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The Beer Thread

H. Lecter

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ok...so im going to visit a buddy of mine in l.a, and he swears there are no good bars out there, i dont know if hes just being lazy, or maybe the part of town he is in there really is nothing, but i figured i would ask if anyone on here has any good recommendations....def. not looking for anything crazy just a chill environment to try some local beers....food recommendations and really anything else are also welcome, I just didnt want to make a whole new thread....thanks guys!

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Came across this Harpoon Ginger Wheat, one of their small batch brews. Wheat beer w/ ginger/lemon/honey, 7%. Pretty good shit.


Anyone in here from MA or surrounding area been to the People's Pint? They have a similar brew, higher alcohol content, think it's actually a braggot, fucking great.

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Sipping some Goose Island Bourbon County Brand Stout, 13%. Surprisingly good, I usually don't fuck w/ such a high alcohol content on beers, but the taste of alcohol is well balanced against the taste of stout and having been aged in bourbon barrels. This brew is definitely not ruined by the taste of alcohol.


Going along w/ the ongoing discussion of aging beers, this shit was bottled over a year ago, bought it from the store today. So....either it was released later after some aging (don't think so) or the local store couldn't sell it for a year, or just got it from a distributor who couldn't get rid of it earlier. The label says 'flavor will continue to develop over five years.' I don't know how much different this would taste after another four, but if it would supposedly be better I don't know why they wouldn't hang onto it and release it after 4 years of aging.


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Just had an Ommegang Witte. I noticed on the label that they are 'part of the Duvel family of fine ales.' This beer isn't bad, but when I was in the store I was considering a Duvel and opted for this to save a buck or two, not seeing this fine print on the label. Now, I'm thinking that it would have been worth the buck to have the Duvel instead. I've had a lot of decent 'Belgian style' brews, but nothing seems to ever beat the real thing.

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took a shot with this stuff last night:




'tis good. i'd recommend it.



hell yeah, i've yet to have an oskar blues brew that i didn't love.


also i miss riding hall ranch (great mtb trail a few miles outside lyons) with the crew and stopping at oskar blues before driving back to boulder.


and bump deschutes as well. my wife always has a sixer from them in the fridge, and i can easily drink any/all of them. good stuff


does anyone have access to any great asian beer stores? there is a single beer brewed in pakistan (my birthplace) and though i'm only about 20 minutes from the border, i can't find it/get it here. if any of you ever see a MURREE beer i will pay good money to get it shipped to my US home...

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