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coffie crave 7

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are on 12ozprophet, if everyone or a few people gave one doller through paypal to 12oz that would raise atlest 5-7 grand after paypal fees and minus the few people that cant give one doller.


with that money we should make some sorta contest to win the total amount raised...or give it to the site to buy more space or whatever, i dont know how that gose.



i dont know, think about it

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Active Members: 9,521


are on 12ozprophet, if everyone or a few people gave one doller through paypal to 12oz that would raise atlest 5-7 grand after paypal fees and minus the few people that cant give one doller.


with that money we should make some sorta contest to win the total amount raised...or give it to the site to buy more space or whatever, i dont know how that gose.



i dont know, think about it



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Radio station sounds cool. I'm pretty sure if members were involved you would get a nice interesting mix of music on there from all different genre's of music, or commentary.




an unofficial station is being set up. T4M and i. he plays oontz. surprised? i know i was.

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Guest shai_hulud

What Raven could do is set up a Paypal account that is earmarked as the 12 oz. improvement fund.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that a lot of the coding that goes into the site is actually done by Raven and PSM. But, let's say someone here knew how to code a low overhead Java applet for IRC...that could free up a lot of time for other things...sort of like how casek just went ahead and did the radio project.

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I always thought that a good idea would be as follows:


There are ALOT of taLented and very notable artists that post and or lurk on this site. If raven or whoever just put out the home office address and people all pitched in and donated some artwork or autographed published works, they could be used in an online auction or via EBAY to raise money for the site... People paint and draw things all the time that get thrown away or stuffed in a closet somewhere... idk, i just always thought that would be a cool idea, and its win/win for everybody.

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Active Members: 9,521


are on 12ozprophet, if everyone or a few people gave one doller through paypal to 12oz that would raise atlest 5-7 grand after paypal fees and minus the few people that cant give one doller.


with that money we should make some sorta contest to win the total amount raised...or give it to the site to buy more space or whatever, i dont know how that gose.



i dont know, think about it



Wy dont you do something good for the sight you use and donate $18. You get premium status for the year...

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Yo, i want to know about this radio project. I'm down with getting more active with the site, aside from posting. I remember the spectr radio thing that night, that was fun.


I have a friend who spins on a different forums radio, he'd be down for this i'm sure, if you guys don't mind teh oontz (house, dnb, trance).

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