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Here's my major problem with movies like JUNO and other similar films:


They are not-indie films made to appear like they are indie films. It started with Garden State, and I would say the Darjeeling Limited did it too. These films are pulling out all the stops to make themselves appear "indie," "arty," etc.


A few examples:

-They all use a sans-serif typeface, often all lower-case for the opening credits, posters, etc.

-The hand-drawn "charming" lettering of the title in Juno is another perfect example of what i'm talking about. The little straight letters with a 3d is so watered-down and over-tired it makes me sick.

-And then there's the music!! There's a Belle & Sebastian song in Juno? No Fucking Way?? I mean, big ups to the band, long-time favorite of mine, but give me a break. After Garden State, i could have placed a blind bet that Belle & Sebastian, or fuckin Feist would have a song in Juno... It was a guarantee.


Juno, and similar movies, are major productions which are "disguising" themselves as Indie film to build their sales. That is one fucked marketing campaign. They use this "look" to lure naive indie fans, while giving more mainstream fans a "unique" movie experience which is totally fake and superficial. It's not like i'm arguing for more blockbuster bullshit, at all.


Down with Garden State, down with Juno.


BIG UPS Bottle Rocket!!


word son

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did you just say that the darjeeling limited was given that indie "look" but its not real indy, and that we should fuck that shit and watch bottle rocket instead?


my hipster trivial pursuit might be out of date, but arent they directed by the same guy? and all of his films have a similar visual aesthetic? wouldnt that be more of a contributing factor to the look of the movie. is he supposed to change his vision because of where the moneys coming from? i mean i thought darjeeling lmtd. was a disjointed piece of shit personally, but as far as the look goes,, ahh who cares fuck.

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