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post your meals photo superpooperthread!!


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yinz i pm'ed you a recipe. also props to all that you posted sooki looks fucking good. on a side note my girl and i went to a new sushi joint that just opened in my area and the had sea urchin so we tried it and it was fucking amazing. that shit is good yall a bunch of pussies if you don't like it. just playin but i was nervous about the texture being worse than i could handle but it was like savory pudding. the sushi chef called us hardcore cause he doesn't see many americans just go for it like that. i started with the squid then baby octopus then oysters and some other nigiri's and some other rolls then we tried the sea urchin. shit was good.

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dinner for all my fellow broke cats haha.




tired of ramen noodles and cereal for dinner? how bout makin some pizza.fuck ordering that shit its like 15 for delivery, yall niggas got me fucked up.homemade is the way to go...anyways to the recipe.start out by getting your self a piece of bread,or two depending on how many slices you want. lightly toast your bread, make sure not to over do it becuase then you wont be able to fold it up and who the fuck wants to eat pizza with a fork? i mean you already look retarded eating this shit you might as well eat it like a real pizza.anyways once your done toastin you shit up put some graited cheese on that bitch(regular square cheese is good.you know the kind for sandwhiches.idk what the fuck thats called,i just know its cheese and thats a necessity for pizzas. after that put pepperoni on that shit.if you dont have any pepperoni some balogna or whatever type of meat you got will do just find.after that pop that shit in the microwave for EXACTLY,one minute and 20 seconds.not one minute not one minute and 30 seconds,one minute and 20 seconds,otherwise you'll fuck it all up.take that shit outta the microwave and eat away!!!!



before cooking


after cooking and ready to be ate up and shit.

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