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England goes smoke free


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As of 6AM on Sunday the 1st of July, England becomes a smoke free country.

Its the biggest piece of health legislation this country has seen in 50 years....


which basically means no smoking cigarettes anywhere really. Simply put, smoking in a place where anyone works or might work in the near future (ie. shops, bars, pubs, restaurants, cinema's, nightclubs, train stations, airports etc etc) or anywhere the public (one of more people) might be (ie. bus stops, station platforms etc).


this is all in the hope that:

a) people give up smoking and become healthier

b) people arent at risk to second hand smoke


now, i know in ch0 that there will probably be shit loads of people on both sides of the arguement - both die hard smokers and those who would want tol kill a smoker for even thinking about lighting up...


being both a smoker and someone who works in a very smoky environment i can see both sidees of the arguement, but cant work out where i fall.


all i can say, is that its going to suck not being able to have a smoke with my afterwork drink :(

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so the people who are addicted to smoking will have to hot box their cars on their lunch break or wait till they get home to smoke?


if there is someone smoking then just get away from them if it bothers you, dont make a fucking law that screws over about just as many people as it "helps"

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this is a pretty clever reaction:


The Wellington Arms pub in Southampton is fighting back against a smoking ban in England by becoming the official embassy for the Caribbean island of Redonda. If the loophole works, then the pub will be considered "foreign soil" and the ban can't be enforced.


Redonda is a "one mile square remnant of the cone of an extinct volcano." According to Wikipedia, "The current title of 'king' of Redonda is disputed by at least nine people." :cool:

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^ha, ive been to that pub. its not very nice...


if a car is a company car, then no smoking whatso ever. if its a truck / van / whatever used by more than one person: no smoking.


basically, the only place you can smoke without hassle is locked away in your own home.

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same in CA, cant smoke in indoor public places.


unless it says its a smoking Area.


Unless your legal BPG. In the east bay not only can you buy weed legally but you can also smoke inside in a lounge for a maximum of 2 hours. Its my favorite cannabis club that I've been to in Northern Cali....But since its a club and you must have a script to be there, it's not technically a public place. But it sure seems like it, muthafuckas............. people in England are already like the Original Emo's. Not smoking is just going to make a nation of hardcore straight edge fags in the years to come.

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just had my last ever fag.


bring on the quitting

So when are you giving up the cigarettes?


This law sounds awesome, I can't wait for it to hit Australia!!

When they banned smoking in clubs it was the best thing they ever did IMO, and it is funny when you go to the casino here and smokers have to go into this little area and proceed to make themselves smell like shit for the rest of the night.:lol::lol::lol:

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I don't smoke so pretty much being in a smoke filled bar on a friday or saturday night breathing more smoke than air then coming home reaking like an ashtray can be anoying.

That said, I don't HAVE to go to the bar. I could just kick it at home. And bar owners don't HAVE to allow smoking in their bars if they don't want it.

The real reasons governments pass laws like this has alot more to do with making a profit from writing tickets than any concern for peoples health or convinience. Espescially when they go the extra mile of banning that shit outdoors.




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The real reasons governments pass laws like this has alot more to do with making a profit from writing tickets than any concern for peoples health or convinience. Espescially when they go the extra mile of banning that shit outdoors.





Actually, I would think it would be because they are tired of shelling out money for the heath care bills of smokers, and are thus trying to phase out smoking tobacco altogether.

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