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Im starving for attention look at me/dudes checkin out other dudes forever thread


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Re: i want to cmeup later 2007ola


You people are insane.


I was gone for 2 days and this thread gained like 9 pages.


I may have already posted this in here somwhere. I stick out like a sore thumb huh?


Thats it...I'm cutting my bangs again.

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Re: i want to cmeup later 2007ola


upon further review from the panel

"go nuts on the wii" is required to be double paused and triple no homo'd so i retract my last no homo and replace it with a Dub || 3x NH


so sorry for the mistake

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Re: i want to cmeup later 2007ola


you're such a fucking lush. no wonder you get into trouble!!!


Yes. It may be that time to take a break. But I got into the spot for free.. Drank for free and worked the bar for a minute and made some tip money and did shot s of tequila with some Brazilian cats.

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