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nephew died this morning


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I got 2 nephews and a niece and they are the light of my life. I can't begin to imagine how devestating it would be to lose any of them. Be glad at least that he was spared the suffering of growing old and jaded and realising how shit the world actually is. My condolences.

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my little nephew died, he was about to turn 2 next month. my sister found him dead in his crib this morning. my family is devestated. i dont really know what to think. or say to anyone. i just want to punch some random person's face in. anyways, discuss or whatever.


my niece had a heart defect and iot looked pretty possible she would die at age two so i can almost understand how bad it must be for you. really sorry, hope you and parents cope

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Sorry to hear that man. Is the family going to try and find out what happened?











Not to go off track or anything but i just had the most serious hit of deja'vu in my entire life. I could have SWORN to GOD that i read blood farts post a few days ago. Sorry for off topic.

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i wouldnt post this on a message board though


People should really get off this shit. Grief is an incredibly powerful emotion and it's different for each person. Studies have proven beyond reasonable doubt that talking about negative emotions is incredibly important and the ramifications of bottling it up can be dangerous. So fuck it if dude wants to talk about it on a message board with people he doesn't know. Lots of people tend to pour this kind of shit out on random strangers. The important part is talking about it and continuing the grieving process.

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People should really get off this shit. Grief is an incredibly powerful emotion and it's different for each person. Studies have proven beyond reasonable doubt that talking about negative emotions is incredibly important and the ramifications of bottling it up can be dangerous. So fuck it if dude wants to talk about it on a message board with people he doesn't know. Lots of people tend to pour this kind of shit out on random strangers. The important part is talking about it and continuing the grieving process.


the main reason i posted it on this board was because i do know some people on here that knew maddox, and i thought they should know. the autopsy came back and they said it wasnt suffocation, he didnt choke on anything, and he didnt eat anything poisonous. they are thinking it was something with his heart, like maybe an infection that could of gone undetected. but they will have the final results in 6 to 8 weeks.

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