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jewish girl owned by public speaker

rushawn wuan

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i dont know how i come across as serious in general (on 12oz) but im not getting all rilled up





i was raised a "catholic" but just last year i decided im not down with that for the simple fact that that religion was forced upon my ancestors and i would like to read on it so i could question it some more.




I had the same thought and never looked back


good luck its a crazy road

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i took a class on mythology a while back, it should have been called religeous studies though.


what i took from it is,


if you do good, good will come back to you.


sorry if this sounds fucked up, but everything else is just details.


personally i believe religeon was created by global elites to keep the masses quarreling with each other


they are rules, regulations, restrictions, and rituals created by other humans just like you and i, to keep the masses in their place


we have nothing written by the hand of god. holy books are interpretations made by other humans just like myself.



i would like to see these guys going up against someone who actually knows how to debate and in an organized setting


become a damn teacher and help your people with education

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what i fail to understand is why the dudes in the video stand around preaching and bitching about whites and america... if its that bad here and they really do want to "find a land of their own" why not ship on over to africa and spare us an earful of garbage

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no bueno 100% chance there wasnt one black person at that party



and if there was he laughed it of but cried inside


I looked at that picture and thought to myself...what the hell is that big white paint around their mouths supposed to mean?? Then it hit me..big ass ashy lips. that's just wrong.

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Educated black folks know the black community has issues. Nothing is holding them (or anyone) back except education. Also, black folks have a lazy stigma they need to get over. In my opinion, (and some blacks hate hearing this from me , cause I'm not black) but too many black people fit into the ignoramus stereotypes and ruin it for hardworking educated black folks.




unfortunately there is an entire industry set up around reinforcing these idea as cool acceptable and unavoidable. The same can be said for the millions of female teens running around dressing and acting like whores cause the life style is being reinforced, they could NOT dress that way, but the deck is stacked so that the (immediate, which is what most lower class folks have the time to focus on) reward favors the idiocy.

We all suffer from the distraction that is the side rings of the circus to the point that the center ring is never examined, in another way then it being sloganized in the shows happening round the main stage.


hev/alone in the dark clutching my four-fi'th, ready to set on you bitches.


but clearly they left out the word 'million' in the phrase One Love.

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why she started crying is beyond me

what was she expecting


i could see where hes coming from

for sure

but fail on delivery


kill whitey


I think she was crying because she was being yelled at by a stranger - not necessarily because he hurt her feelings with his "facts". So not only is she being scared and humiliated, but she's also being frustrated by not being allowed to speak (thanks to dude's overbearing microphone hogging technique).

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the dude who was on the mic does know that africans sold their own people to portugal right?

and he also does know that in africa tribes are prejudice against people of darker skin?

he should also know that moors occupied a vast majority of europe for a good amount of time, and im sure they werent all that nice.


what really pisses me off is in my own fucking country of origin, people are racist against their own relatives! the white people rule our country while the natives sit in poor fucking run down bullshit houses having to survive off monuments and crafts from the past looking like a bunch of herbs.


pisses me off

time to blaze hahaha

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the dude who was on the mic does know that africans sold their own people to portugal right?

and he also does know that in africa tribes are prejudice against people of darker skin?

he should also know that moors occupied a vast majority of europe for a good amount of time, and im sure they werent all that nice.


what really pisses me off is in my own fucking country of origin, people are racist against their own relatives! the white people rule our country while the natives sit in poor fucking run down bullshit houses having to survive off monuments and crafts from the past looking like a bunch of herbs.


pisses me off

time to blaze hahaha


yeah, i was going to write all this but i wasn't sure that people would take me seriously because they would think i was defending that girls ignorance.


Is he aware that Pigmies are being kiled by Africans for land and are discriminated against because of thier height.


Does this man realise that Jews were killed for supporting and having an active part in the effort to bring equality to the Black people in the Untied States?


Did he forget that the WHITE Quakers were the reason the Underground railroad was a success??




shit's weak.


See the reality is nobody is perfect, African americans are no better or worse then their caucasian, asian, and hispanic, counterparts. Its time for people to pull the wool of their eyes and take responsibility for their own problems.

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