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Heath Ledger Found Dead

Theo Huxtable.

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I think its kinda funny though how girls are freaking out about his death.

Me and my friend were walking behind a girl on her phone who apparently was pretty shaken up by it. She sounded like she was going to hyperventilate and die.


I am sayin!


My fucking roomates (i live with two girls) came home. 1st one is like OH... MY... GOD... DID YOU HEAR ABOUT HEATH LEDGER!? I was like yea that sucks. NO YOU HAVE NO IDEA! Oh my god he had a little girl and like a family and like like its a tradgedy and like oh my god I dont know I feel so bad OMGOMGOMGOMG LOOK ON TV THEY ARE TAKING HIS BODY OUT OOOOOoooOOOoOOoOOOo ITS SOOOO SAD! 2nd one Repeated the exact same thing...


I got tired after I heard it twice and just went. "OH MY GAWD... DID YOU HEAR ABOUT OUR ECONOMY!??!?!?! OMGOMGOMGOMG WE ARE IN A REEECESSION!!! Jeeeeze that means like soon youre not going to be able to buy like Clothes and like like stupid girlly shit or like NAME BRAND FOODZ because our money is going to be worth less and less and the cost of products is gonna be like higher and higher lawl that would be so bad!!!!!


They just looked at me and went. Juan...Somebody just died who cares about the economy...

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Celebrities must be like a drug for people. A nice way to distract ones self from the world at large. I don't get it. I'd probably want a refund if I knew half these cats in real life. Getting dead on my dime is a party foul.

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They just looked at me and went. Juan...Somebody just died who cares about the economy...


Sounds like your average American these days. I'm looking forward to this recession, maybe a few younger folks will pull their heads out of their asses.


Anyway, back to the dead dude...

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This is the convo I just had via email...



Me:How many times have you been asked if you heard heath ledger died today? I am going on almost 10...


Dan:Heath ledger died?


Me:Its like the biggests news of yesterday, google it i dont want to talk about it since its one of the biggest news stories that I could careless about. People have no idea that we are in a recession and our economy is crumbling but a dude who banged another dude in a movie dies and to people its a shot heard round the world.


Dan:what if tom yorke died?? would you be doing the same

Me:Thats still isnt top headline news though it shouldnt be anyways. Most important thing should be RECESSION IS UPON US REPENT REPENT!!! YO MONEY AIN'T WURF NUFFIN SON!!!!

Dan:This past summer while i was still at R. Lord Co. we were exiting off the highway to get to a job site. At the bottom of the on-ramp was a man in his mid to late 20's holding a sign. By the looks of his clothes and his facial hair, i could tell he was homeless. Normally you see these people holding signs that say "will work for food", but this dude was holding a sign that said:

"smile, it could be worse"....

Interpret it however you want, but think how bad it could be?

True story



I don't understand how that relates at all but ok...

Dude we are in a recession man its not good our money is going to be worth nothing! One reason why I want Ron Paul in office so he can change out economic system and back our money with something tangible(gold standard) rather than the government now just printing more money. Right now the way they plan to help get us away from being in a recession is to give $800 to $1500 to the people depending on how much you pay in taxes. The only way we can do this is A)print more money which will just drive the value of our $ down even further by putting us even more in debt or B) borrowing more money from china or some other country that we already owe a ton of money too further putting us in debt. Our dollar isn't backed by anything with value its just backed by more and more paper its bogus. They plan to fix the recession by driving us further into it. It makes no sense...

Dan:okay political activist... if you can prove how one man can change the economy by making "promises" (filling our heads with Idealistic dreams) then i think you should be the next president. Ron Paul can't change the economy, he can only change our attitudes by instilling us with a false sense of hope.

The story had nothing to do with politics... the story was for your own interpretation, take it how you want.


Me:Thats not true, how is it a false promise when he has plans and has researched ways to do it. They aren't idealistic dreams they are facts. When you back your money up with something tangible (i.e. gold) then the value of your money can only fluctuate with the value of that tangible material. You cannot produce that material therefore you cannot flood the market with it and drive the price of it down (like we our doing with our money) therefore making it a stable currency. The thing is everyone in gov. knows that what we are doing with our economy isn't working and it is starting to break down. We are giving out to much foriegn aid and funding these other countries by borrowing money from other countries. We just keep borrowing and borrowing someday those countries are going to want to be paid back. What do we do then!? Print more money that is backed by nothing driving our dollar down even more? Like I said earlier the gov. knows this. Ron Paul would go and try to make changes propose his ideas and bring attention to the fact that we need change. Thats how things are done when the president of the united states stands up and goes listen we need to fix this here is what I think. Then people are going to listen start brainstorming ideas to fix it because now the american people are listening and want a change. One man can't change things but but if someone high up in the system can bring attention to the subject with ideas and a possible stratagy the people will start working towards a fix. I mean seriously our gov doesnt seem to care now their so called resolution to the problem by printing more money to get the american people to stimulate the economy isn't going to do anything. You cant get us out of a recession by simply making the people feel good about it because when people really start to see that our money is worth less and less and the cost of products is worth more and more they are going to want a change. By then it may be too late...

You can't consider me an activist I am not taking action against anything. I am just knowledable about whats going on. Its one of the most important topics today, you should know what is going on and how to survive and possibly prosper from it. I do believe in Ron Paul's plans for changes in the economy what he speaks of makes the most sense. (not talking about abolishing the IRS I am talking about bringing forth the Gold Standard)


Dan:"They aren't idealistic dreams they are facts"-- First off, Whatever Ron Paul or any politian say's he will do is not a fact, it's a goal... its a way to get the public on his/her side. Its apparent that our economy is in horrible shape... it doesnt take facts to prove this and Ron Paul hasnt been the first to bring this to our attention. Fact's hold no water in the political relm soley because politics ARE based on opinion, politicians can spout off all the jargin they claim to know as fact, but its only an opinion... if it was based on facts then our economic state would have been perfected centuries ago by our founding fathers.

Secondly, "You can't consider me an activist I am not taking action against anything"... are you not actively participating in politics, by voting, by spreading Ron Paul's idea's, by putting a bumper sticker on your car?? Of course you are. By sitting here and preaching to me about your political ideologies you are actively participating in politics... You are taking action to bring about a political or social change...that is political activism. You claim to have "knowledge of whats going on" soley because thats what you've been fed. YOu havent formulated an opinion of your own... I bet if Ron Paul doesnt make it to the last standing of the presidential election than you will throw your vote away. I also bet that once this presidential election is over and Ron Paul is gone that you will no longer care about politics until you find your "new political life guiding leader". It makes me laugh that Ron Paul is even cosidered a Republican. Do you consider yourself a republican? Do you know anything about the republicn party, or the democratic party? Ron Paul is more liberal than the most liberal democrat, why the hell is he running as a republican? If Ron Paul wasnt running who would your next vote go to and why...

Im not gonna sit here and argue with you about this.... no one can be right. I have books that you should read, that you NEED to read so that you can get a better foundation of the political arena and not just about one Politician. Politics starts at a local and state level... it starts with the people, afterall we are the ones who put Bush in office.


Me:You are stupid dude, they are FACTS what Ron Paul says he wants to do is what PEOPLE HAVE ALREADY DONE IN OTHER COUNTRIES! I guess I am an activist I just took it out of context when you used in a way that I found to be negative. I am an activist in the way that 100,000's of people are in the country when in election is coming. I don't claim to have knowledge about whats going on I DO have knowledge the #1 thing I am concerned about right now is the state of our economy. Why!? because it effects me directly not because Ron Paul says it. I have been doing reseach on how to it is going to effect me for the last couple months since people are starting to admit that we are actually in one. It has nothing to do with the election or anything like that I am trying to research how to survive and possibly profit from an economic resession. When things get bad its a perfect time to buy low pending you have money to do so and then sit on what you have bought till the economy gets better and sell it high. There is proof when there is a recession the rich get richer because they are the ones who have the money to buy up more stocks and properties at such low prices. there are ways for poor people to do it as well but people just don't take advantage of it because it isnt an instant turn around. Its not what I have been fed its what I am researching so I can make better desicions on how to live through it and possibly profit from it. Ron Paul just happens to have the best plan (in my opinion) to get us out of one. I am going to continue to be into politics everyone needs a reason to start doing something everything you always have to have a starting point for being interested in something. People don't come out of the womb straight repping politics. For me it was the government wiretapping all phone calls and internet traffic at AT&T. Thats why I started researching everything and fueled my sudden interest in politics. After I heard about all of that I flipped out like how the hell could the gov do that to us its taking away of freedom. Its insane I started looking further and further into it and seeing how messed up our gov is and how the gov is more of a business that keeps people rich and fulfills rich peoples agendas while keeping the common person down and found it disgusting. After that I just want to know more and more so I can protect myself from our gov in some way instead of letting it take advantage of me like it does everyone else.

I dont know who I would vote for. Hiliary is promoting a NWO (she spells it out in her book) where we rule everything in the world and the gov tells you how to live your life according to what they think. Obama is a puppet and doesnt give straight answers on anything. Everything that comes out of his mouth is exactly what people wanna hear with out giving any details. He is the feel good canidate that doesnt say how he is going to do anything. Mccain is a freaking war monger, we will be in Iraq for the next 20 years he will probably bring on WWIII. If we have him it will be like having a GW Bush. Huckabee is f*cking retarded...did you know he wants to change the constitution!? He wants to include god into it he says "It would be easier to change the constitution than to change the bible." He also said he reacting towhen McCain said "he will chase Osama to the gates of hell." Huckabee said "I will charge into hell with a water pistol if i had to" F*cking idiot.... He's a minister screw that even further. Romney is a Mormen I don't care if he SAYS he isn't going to give special privilidge to morman church which is retarded in itself. Its gonna happen. I could go on don't feel like it I know the deal with the canidates. Before I supported Ron Paul I checked them out...

In this election I wanted the following when I was first looking for a canidate. promoting peace accoss the world, bringing the troops home, basing our economy on something stable/restoring the dollar to something of value, and I didn't think of it until I heard it from Ron Paul but returning alot of the power back to the state level there for making it a little tiny bit easier for the people to fight for their freedoms if and when they need to.

Sorry I didn't go to college for it, I am doing alot to research the parts of politics that I feel are important on my own. I now feel especially at my age where people can start to take me seriously that I should be well versed when it comes to these things. I am also trying to learn as much as possible incase there comes a time when I feel I need to stand up and protect my rights given to me by the constitution rather than having the gov walk all over me.


Dan:you still didnt answer my question. If Tom Yorke died would it be a big deal to you?


Me: Duh I would call out of work so I sit on my couch all day balling my eyes out and free basing cookie dough...

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I am sayin!


My fucking roomates (i live with two girls) came home. 1st one is like OH... MY... GOD... DID YOU HEAR ABOUT HEATH LEDGER!? I was like yea that sucks. NO YOU HAVE NO IDEA! Oh my god he had a little girl and like a family and like like its a tradgedy and like oh my god I dont know I feel so bad OMGOMGOMGOMG LOOK ON TV THEY ARE TAKING HIS BODY OUT OOOOOoooOOOoOOoOOOo ITS SOOOO SAD! 2nd one Repeated the exact same thing...


I got tired after I heard it twice and just went. "OH MY GAWD... DID YOU HEAR ABOUT OUR ECONOMY!??!?!?! OMGOMGOMGOMG WE ARE IN A REEECESSION!!! Jeeeeze that means like soon youre not going to be able to buy like Clothes and like like stupid girlly shit or like NAME BRAND FOODZ because our money is going to be worth less and less and the cost of products is gonna be like higher and higher lawl that would be so bad!!!!!


They just looked at me and went. Juan...Somebody just died who cares about the economy...


you seriously, need to choke these bitches out.

fo realz.

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