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You Ever Bust A Nut So Good It Made Your Knees Buckle?


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I never buckled from a nut... but I was smashing on the bathroom sink once and as Im standing there in front of the sink working on this broad, I got a leg cramp in my calf and buckle... this broad was laughing like a mutha fucka... I laughed once the cramp was gone... Moral of the story... HYDRATE MUTHA'FUCKAS!!!!

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ever let one go, and then you have to search for it to clean up? one time i was dating this girl, and while in between apartments, was sleeping at her aunts house. she ended up using her little cousin's bed, and during a visit i went commando on her. so i pull out, and can't find the towel in time and try to use my hand to cap that shit. unfortunately, some of my boys went airborne on me. i never knew the distance this thing could shoot, it's amazing. so anyways, i'm sitting there finishing up, and i'm worried that i just shot a load on this 9 year old's sticker book or something. so i'm looking around the little dudes room, trying to find the mess. then my girl says "i found it!" i turn around, and she's sitting there with her cat laying next to her. goes to prove that my boys know how to find pussy. i felt bad because i got the cat right on the head, but at the same time --how can you not laugh at that shit.

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ever let one go, and then you have to search for it to clean up? one time i was dating this girl, and while in between apartments, was sleeping at her aunts house. she ended up using her little cousin's bed, and during a visit i went commando on her. so i pull out, and can't find the towel in time and try to use my hand to cap that shit. unfortunately, some of my boys went airborne on me. i never knew the distance this thing could shoot, it's amazing. so anyways, i'm sitting there finishing up, and i'm worried that i just shot a load on this 9 year old's sticker book or something. so i'm looking around the little dudes room, trying to find the mess. then my girl says "i found it!" i turn around, and she's sitting there with her cat laying next to her. goes to prove that my boys know how to find pussy. i felt bad because i got the cat right on the head, but at the same time --how can you not laugh at that shit.


HAHA! My friend told me a similar story except him and this girl werew tripping acid and he couldn't find it anywhere, and the girls conservative christian mom came home right then and the girl ended up having it in her hair and so her mom noticed this, and sat them down to talk. So, my friend had to listen to some wacko lecture about sex being sinful while tripping. How is that for awkward?

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ever let one go, and then you have to search for it to clean up? one time i was dating this girl, and while in between apartments, was sleeping at her aunts house. she ended up using her little cousin's bed, and during a visit i went commando on her. so i pull out, and can't find the towel in time and try to use my hand to cap that shit. unfortunately, some of my boys went airborne on me. i never knew the distance this thing could shoot, it's amazing. so anyways, i'm sitting there finishing up, and i'm worried that i just shot a load on this 9 year old's sticker book or something. so i'm looking around the little dudes room, trying to find the mess. then my girl says "i found it!" i turn around, and she's sitting there with her cat laying next to her. goes to prove that my boys know how to find pussy. i felt bad because i got the cat right on the head, but at the same time --how can you not laugh at that shit.


props for that one!

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what you know hoe?



on a side note.

i finished with my lady.


im glad its over, she gets straight up stupid sometimes (during)

and as always, i have girl sauce on the bottom of my shirt.


but i love how the female orgasm makes a bitch stop trippin.

she was all bummin cause im leaving early tonight to paint.


now shes all "have fun!"





that rules

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^haha lol.

seriously, whenever we have problems, i just lay that pipe and everything goes normal again.


does that work for any of yall either?




but when me and my lady first started going out in highschool,

we used to jet to her place and make the beast with two backs, before her pops got home.


like an idiot i went bareback on her.

i pulled out too early, and i thought the nut was gonna be whack.


i was half right.


that shit just oozed out all slow,


then i had a last twitch out of fucking nowhere.


then a fucking buckshot of jizz lands right in shorties eye.


i thought she was gonna trip.


she started laughing.


thats when i said to myself 'i may have found wifey..."

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has ne one ever smashed a female so har u get a hip cramp?

that shit sucks.

rite when there about to catch theres to.ha

one time i was having sex with this one girl,like sideways,and i had a strange feeling in my groin area and i went to reach for my balls and i couldnt find one of em.i flipped out.i jumped up and was like holey shit weres my testie?!

and when i found it it was like in my pubic area above my peice.

shit was crazy man.my pprivates pulled a who deeny on me.

has anyone ever busted a huge nut that u got a headcramp?

this has happn 2 me multiple times..:mad:

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