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The "Your Day in Pies" Photothread (non artistic)


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public art can seriously be an eye-rape.












that’s about it. the weather was bomb, i was there for the champions league final, but didn’t take the camera cause i expected the entire city to be rammed with drunken spaniards. the bar i was at was insane, it was a fun night. but coming home to the typically shitty weather of england to find the sky looking like this for the most part of the week was fucking awesome.



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browsing this thread there are some awesome contributors, and some rad cameras, i need to upgrade.


here's a few off a random disposable i had to grab when my battery ran out on me, just when we were headed to la seu cathedral, which is amazing. i was totally bummed but when i got the flicks developed i was pretty stoked with the effect.









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speak for yourself, fag. at least he contributes something interesting and worthwhile, unlike your gay porn/i'm gonna kill myself bullshit posts.


so either contribute pics to this thread or STFU & GTFO.[/color][/b]


oh snapz you mad.


what a pussy, nice touch with the orange text.


/end rant?

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browsing this thread there are some awesome contributors, and some rad cameras, i need to upgrade.


here's a few off a random disposable i had to grab when my battery ran out on me, just when we were headed to la seu cathedral, which is amazing. i was totally bummed but when i got the flicks developed i was pretty stoked with the effect.











I dig these

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Dope photo's all around in here latley,

noobz holdin it down.

Lazark keep on posting,

even the haters love this shit.


Now STFU and check out this truck I shot yesterday:









The rest are from tonight, I got home from work and B G'd the feet bitches.


Black and Gold. :cool:




Then I met my boy Mike from Pittsburgh at this park in Queens to shoot flicks.

Then I accidentally this:




^I got my tripod and set up and set up for a really long exposure on some path.

That ghost is me in there with the white hoody and Pittsburgh hat.

The blurred out people was a mistake, plus it was just going to be me.


When I started taking the picture these leaf wearin, eagle scout lookin ass dudes rolled up on me.

They had some golfcart and kinda slowed down and stopped, parked aiming the cart at my camera on the path.

Said I couldn't use a tripod.


Then the bike guy on the left stopped in the shot after I walked over to my camera.

Bike dude was a tourist from Germany, funny story, before that shot my boy Mike said, hey whats up,

"what kind of lens is that" as the dude parked his bike and took out his camera.

Then Mike asked the guy, a complete stranger he met 15 seconds ago, to use his lens.

The guy took his lens off and traded lenses with Mike.

I thought it was funnyt to just let a stranger hold your shit like that. /NH

My boy Mike grabbed a few shots with it, some weird fisheye lens, really old Nikon.










^I folded my tripod up and was walking past this and shot it with flash.

The Parks Services guys were there, one of them went inside the nearby bathroom.

As I was shooting this I heard what sounded like keys hit metal.

The ranger dude not taking a shit was outside the bathroom waiting.

He was throwing his keys up in the air and catching them but he fucked up.


He threw them up and maybe my flash fucked him up but they landed on the bathroom roof

No shit, my boy Mike offered to climb up there and grab them for him:lol:

Dude went and got a broom and stood on a gate instead


Then I walked around shooting.























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Dope photo's all around in here latley,

noobz holdin it down.

Lazark keep on posting,

even the haters love this shit.


Now STFU and check out this truck I shot yesterday:









The rest are from tonight, I got home from work and B G'd the feet bitches.


Black and Gold. :cool:




Then I met my boy Mike from Pittsburgh at this park in Queens to shoot flicks.

Then I accidentally this:




^I got my tripod and set up and set up for a really long exposure on some path.

That ghost is me in there with the white hoody and Pittsburgh hat.

The blurred out people was a mistake, plus it was just going to be me.


When I started taking the picture these leaf wearin, eagle scout lookin ass dudes rolled up on me.

They had some golfcart and kinda slowed down and stopped, parked aiming the cart at my camera on the path.

Said I couldn't use a tripod.


Then the bike guy on the left stopped in the shot after I walked over to my camera.

Bike dude was a tourist from Germany, funny story, before that shot my boy Mike said, hey whats up,

"what kind of lens is that" as the dude parked his bike and took out his camera.

Then Mike asked the guy, a complete stranger he met 15 seconds ago, to use his lens.

The guy took his lens off and traded lenses with Mike.

I thought it was funnyt to just let a stranger hold your shit like that. /NH

My boy Mike grabbed a few shots with it, some weird fisheye lens, really old Nikon.










^I folded my tripod up and was walking past this and shot it with flash.

The Parks Services guys were there, one of them went inside the nearby bathroom.

As I was shooting this I heard what sounded like keys hit metal.

The ranger dude not taking a shit was outside the bathroom waiting.

He was throwing his keys up in the air and catching them but he fucked up.


He threw them up and maybe my flash fucked him up but they landed on the bathroom roof

No shit, my boy Mike offered to climb up there and grab them for him:lol:

Dude went and got a broom and stood on a gate instead


Then I walked around shooting.



























I also wanted to say none of those are photoshopped that much.

The blurs and stretches are from the lens I use.

I open each one in camera raw and adjust the exposure and temperature.

No cropping or filters or nothing though, the sizing and watermark are automated now.

5 minutes for all those from my camera to photobucket.

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