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Today fuckin sucks


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I went to court to get arraigned this morning on a bullshit charge, expecting to go home on PR, and I got presented as a probation violator and hit with $2,000 bail. After chillin with the wiggers in lockup for a bit I posted, and the on the way home I blew a tire. Since I already did that like 2 weeks back in pretty much the same exact spot (after leaving the police station for the original arrest for this charge...feels like muthafuckas are slashing my tires) I already had my spare on the car, so my mom had to come so that AAA would tow my car. Got to the place, dudes talkin bout it might take til tomorrow, so I'm car-less for a few. After that I went to municipal court in another city to pay a fine to keep my license from gettin suspended, digging myself even further into debt for the day, before heading home to find out my internet is shut off cuz my boy didn't pay the bill. After that fun I ate some shitty noodles, and went to bed for a few hours, during which I missed the call from the tire place, so now I definately won't have it til tomorrow, so I hafta bum a ride to court in the morning where I'll get bitched out for not havin any of the $400 I owe for noise violations. Also, because of all these unexpected expenses I can't send in my check to Boston probation on time, so now I get to wait for that phone fun call. And I'm fuckin starving and bored. When it rains it fuckin pours huh?


I'm having a party tomorrow night...if I don't make some money/smash some underaged bitch imma flip the fuck out

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man don't stress go grab a stout, a blunt, and sit down in front of the t.v. and think of how much money you could have made eating all those JBC's like you said you were going to before you started coming up with excuses since you knew you couldn't do it..


Oh and aren't you on the west coast? why you gotta pay boston probation if you on the west coast...

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damn ayebee a few weeks without a car is nothing to bitch about.



because of various courts and shit, i have not had my license for the past year and half!! i was in cabs for a few months until i said fuck it, bought a bucket, and have been smashin with no Ls for the past year.



fines and shit suck though for real, you gotta stay on top of them shits or your gonna dig a deep ass hole.


<--i got court in 3 weeks for another drinking violation. 850 bryant is like a second home to me.

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damn ayebee a few weeks without a car is nothing to bitch about.



because of various courts and shit, i have not had my license for the past year and half!! i was in cabs for a few months until i said fuck it, bought a bucket, and have been smashin with no Ls for the past year.



fines and shit suck though for real, you gotta stay on top of them shits or your gonna dig a deep ass hole.


<--i got court in 3 weeks for another drinking violation. 850 bryant is like a second home to me.


Its not even a few weeks, I'll get that shit back tomorrow...its just an added aggravation on top of all the other shit, much like the internet being off.


I'm currently dealing with 4 different cities between open cases, probations, and paying fines


And nah, I'm not from the West....Rude Island baby.

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Its not even a few weeks, I'll get that shit back tomorrow...its just an added aggravation on top of all the other shit, much like the internet being off.


I'm currently dealing with 4 different cities between open cases, probations, and paying fines


And nah, I'm not from the West....Rude Island baby.


shit man... shit... well my only advice is next time take the time rather then the probation... Trust me you only get fucked over in the end taking the probation... come on you really think you gonna be on the straight and narrow anytime soon... If I had had the sense to do that when I got hit with my first case I would be better off from it... Of course the other way I look at it is if probation gets me out of jail and I know I am never going to be back in that state again fuck it...

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damn ayebee a few weeks without a car is nothing to bitch about.



because of various courts and shit, i have not had my license for the past year and half!! i was in cabs for a few months until i said fuck it, bought a bucket, and have been smashin with no Ls for the past year.



fines and shit suck though for real, you gotta stay on top of them shits or your gonna dig a deep ass hole.


<--i got court in 3 weeks for another drinking violation. 850 bryant is like a second home to me.


say hello to all the homies on the 6th floor for me

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man CASH everytime i drive by 850 with a couple zips of kick and a cuople quaps of green on the freeway towards the bay bridge, i get the erie feeling i wll join those orange clad folks.


i would kill myself if i had to serve out time there, watchng all the cars drive on 80 to and frm0o the EASTBAY and shit.


yease im fuckin sloshes.

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yea cmon ayebee i thought yuou was on some gangsta shit.


noise violations aint gangsta cuzzin, taht means your not runnin shit inya buidling.




i aint that gangsta though, all my violations stem from petty drunkdrivinm, public drunkness, drug possesions etc.



rude island sounds like a cockfest, fuckja noise violation. where i live i hear the freeway daily, bitches better step iup.

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that sucks AB and what sucks more is that ICB is flaking out on you.


Your parties seem like the jump off, if i was with in an hour range of you id stop by to get loaded and pick up some 16yr old no doubt. And after reading this i thought the TEAM ALPO thread would be bumped up with you all loaded in it.


Peace dudes im drunk!

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noise violations?


where tha fuck you live tha burbs?


The apartment I've been livin in the last 6 or so months is in a pretty nice neighborhood, so I'm actually amazed I don't get the cops called on me a few times a week.


These noise violations are from a party like a month or 2 back, buncha cops showed up to clear my crib out and I was drunk talkin mad shit, so they just kept writing tickets

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