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traveling through europe


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who's got some good tips and info for me? i'm trying to go through europe in mid aprilish and was

looking for some good programs to go on. i'm going solo, so i'm pretty much looking for a hastle free

and fun time. anybody ever do contiki? shit seems pretty tiredsome and arduous, but i also heard it

was fun.


if you got any info, shoot it out. thanks in advance


ps. i'm trying to stay around eruope for like 2 weeks-ish until the end of april/early may, where i'll link up w/ my sis

out in munich.




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Get the gulaschsuppe at the Ratskeller in Munich, wash it down with some Franziskanner Weiss.


Where else are you going?


i have no idea where im going before i reach munich. i'm seeking good 'ol ch. 0 to let me know wassup.

i've already been to spain and london so i don't want to head there too much, as i heard eastern europe

is pretty fresh and fun... any recommendations on where i should try to make it to?

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yup.. cheesiest movie evarrrrrr

saw was wayyy better

and touristas is even worse


lol yea but the part when her eye was oozing puss and blood was cool.


and when she jumps in the front of the train and the gore showers everyone, that was cool.


it served its purpose.


but anyways, my point was, dont let that happen to you. :lol:

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have fun don't listen to anyone do what you want to do!


if you have no idea what you want to do you might as well not go.



I'd go st petersburg, tallinn, riga, lithuania, poland (kRAKOW, gDANSK AREA,Prague, cesky krumlov, berlin, then down to munich. eastern europe nice and cheap nice beers good food, lots of history


don't do contiki that's for lazy fuckers you can get drunk in your own town witha bunch of people like yourself.

oh wait you only have two weeks well go st peterburg tallinn fly to poland prague cesky krumlov, berlin, munich.


Skip Vienna it's shit.

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I could say lots of things....


But I'll narrow it down to 2 places you should not miss: Venice & Nice.


Prague & Holland if you get the Chance.

I used to hate Paris, now I love it.

Florence is a waste of time, Rome is much better.



Italians are too stupid to scam you (I used to live there) just watch out for fat Gypsy bitches with 12 kids... they'll try to rob you.

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thanks for the replies. it seems ppl are calling out some of the countries i've been looking at.


anybody take the eurail before? how's it like?


Always opt for the faster trains: ICE, TGV, Eurostar ..etc.

If you have a eurorail pass, make sure to get reservations the day before, or a few hours before you leave. trust me here.


To save time and an night in a hotel/hostel... if you need to go a large distance, take an overnight train and pop for a couchette sleeper train. def try to get the sleeper car reservation in advance. you get on a train between 8-10pm, get drunk, pass out... 6am you are in a new country.

If not, day train trips are nice to see the countryside. Grab some wine & cheese and enjoy.

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you'll need more than 2 weeks....

get to europe and get an interrail ticket for a month or so. pretty cheap from what i saw.


cities to visit:

London, Paris, A'dam, Berlin, Barcalona, Madrid, Lisbon, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Oslo, Munich, Dublin, Bucharest and many more (btw, thats in no particular order)/

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