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Shepard swindles from VICE

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I hear you on that man.


For me it was seeing Ozzy's fat fuck son decked out in OBEY everything.


i remember going into urban outfitter's with a girlfriend, and seeing his shirts in there. i kind of stopped and took a double take, then said to her "what the fuck!"


it really was a grass roots thing when he was doing it in providence. he had this space, with a ramp in it, plus all his screens for printing and what not. he did giant skateboards, and t-shirts that bit, yes bit, on other logos from that time. i had no problem with that, and thought it was funny. but then he moved to L.A. and i don't know what happened. within a year or two i'm seeing shit pop up in urban outfitters. i mean, props to the guy for making money, but he killed a good thing if you ask me.



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I'm sure he was a nice guy and humble when he was coming up. Actually, I know someone who went to RISD around the time he was going there, and that's the story I got.


However, I hear that he's got a reputation for getting pissed when graffiti writers do their thing near him because...well, I really don't know, and neither do they. This has been told to me by different people in different cities, but since I have never met the guy I can't vouch for this.

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Shepard was cool in the old days. When I was a kid, he gave me a job cutting out sheets of stickers and cleaning screens and shit. I would show up when I felt like it, and then either work or skate the mini ramp and listen to husker du records. He would put up with my stupid fifteen year old questions, and he introduced me to a lot of amazing artists. He's worked really, really hard to get where he has gotten, so I give him credit for that. But the whole obey thing jumped the shark a looong time ago, long before I saw the first issue of Swindle and said "they want HOW much?!!?"


On the other hand, If Shepard dug up Andre the Giant's corpse and started sucking it's dick, it still wouldn't be nearly as gay as VICE. So I guess the whole thing is a draw.

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what sucks about shepard fairey is that he blatantly plagarizes artwork that is in the public domain and copyrights it as his own. personally, i dont give a shit about what he does, in fact more power to him, make that money. its just ridiculous that all he does is slightly alter someone elses art and pass it off as his own. itd be one thing if he just took it and made a shirt, but taking that shit and copyrighting someone elses creation is too far. every single one of you would be pissed if someone straight bit a letter off your style and then went so far as to say it was their own, prolly pissed enough to fight a motherfucker. just my 2 cents.

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He's worked really, really hard to get where he has gotten, so I give him credit for that. But the whole obey thing jumped the shark a looong time ago, long before I saw the first issue of Swindle and said "they want HOW much?!!?"


i think the best thing about this, was growing up with it. i remember when the stickers started going every where. then after a few years, friends would come back from other parts of the country saying "holyshit, i saw a fucking andre sticker in nebraska!" i definitely give him credit for what he's done with everything, and how far he's taking himself. i'll even go as far to say i like the stuff he's doing now. i don't really care if he's taking photos and reproducing them with silkscreens. people are saying he's taking other people's art, and blatantly ripping it off and making it his. other than photos, can you give an example of this?


On the other hand, If Shepard dug up Andre the Giant's corpse and started sucking it's dick, it still wouldn't be nearly as gay as VICE. So I guess the whole thing is a draw.


CO-SIGNED. fuck vice magazine. that shit should be recycled and used as tampons for aids patients!

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people are saying he's taking other people's art, and blatantly ripping it off and making it his. other than photos, can you give an example of this?


the poster formats and central images are copied from old propaganda posters, usually communist or socialist.I always thought he was better at speaking about his work than actually making it. Love him or hate him he put in serious work to get where he is. Dude is getting payed. A licensed clothing deal. Dude is absolutely making big $$ from that. Probably got about 1/2 a mil for signing the initial papers and about 10% a year of PROJECTED sales. ( just a guess )

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I actually like Shepard Fairey, despite the "hate" he receives.


I talked to him on like 3 different occassions. Seemed pretty cool to me.


The last time I talked to him, he was in L.A. flicking one of his paste-ups he did with a digital camera. Said something about how the buff rolls through that part of town pretty heavy, so he was trying to get a flick of it fast.


Dude's making cheddar now. He's alright with me.



I'm also glad he's promoting Obama.

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Probably got about 1/2 a mil for signing the initial papers and about 10% a year of PROJECTED sales. ( just a guess )



don't forget about all the design work his company gets. in the past year or so, he's done hi-profile work for such bands and smashing pumpkins and led zeppelin. they're steady working on good projects, which i'm sure have great financial kickback.

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