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12oz Is Dying (Open It Back Up To The Public)


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Guest shai_hulud
I'm not the one whining about how it should be...My view is slanted, that's why I keep an awkward eye.



If you got problems and they mean that much to you in real life, then just leave and dont come back... I like how this forum is run and the content that's in it, that's why I made contribution....did you?


complain on if you want...but make sure you get heavy flow with wings to help you through it, you wouldn't wanna mess them panties would you?


The joke wasn't funny the first time, dude.


Again...if this isn't a big deal to you as you keep saying, then why do you keep posting in this thread or defending your so called unassailable position? I don't get it.


So, I'm a big bleeding vagina because I have an opinion. You think the place is run well. Point made, go post some lolcats or something. The grownups are talking.

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i think the problem here is that people get invited to the forum and immediately feel that they are part of this huge community and the right to say whatever the fuck they want, whenever they want. this causes stupid threads that fail and pointless comments. if it was open enrollment then it would kind of give you the idea that hey anyone can say anything and maybe I'm not the stupidest person on this forum but maybe I'm not the greatest either.



you'll have the idea to sit back and see how the forum works before you go about posting anything you want as opposed to the invite system where you feel this privilege to be able to post any non-sensical bullshit that you want.

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The joke wasn't funny the first time, dude.


Again...if this isn't a big deal to you as you keep saying, then why do you keep posting in this thread or defending your so called unassailable position? I don't get it.


So, I'm a big bleeding vagina because I have an opinion. You think the place is run well. Point made, go post some lolcats or something. The grownups are talking.

Here's an :lol: for ya.


^I'm on some immature shit for real...cause writing on walls is way mature, specially when you're 33.


Keep it adult playa.

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Guest shai_hulud
i think the problem here is that people get invited to the forum and immediately feel that they are part of this huge community and the right to say whatever the fuck they want, whenever they want. this causes stupid threads that fail and pointless comments. if it was open enrollment then it would kind of give you the idea that hey anyone can say anything and maybe I'm not the stupidest person on this forum but maybe I'm not the greatest either.



you'll have the idea to sit back and see how the forum works before you go about posting anything you want as opposed to the invite system where you feel this privilege to be able to post any non-sensical bullshit that you want.


Someone else told me this, but you put a finer point on it. It's a little tough to walk in here and just jump in without either knowing the ropes, or getting some heat. That was the case before the invite policy went into effect, too.


What got me thinking about this was what After School Special said about not killing off the rookies or we'd become inbred. It made me laugh...then, it made me think. Why do we talk shit to people that were INVITED here for acting like rookies? They don't know the drill yet, they can't just be expected to hit the ground running.

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I agree with what was said to begin with. I like the idea of it being pseudo private. But regardless..there is going to be cops on here. With or without invites. There are going to be snitches in here, with or without invites. The are going to be people who really suck in here....with or without invites. Either way..its what we make of it. If people are going to take online hazing to heart..then they have problems. If somebody who you have never met in your life, and who you know only through a screen name, can affect you in any such manner, that is sad. For the people who are being dickheads to n00bs, there is nothing we can do as a site/community, to stop them from doing so. Sure mods can ban them, but that doesnt work for graffiti artists. how many of us have been arrested and then were back out painting within the next few days? The reason that there is so much crap that goes on here is because people want to make a name for themselves..to be well known. Whether its on a stupid messageboard, or in real life. We are graffiti artists. Thats what we do.


Maybe a compromise is possible? Something like maybe guests can post replys? but cant recieve PMs, post pictures, or start threads, and members can have the choice in their CP to view guest posts? I dunno, just throwing shit out there...


Bottom line is that we cant control people..what they say/type, how they feel as a result of what somebody else said/typed, or anything. Just go with it, regardless of what we want or how we react towards it, it still unravels the same way.


That is all.

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Guest shai_hulud
Here's an :lol: for ya.


^I'm on some immature shit for real...cause writing on walls is way mature, specially when you're 33.


Keep it adult playa.


Yeah, I'm 34 and I still write on shit. What of it? You gonna pull my bomber card, Cope2?


Dude...there's like, THOUSANDS of other less provocative threads out there. Like your one about Cash Money. Yeah, that's some REAL important, thought-provoking shit right there.

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12oz has aaaallllllwwwwaaaaaayyyyyssssssss worked like that, way before the invites came along.


hell, the whole internet works like that. every single person on this website caught shit when they first joined. me included. now i fucking moderate the place. if some kid can't take the shit until they've established themselves as a member and shown they have a place here, then they can fuck right off. 12oz IS exclusive. graffiti IS exclusive. that's what makes it great. not everyone can just jump on in





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by the way what ever happened to the suggestion that new users should have to have X amount of posts before they can start a thread?



oh and not for anything, why close a thread where the contributers of this site are discussing the site and how to make it better. sure, we can send suggestions to whoever but at least here they can publicly discuss shit.


honestly, i don't really give a fuck, i'm just eating these hot wings i got from kfc, making my belly bigger.

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Guest shai_hulud
Make sure your rockin' chair still rocks homie...:lol:


I do wood work, I might be able to fix that.


Only if I can hit you in the head with it first.


What are you gonna be doing when you're 34? Telling everyone how great of a tagger you were, or putting in work?


I talk shit about things I can possibly change. That's why this thread is here and why it's getting people involved in the dialogue.


I assure you that you can talk all the shit you want to me or about me you want till cows do calculus, and it isn't gonna prove or change a goddamn thing. I'll still be writing graffiti and I'll still be trying to make a difference.


Oh, yeah. Don't get your dick caught in a band saw.

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Your thread is some bullshit that passes my time while being drunk. Cry about how it could be better and how we should open up to the public and blah blah blah....That shit is funny to me. :lol:


Make me lol while yo pussy bleeds, like Jeezy says "I LOVE IT".




ride till I die.....:lol:

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yeah I agree with this completely

if a girl comes on here and posts a thread saying that their female, instantly there are like 50 replies of "lets see some tits" "we need titties"

people just need to shut the fuck up

yeah its just the internet and blah blah blah but by saying shit like that makes you out to be an asshole and its dumb and immature

get some titties in real life you desperate motherfucker


I think you're missing the point.


The chicks that get bombarded with "tits or GTFO!!!" are usually stupid bitches that post stupid comments.

They actually have an advantage over the stupid niggas that post stupid comments.

That advantage being that we want to see their titties.

And if they actually post their titties and they're nice, they'll probably get let off the hook.

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PS: thanks to some stupidity and LACK OF INVOLVEMENT, something like The Boredom Project, which was a GEM by the way, is lost on god knows what page.

THAT thread was dope as fuck thanks to casek and others in it. But surprise, it got booted outta here by shitty threads and others not contributing to it.


In other words it got old.

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Guest shai_hulud
Your thread is some bullshit that passes my time while being drunk. Cry about how it could be better and how we should open up to the public and blah blah blah....That shit is funny to me. :lol:


Make me lol while yo pussy bleeds, like Jeezy says "I LOVE IT".




ride till I die.....:lol:





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there's far too much for me to read here so if this has already been said, whoops...


this place goes in cycles. it has it's ups and downs. open, closed, exclusive, inclusive, none of that makes a difference, from what i've seen.



that being said, i take props quite seriously and feel sorely neglected only having one little white square next to my name. where did i go wrong? is it my inconsistency in my postings in ch0? am i simply just not popular enough? does no one care about me? where did i go wrong?

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