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The Beer Thread

H. Lecter

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So I figured there should be a new beer thread since the last one has disappeared.

The original thread maker deserves the credit (Chupacabra?) for the success of the last one.


ok so yesterday I went to a beer expo. it was invite only for liquor store and bar owners.

I am neither but the liquor store that I frequent has been telling me about this expo for the last year.

I planned on taking all sorts of pics. I brought my camera but I got so wasted that I can barely

type right now as I am trying to get through this hangover one key stroke at a time.


it was held here



a huge convention room was open with #50 booths


i got a tasting glass and a nifty little name tag that showed i was a buyer rather than a guest so people were

all trying to chat my ear off. I just wanted to drink.


Here were the breweries that were there.




















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i'll give you a run down off all that i had. i tasted around 120 beers.

even with a tasting glass it probably came out to around 25-30 beers

i am paying the price today but it was so worth it.



stiegl had a radler lemon soda.

total girl beer at 2.5% but it wasn't that bad

i wouldn't buy it for myself but if you had females to buy beer for this would be the one.







they also had a stieglbock which i never had before (7%)

pretty good but i am too much of a fan of the lager (4.9%) or the pilsner (4.7%) to buy it



founders cerise (6.5%) is a new one

another girl beer and uggh its gross. the stiegl lemon was much easier to swallow.

i really wouldn't recommend anyone trying it and having to suffer through a 4/6 pack

founders is one of my overall favorite breweries.



founders double trouble imperial ipa (9.4%)

even though i've had this a ton of times this has definitely made my top 5 list




last one for the moment

hitachino white ale (5%)

supposedly from japan (i have never seen it)

but has a belgian style similar to monarch and Blanche de Namur but a tad sweeter taste

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Great Lakes Brewing


I have always been a fan of great lakes. They have a distinct style with a variety of beers that are

not overpowering.






Eliot Ness amber lager 6.2% Burning river IPA 6%

out of their regular beers this and burning river are my favorites.

nice balance of malt and hops





Commodore Perry IPA 8%


I never had this before and it was quite good. Flavor wise the IPA is not too overpowering

a little thinner than most IPA, with a slight fruity after taste.





Grassroots ale 4.9%


They had limited quantities of this and said that it was new. Nice summer beer

with strong lemon flavor. I'd buy it maybe once but I like the others more than this one.

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Shmaltz Brewing


I have had a He'brew before, I forgot which flavor but it was thick like syrup and had a huge alcohol content that I barely could finish.

The Coney Islands however looked appealing to me so I went over to the table. The jewish guy running the table was a complete prick.

he was just going on and on and on about the beer hyping it up, then some older dude puts his glass out and says just get to pouring.

thats what you're here for isn't it? blab blab blab thats all you're doing pour the damn thing so dude takes his glass away and says no

I'm not going to pour you anything so get out of here. Then my girl tries to get a sample and he says i'm not giving you any either you've been here before.

Shes like wtf are you talking about no I haven't and he says oh, well here try this then, without even waiting to hear which one she wanted to try.

She admitted the beer was good but wouldn't drink it because he was a dick head. I however don't give a crap I just want my store to

start carrying it but it appears that they are pretty damn expensive wholesale so we'll see.





Albino Python

pretty good, although its labeled a white lager it tastes very similar to an ale. medium body

probably damn good in the summer time.






Human Bloackhead

Supposedly 10% but I have it labeled here as 8.88%, perhaps they lowered it

advertised as a new flavor only available jan-march. definitely a thick strong beer with a better taste

than that of the he'brews






Sword Swallower 6.8%

This one was probably my favorite of the bunch. real hoppy nice after taste.

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