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The Black Women Appreciation Thread


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keep talking shit and I will, my major support what I do. Fuck bitches get money, you definitely some little dude trying to get people amp up because he has no where to go on a friday night, maybe he has no friends and no girl wants to fuck him. I'm at school doing real shit, like getting and education and doing something with my life. Like I always tell ignorant assholes like you, I always get the last laugh. I'm going to so high in future than you are, we you look around, I already passed your ass three times you racist fuck. I'm telling you, keep fucking around and I will put your Social security number and everything about you on this forum, keep talking shit.

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im generally blunted on my 12oz time and i dont really have the motivation for a race war discussion and all types of shit this is supposed to be entertaining i'm not big on fighting on the internet anymore cus everyone learns where that goes so fuck it .. ill stay out of any threads like this if it makes you happy because i dont really reply to threads for any real reason i generally go into every single thread and throw down whatever pops up without much thought for the fuck of it so i dont really think posts on a forum warrant the type of energy it would take to get all debate club about it that shit is killing my high so adios im ghost audi 5 thou'

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  • 2 weeks later...
I need a "How to pick up black women guidebook".

They are some of the most unapproachable women i ever been near.


yeah, thats definitely not true. Black girls like a certain type of white dude. They don't like wigger dudes that try too hard to be "hood" but are really not.

Black girls are like any other girl. Most women I've ever been with just want a man to be a man. To make decisions and take charge without being pushy and forceful. Women like that. Real women don't like wishy washy sensitive fag type dudes.

If you just act like they owe you something and your there to collect it, chances are she won't object. Persistence works for me.




(edited) to say...that I'm married to I don't have to go through all that.


What I like about black girls is they just tell you what's on their mind so you can deal with it up front instead of playing girlie emotional mind reader games like white girls do.

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