it's best served after a couple years they should save the shit up & release it when it's in its prime. There's no beer that will last long enough to sit around on my shelf a few years. Shit, they may not even be around as a company by the time their shit is 'aged to perfection.'

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^^ the old standby. As for the dogfish discussion... I haven't tried any of those weirdo 22 oz's, but I've had the midas touch and found it surprisingly not-awful. That said I didn't love it. But I didn't hate it either. The squall IPA was absolutely amazing when I tried it, on its first release. It's back out now and from what I understand, the recipe might be slightly tweaked this time around, but I can't testify to that.

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^^ the old standby. As for the dogfish discussion... I haven't tried any of those weirdo 22 oz's, but I've had the midas touch and found it surprisingly not-awful. That said I didn't love it. But I didn't hate it either. The squall IPA was absolutely amazing when I tried it, on its first release. It's back out now and from what I understand, the recipe might be slightly tweaked this time around, but I can't testify to that.


I had the Squall first release last summer, it was good but just a little too unbalanced. I had the second release last week and thought it was much improved.

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