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FUCK irresponsible teen angst against the prego baby machine


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Hey people. I need a little bit of advice. Im not a mindless sheep i can think for myself but i would like some other advice.

Ok recently i was with my boy and we were going to go bombing.


We jumped the wall right by his driveway to cross the street ad were both kinda tipsy and i cross the street and i see a car coming and i slowly walk across the street to piss the car off.

It turns out to be a cop.


I jumped the wall right by the side walk instantly and throw my cans then jump back over and say im sorry. I said i was just trying to cross the street. and he see my friend throw a can over the wall.

he walks around the wall. and finds cans. He right away starts talking shit about graffiti. i didnt admit to any of the cans being mine.

He i drop my camera on the way and on the way back he spots it. It has flicks of several different pieces some at legal walls and shit some of them mine.


I didnt admit to it being mine but even if i did he couldnt prove the graff was mine?


HE hears rattling on my friend he asks my friend to empty his shit and he pulls out a can. five minutes later the cops finds yet another can on my friend.

But none are found on me.

He calls our parents and shit and tells them what happened and tells us we will get a letter in the mail to go to court.


For "Obstructing traffic" and " minor in possesion of spray paint"

For the traffic thing my defense will be the officer was obviously speeding when i was crossing the street.

and for the spray paint i will say that not a single can was found on me. only my friend.


I wouldnt be so worried but i just barely dodged a 2 year sentance a few months ago and it was made clear any more violations would fuck me.

Should i be very worried?

Do you think if i had to take it to trial i would win?

Thanks for any help i get guys.

Im really worried i have a child on the way and i really dont want to get locked up over some stupid shit.



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Re: FUCK the pigs


I wouldnt be worried.

I dont understand your logic in saying that you werent obstructing traffice because he was speeding, if you were jay-walking infront of a moving cruiser, thats obstructing. but it doesnt really matter cause thats probably just a ticket or small fine or something.

you can probably beat the possession charge as you didnt have anything on you, and they didnt directly see you drop any cans. just deny. deny. deny.

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Re: FUCK the pigs


I wouldnt be worried.

I dont understand your logic in saying that you werent obstructing traffice because he was speeding, if you were jay-walking infront of a moving cruiser, thats obstructing. but it doesnt really matter cause thats probably just a ticket or small fine or something.

you can probably beat the possession charge as you didnt have anything on you, and they didnt directly see you drop any cans. just deny. deny. deny.


thanks man for assuring me on my thoughts.

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Im really worried i have a child on the way and i really dont want to get locked up over some stupid shit.



Don't want to sound patronising here, but my first piece of advice would be DON'T DO STUPID SHIT. Good example would be walking slowly across the street to piss a car off. That's pretty stupid shit dude, specially when you have cans and shit on you. Seriously, you've got shit to take care of, shit that should have waited until you're an adult. You didn't wait, so now start acting like an adult and stop doing stupid shit.
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get your head straight, dude. as seeking suggested, drop out of the graffiti thing. not because i think you're stupid, but it's only bullshit if you're gonna be a dad. take care of your kid and grow up to be responsible.


that is all.


edit: christo-f took care of it before i could.

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