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I have a moral delema


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Here is a good resource I haven't spent too much time with on Semantic Webs:


EDIT- Peroxide beat me to the link for the wIred article.




and here is my own take on some of this:


We learn things. We remember things. We forget things. We create things. We guess at things. And lastly we imagine all of these things possible. How do we get an “artificial intelligence” to replicate all if any of these things? At what point will we be able to question the supposed differences between bundles of web services and an intelligent agent sorting through information to propose a specified answer to a specific question in a textual conversation between it and a human counterpart?


We all remember HAL. As do most of us remember Ripley’s conversations with Father and Mother in the Alien series. And even as humorous as Scotty’s mistake with an antiquated (by his standards) pc in the Star Trek movie where they travel back in time to save whales (he tries to talk into the computer through the mouse, gently as saying hello as to coax the machine alive). Yet they all have the conversational tone to them. While science fiction gives us an image and vision of how our interactions with intelligent machine agents may feel like, it doesn't give us much more than that.


How can we make a program that not only can understand our questions, but can yield entire answers about broad ranging concepts and entities within those concepts? The answer is to use a structure based on probability, statistical occurrence and the relationship between semantics and syntax to create what is essentially a working machine model of our own linguistic processes.




I can go on.


but I will save that for crossfire

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i got really really baked today and went to the MFAH. my friend had never been and i wanted to show him the crazy ass flourescent light tunnel thing.


even with a tomtom, we got lost for like 20 minutes driving around looking all the awesome graffiti that houston has. so it was actually kind of nice.

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Shit. I had a solution.


Just answer the door with all the lights out and spooky music playing in the background. Answer the door wrapped in a bedsheet, and say in a deep voice, "YESSSSSSSSSS?"


When the pizza person gets freaked out (they will) and says. "Uh.....here's your pizza," just say, "YESSSSSSSSSSSS! THE SACRIFICE!!!" and hand them exact change, then slam the door in their face.


They will get more mileage out of that stunt than any tip could provide.





this shit had me in stitches.


nabbing that next time I'm low on fundage.

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  • 2 years later...
Shit. I had a solution.


Just answer the door with all the lights out and spooky music playing in the background. Answer the door wrapped in a bedsheet, and say in a deep voice, "YESSSSSSSSSS?"


When the pizza person gets freaked out (they will) and says. "Uh.....here's your pizza," just say, "YESSSSSSSSSSSS! THE SACRIFICE!!!" and hand them exact change, then slam the door in their face.


They will get more mileage out of that stunt than any tip could provide.




haha I remembered this for a long time and me and a few people on this board did it on fri. it was amazing.

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Shit. I had a solution.


Just answer the door with all the lights out and spooky music playing in the background. Answer the door wrapped in a bedsheet, and say in a deep voice, "YESSSSSSSSSS?"


When the pizza person gets freaked out (they will) and says. "Uh.....here's your pizza," just say, "YESSSSSSSSSSSS! THE SACRIFICE!!!" and hand them exact change, then slam the door in their face.


They will get more mileage out of that stunt than any tip could provide.




bumping because it is very seldom the internet actually makes me laugh

and this did. In the middle of class... when im not supposed to be logged online

& browsing. My cover = BLOWED

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some people are nice and tip terrible

others want to be left alone and tip really good


I honestly dont like people. I dont like the ones I kno & I assume I wont like the ones I dont kno. People who work for tips are usually pretty charming but as I want nothing to do with them, I'm borderline rude so when it comes time to tip I feel guilty and over tip. I'm guessing thats the psychology behind my ways. Or maybe I subconsciously want them to like me even tho by default I dislike them. Or perhaps it's insecurity for financial ineptitude and overcompensation by fronting like I got it like that. Maybe it just comes down like I rather lose and look good than win and look bad... Or I could be over thinking this

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Shit. I had a solution.

Just answer the door with all the lights out and spooky music playing in the background. Answer the door wrapped in a bedsheet, and say in a deep voice, "YESSSSSSSSSS?"


When the pizza person gets freaked out (they will) and says. "Uh.....here's your pizza," just say, "YESSSSSSSSSSSS! THE SACRIFICE!!!" and hand them exact change, then slam the door in their face.


They will get more mileage out of that stunt than any tip could provide.






it's a shame so many of the older members barely post anymore

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