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running / jogging etc...


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some people are just nasty like that. like some dude at the gym i used to work out at smelled like he ate raw onions all day, mixed with sweaty balls scent.


take a fuckin shower before you go somewhere you dirty mother fucker!


if he used a piece of equipment before me and i needed to use it, i made it a point to not use it that night and swap something else in it's place.


basic hygiene should be a law.

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  • Replies 123
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Guest R@ndomH3ro

Yeah, you def dont need any supplements. What you need to do is lose all that weight and then worry about making lean muscle.



Run, eat right, and work out.

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Whatever shoes you get, don't get nike shox.

There heavy.

Or they cost way too much just to put them through hell with endurance running.


For some reason, I can't find much on the Nike air coos i got over the summer.

I got them for about $75 right before cross country season started, they felt like a dream and lasted the whole season.


speed workouts, endurance workouts, trails, roads, everything.

They were beasts.


And pretty light too.


Highly recommended.

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Im a long distance runner and have been for years.


Just start small. You're body will tell you when its time to make that progression to a further distance.

I run 12k daily and if im training for a marathon i go so hard its nuts.


just keep at it. I cant keep any fat on my body it just disapeares. i cant go a day without running, i normally do 1-2 days a week rest sometimes.

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  • 1 year later...

Just keep at it man.

I just started running again. I had been playing on a soccer team thinking that was a good primer to getting back in shape, but i could barely run three the other day. Note - I ran a half marathon in November and kinda fell off after that.


Biking is good, especially if you have bad joints and are trying to drop some lbs. But if you are trying to get back in shape running is the way to go if your body can take the beat. Scratch that, swimming is the best but fuck that, that shit is hard.

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just thought i'd chime in because, well, i like running.

oh, and this shit gave me a case of the lulz:


(fist's response to someone saying protein supplements make you stink)

whatever, i smell like fucking roses.




















roses dipped in nutsweat...

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if you just want to lose weight, you should be focused on burning calories not running distance

which is directly related to heart rate (burning calories that is)

so you should think about doing interval training

interval training is periods of intense cardio workout followed by a short rest period, then intense, then rest, so on and so forth

this is the 'big thing' right now in the fitness world in fat burning


also, think about getting a jump rope too, thats another great method of burning calories on days when its raining outside or you're feeling little motivation to go outside and run

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so i did a quick search and didn't see anything about this specifically.


i am looking to get into running because my fat ass needs to drop some weight and all of that good stuff.


can anyone recommend any decent running sneakers that i can invest in because i am sure that is essential, along with any informative sites i can check for tips and all of that....


thanks in advance.


sorry if this is a repost... i didn't read most of the other posts. here's a pretty helpful site. map the route you want to run and it'll tell how many miles/km it is. you can also map elevation and enter your height and weight to see an estimate on calories burnt.



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im sure its been said before, but the first few times you go out running you gonna get winded hard... you gonna feel like complete shit and be breathing super heavy for like 10 minutes after you stop, but you gotta keep going. i suggest going to a track were you can seriously measure how far you run each time to see your gains and always top your run off with sprints. if your track is at a stadium like spot like mine i also highly recommend running up the stairs. shit gets you in great shape and you feel amazing afterwards. three times a week works for me.

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I've got a track right next to me I should start using it, motivation is a bit of a factor for me I just need to get out there and do it and not think about it for the 1st few times then after that hopefully I'll start to feel fitter and actually be motivated to keep at it.


there's also a bunch of hot women always running around that track I noticed so I probs should get out there and start doing it.

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i love the mapmyrun.com site, you can map out a nice route and use it based on the distance you want to go. i'm no runner, i don't have a runners body at all. i too run about a mile on days i lift. this week my shoulder is hurting so i'm just going to run 3 days outside. monday i ran 2 miles, wednesday i ran 3 miles - tierd as hell. i will never be a long distance runner, but man does it burn off the stress..

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i run a mile to warm up and cool down on the days i lift, and 2 miles on my off days (usually).



i still need some running shoes though, i've just been doing it in my beat up shelltoes haha


pffft, if i start running its gonna be in boots and a hoodie and shit and i'll probably find some woods/trails or something to do the running. this dude i know used to run down beaches in the summer in all black, with like 3 layers on, boots, and cinder blocks in his hands, he did this for years, eventually i said he started doing rocky style punches and shit with these cinder blocks...


i shit you not, hes a beast of an italian. if you saw the dude, you'd believe me.

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  • 1 year later...

Holy shit. I thought I run a lot. At my prime mid summer I was running 20 miles a week.


Anyone tried a pair of these - http://www.ems.com/product/index.jsp?productId=4230773


Apparently new studies are showing that it's better for you. Here is one I found http://www.popsci.com/science/article/2010-01/barefoot-running-study-finds-your-sneakers-are-unnatural

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