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This Bitch is Crazy Folk


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Alrite, so I'm looking through some girls photos she took for a photog class. Her subject is this crazy looking bitch.


Then I came across another picture of this girl, this time posing in front of and covered in shitty graffiti.


So I simply comment, "If u ever need a real graffiti artist to draw on random New Trier( A really gay, hella preppy rich ass school in the next town, known for its slutty girls and coke addictions)girls, you know who to call."

This bitch then flips the fuck out, to which she responds, "how about ****, i just message you and bitch you out personally instead of being a whiney fucking bitch on the internet trying to start shit. ITS CALLED ART if your just such a great artist then you would understand but you obviously don't. its a project for ***** you fucking idiot, grow the fuck up your such a piece of shit. get hit by a fucking bus you fucker. don't be hating on *****'s work you piece of shit. your just the fucking loser low life scum bag fucker who just sit on the internet writting shit on people's work. stop hating just because your work probably just sucks."

She follows this up with another messsage,"GROW UPPPPPP SERIOUSLY.


you think your the shit because you can "Shit talk" "random nt girls". thats cute, but just cus your hating on NT girls and their bills keep it to your fucking self. seriously, who are you to go onto someone's page and look at their work and shit talk it. just cus your art probably fucking sucks and my shit your ass, don't fucking go whine on *****'s shit about it. your pathetic, i'de fucking kill you in any style of art any fucking day. BECAUSE NEW TRIER BITCHES HAVE THE BEST ART STUDENTS AROUND YOU FUCKING IDIOT and im a random NT chick showing off my tits? hahaha showing off my tits buddy, its for an art project its how ***** wanted me to pose, if thats a fucking problem then go bitch to the other million artists who pose naked. just because i have the fucking balls to do it and you can't cus your some ugly bitchy little shit does not give you any reason what so ever to post shit. but if thats the repp you want, ****** boys bitchy whiney boys who bitch on the internet thats fine, but i'de rathier just see you so i can fucking stick my nails through your fucking eyes and rip off your fucking 2 incher. and yeah you will see me around dumb fuck, haha and you don't even knowww."


Anyways, here's the picture of her......small titties and all.....no wonder she's so angry.:lol:


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