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The "Your Day in Pies" Photothread (non artistic)


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really dope page, stan that map had me laughing, and yeah iou, you gotta watch out for the gangster hipsters these days, they'll bang skateboards on things to make you think they're gonna try to hit you with it, but in all actuality they will just go get more friends that still will not make the fucking move.

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Last Saturday Night (i think)

Went to friend's Boyfriends bar.

She said there was men there and i would find my knight in shining armor

I was down.

these came non-stop


bartender ordered us pizza...typical me, pick it apart


another friend was showing us pictures of her man wearing her pants.



they left, thought it was funny to load up juke box with this shit


Ok, so he ran out of malibu..so we went to the liquor store next door, they had closed already, so went across the street to grocers.

when we were leaving, we saw these two ya-hoos driving thru the parking lot. one driving, one holding on for life in cart. they offered us a ride, we kindly declined, but they were down for a photo op.


Back at bar, said malibu, and knight in Shining Armor


Why her man chose to get on his knees to pose for a "hey look im giving the knight head" picture..gay, again


Leave Bar...SNOW on ground??wtf? its Las Vegas.



I had to be reminded, we were next to an Ice skating rink.


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not trying to tell you how to run your life or anything, but i highly suggest you do something about this asap


its less about a bug infestation than a chance of a mold problem, asbestos, & the like


there's no asbestos in that building. and I'm aware of all the shit mould can do, we took precautions.


iceland is a crazy place, I went there a few years ago, I wasn't far north enough/wrong time of year I forget which but at the time reykjavik had like 20 hours of sunlight per day. takes a lot of getting used to.

reykjavik is also covered in graf btw

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I have noticed that Reykjavik is bombed pretty hard. The last time I was here it was over 15 years ago and there were only 2 writers in the whole city. Jump forward to now and my mind was blown over how much the graf scene here has exploded. 20 hours of sunlight sounds about right--if it´s summer--in winter it´s the opposite but much milder weather than the place I laid my head for the last two years ( Canada ). Iceland is my heritage and I am proud to now call it my home

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Good pictures everyone.


Yo Fruity and Stan, where are we gonna fight for Bfish? I figured somewhere out at sea would be cool. I cant swim though, so no throwing.


Oh yeah and that Nazi bush bitch is fucking nasty.



I'm officially throwing my hat into this race.

prepared to whompulated lames.



nazi bush is doing it.

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Yeah, Stan has got the co-ordinates. You motherfuckers are going down.
















But please remember I cant swim, so nobody is allowed to throw me over the side of the boat, are we gonna do this on a boat?

Or should we all find a suitable little island somewhere or something?

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I usually dont do this symping.

But dont fuck with Mexicans.

I'll show up at your battle royale shoot you all dead with my crotch pistol ala desperado. (no pun intended)

Then take bfish and suki to my lair and force them to service me while I watch reruns of the 88 world series and videos of the Lakers pwning the Kings. I will also allow IOU to keep Suki.


sidenote finally got access to my photo storage again. gonna try and start up again. im backed up since oct. /nh

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This page made me LOL!



Im happy you pulled through with the flicks hommie.

Cant wait till you get the good cam and go on adventures.

Keep posting, i will do the same, that way we can still see what kind of mookish shit we are missing out on.

I will make my way there this summer, i am really exited!



Now, eatso and Pistol need to fall the fuck back, no room for you pendejos in this vendetta.


Plus, Chops, Fruity and I have to first find a way to take care of her current bf.


Plus, i doubt she's gonna be able to resist all the super cool rap poems i just sent her.

So quit while you can.


You guys are way behind!

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on the clock



jelly donut and newspaper /nocop



dance and graff at tracks



lunch. tried to creep on a coyote but it elluded the camera by going behind the bushes



crossword puzzle



winos fire under the bridge



said bridge



outta work early



had to hit mall to get pants. didnt want to wear uniform the rest of the day. attempted perveract



fuel up personal truck.



DTLA traffic



Dodger Dog /nh



NLCS Game 1 10/15/09



seats next to Dodger bullpen



and this. /perveract she was beautiful.



Doyers HR Cant remember but I think it was Manny to left.


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trustee breakfast



trail o breakfast. no wonder he tells me to give her small pieces.



got into parking garage at work, making the first turn and my dependable volvo just dies. i have to roll down the ramp and push my car into a spot while like 5 cars drove past me. bitches. nothing looks wrong to me... :confused:



i was technically then in visitors parking at my job. they will ticket you but not for real. they just basically embarrass you by emailing your boss. had to leave a note.....



this has shaken me. i have never had more than 1 or 2 mechanical problems driving 25 year old volvos for 8 years. i have only had 3 cause 2 got smashed while parked in front of my house.



rocking the pin stripes. and i found them in my skinny pants bin last week!!



emphasizing my creepy sneak shots to the only person that i work with that completely shares my view of other people. its not too positive. it usually cracks her up when i sneak shot. not this time.



my spy mirror and awesome headset



my honey dropped this off to drive home. totally appreciative. but it does smell.






saw this cool tree. persimmons maybe?




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Hop on the freeway. Off in the distance is an interlocking LA logo thats been on that hill probably over 30 years



Getting off on Alameda in DTLA



Hot as fuck for a early afternoon day game at "The Ravine"



Got to our seats for NLCS game 2



Next to the Phillie bullpen. (You cant heckle or talk to them BTW)



Dodger Dog /nh



I believe this is when Ethier walked with the bases loaded.






Cheesesteak head.



Trying to get out of the stadium



Dying of thirst. Need caffeine and sugar



LOL while in the drive through.



Dance and graff



Drive through Echo Park



See Sylvester Stallone mural /nh


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