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House Arrest


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Anyone here ever done it? How boring does it really get?


I go back to court in like 2 weeks for a review, then I'm supposed to do one night in jail to get processed and come out to serve 90 days house arrest. I'll only be allowed to leave the crib for work, the doctors, or church.


I've been outta work for 4 months but finally hafta go back the beginning of March, so basically I'm lookin at 3 or 4 weeks of going to the chiropractor twice a week only and after that 2 months of just going to work



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This has the potential to do some good things for you. Find something you enjoy doing, and hone that craft. Start doing something productive. Yes it sucks that you have to do it but you have to make the best of things in all situations. Learn to write with your left hand. Work out like a mothafucka. Draw draw draw.


You could be in jail....

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Yeah I know it's way better than jail, I'm just sayin


Originally the judge wanted 90 days in jail...by lunch time that was bumped to 6 months house arrest (at which point I asked if I could just do 30 days in jail instead and was told no)...after lunch it was finally reduced to 3 months house arrest. Actually paying for a lawyer this time was a good idea


My team is definately gunna hold me down...mad of my dudes and skanks over all the time, partying it up and just pretending shit is all good. It just sucks for me cuz I'm not at all the type of kid to stay home much, nevermind for 3 months straight.


Plus I heard the ankle bracelet itches like a bitch

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Actually paying for a lawyer is ALWAYS a good idea.


Are you aloud to drink and shit on house arrest?

Or is it like parole where they check up on you and dig threw your trash?


Noone mentioned not drinkign as a condition of the shit...even if they do say something, I'm sure I'm not a top priority on their list and can find a way around it.


And as far as watching my back goes, pffft. Never that.

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I've been on house arrest 4 times.

It is boring to the max.

Word, son.


According to my judge, I was the only person in Austin ever to be on house arrest for 6 months pre-trial.

I did 6 months, then 4 months pre-trial.


I did it again for 3 months and then 1 month.

I cuts off the ankle monitors.

They look for me.

Sometimes they found me.


As to be expected, this thread applies to me.

I is a loser.


I have a stick and poke tattoo on my ankle that reads,



I do.

It's crap.

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Yeah, around here juvenile house arrest is an automated system calling your crib and if you miss the call you get like 15 minutes to call back or they come grab you


All I know for sure is I'm gettin an ankle bracelet, don't know the system yet

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