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what a ridiculous stance. if a movie has charm and is fun to watch who gives a shit what market they are going after. you realize they are in the business of making money right? oh no! your precious indie films are mainstream now, how will you ever be able to distinguish yourself from the mainstream crowd!




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i didn't get a chance to check that out. ryan gosling seems to be picking good projects, so i wanted to check that out. plus my girlfriend gets wet like a break in the hoover dam, anytime that dude comes on the screen. so i know she'll be up for seeing it.


so it was good, eh?


wait, a movie about a guy has a relationship with a blow up doll is good? yup. the premise sounds shitty, but the movie was great. as was gosling's performance.


Here's my major problem with movies like JUNO and other similar films:


They are not-indie films made to appear like they are indie films. It started with Garden State, and I would say the Darjeeling Limited did it too. These films are pulling out all the stops to make themselves appear "indie," "arty," etc.


A few examples:

-They all use a sans-serif typeface, often all lower-case for the opening credits, posters, etc.

-The hand-drawn "charming" lettering of the title in Juno is another perfect example of what i'm talking about. The little straight letters with a 3d is so watered-down and over-tired it makes me sick.

-And then there's the music!! There's a Belle & Sebastian song in Juno? No Fucking Way?? I mean, big ups to the band, long-time favorite of mine, but give me a break. After Garden State, i could have placed a blind bet that Belle & Sebastian, or fuckin Feist would have a song in Juno... It was a guarantee.


Juno, and similar movies, are major productions which are "disguising" themselves as Indie film to build their sales. That is one fucked marketing campaign. They use this "look" to lure naive indie fans, while giving more mainstream fans a "unique" movie experience which is totally fake and superficial. It's not like i'm arguing for more blockbuster bullshit, at all.


Down with Garden State, down with Juno.


BIG UPS Bottle Rocket!!



not to sound argumentative, but to me that's like not liking a candy bar because of it's wrapper.

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wow, that's entirely different.


graffiti has nothing to do with energy drinks and candy other than i drink many energy drinks while doing graffiti.



indie movies are movies usually made by people attempting to break into the mainstream anyway, they just dont have the budget for awesome so they still make movies that hold merit and have an actual story that people can enjoy.

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your argument would work better if you used the idea of rap letters on spray paint, but then you wouldnt have an argument at all because we already have that and we arent complaining about it.


Except for the fact that those things have PAINT inside them, which you might use to make those rap letters. As opposed to juice or whatever inside, which has nothing to do with anything.

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graffiti has nothing to do with energy drinks and candy other than i drink many energy drinks while doing graffiti.


Wow. I was wondering if someone would actually drink that shit.



indie movies are movies usually made by people attempting to break into the mainstream anyway, they just dont have the budget for awesome so they still make movies that hold merit and have an actual story that people can enjoy.


this statement is broad, uninformed, and arguably untrue.

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Except for the fact that those things have PAINT inside them, which you might use to make those rap letters. As opposed to juice or whatever inside, which has nothing to do with anything.



um yeah... thats exactly my point.... where did you get lost?


They have an "indie" wrapping because the film has an "indie" feel so they are trying to appeal to the audience that would like that type of movie.


next time a movie like this comes out i'll write them a letter demanding they put arnold dangling from a rope with a helicopter exploding behind him. that way people like you wont get their movies confused with low budget because they have to instead of low budget because they want to and we can avoid this argument entirely.

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Wow. I was wondering if someone would actually drink that shit.








well considering that there are about 20 different types of energy drinks currently out on the market, any reasonably intelligent being would be able to deduce that someone, somewhere was purchasing these drinks.

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this statement is broad, uninformed, and arguably untrue.


so the people that make indie movies actually arent interested in making money at all right? that's why they try for the life of them to get their films played places and into festivals right? nothing to do with the money, they just want the world to hear their message of dudes that play with bottle rockets, fall in love with motel maids and are horrible crooks.

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Geez...That was unnecessary. All i did was state my opinion about a movie that you were already all talking about. And as soon as one person disagrees with the rest, everyone feels like their opinion is all threatened, and all hell breaks loose.

That movie looks like mass produced shit wrapped in pretty paper and music. You're a fool for being blind to that, and that type of shit is being sold to us on the fucking daily.

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M.Holyoke, can't you entertain the possibility that this movie was wrapped in pretty paper and music, but A) actually delivered the substance to back it up, and B) because of the subject matter and theme, actually warranted the art direction involved?


If this is a genuinely good, quirky, indie movie, how exactly would you go about marketing it? Would you try to pass it off as something else so that overly cynical people like you don't dismiss it thinking it's a bullshit façade?

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I totally understand where Mount Hyrule was coming from because I used to have that same mentality. As I got older I realized cool things slowly trickle and finally become part of the mainstream. It isn't that big of a deal, eventually the mainstream will analy rape this product as they do with everything else they get their hands on, but by that time there will be other cool things to do/watch/pay attention to etc. No big deal at all.

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M.Holyoke, can't you entertain the possibility that this movie was wrapped in pretty paper and music, but A) actually delivered the substance to back it up, and B) because of the subject matter and theme, actually warranted the art direction involved?


If this is a genuinely good, quirky, indie movie, how exactly would you go about marketing it? Would you try to pass it off as something else so that overly cynical people like you don't dismiss it thinking it's a bullshit façade?


Yes, I can imagine that this is actually an enjoyable movie, and you've made good points, but:

This movie might be genuinely good and quirky, but it is NOT genuinely an indie movie. That's my only point. It is a Major Production movie, purposefully given the look of an indie film.

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Fox Searchlight pictures homie, not a major production (Juno cost a whopping $2.5 million). You might not want to call their movies indie in the literal sense, but they've always pretty much fit the bill thematically, and it only makes sense that they're marketed the way they are.

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