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^^yeah. I know it's 12oz and all, but I have

been on 12oz since 2000, back when Joker was

in the bricklayers all the time, and trading actual

photos was the deal. I never looked at Ch0 back

then. Now that I am older and work on a computer

all day, what better place to chill out and chat then

with old school heads that grew up with similar lifestyles,

not just graffiti. I like Ch0 because its the no graff talk

sesh with other people my age, for the most part, that

just want to shoot the shit as well. So thats part of where

GrandMoff and I are coming from right now.


The other part is that there is no "graffiti writer."

There are "People that write graffiti.'

The thread could have simply been...


How many heads still play sports in their 20's.

You would still get the same responses, and you

wouldn't be putting a general label on your target

audience that for the most part don't write. I've

gotten the impression multiple times that a lot

of ch0's don't write anymore. I'm SUPER cool with

that. Just talk.


2 drops in the bucket...

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^^yeah. I know it's 12oz and all, but I have

been on 12oz since 2000, back when Joker was

in the bricklayers all the time, and trading actual

photos was the deal. I never looked at Ch0 back

then. Now that I am older and work on a computer

all day, what better place to chill out and chat then

with old school heads that grew up with similar lifestyles,

not just graffiti. I like Ch0 because its the no graff talk

sesh with other people my age, for the most part, that

just want to shoot the shit as well. So thats part of where

GrandMoff and I are coming from right now.


The other part is that there is no "graffiti writer."

There are "People that write graffiti.'

The thread could have simply been...


How many heads still play sports in their 20's.

You would still get the same responses, and you

wouldn't be putting a general label on your target

audience that for the most part don't write. I've

gotten the impression multiple times that a lot

of ch0's don't write anymore. I'm SUPER cool with

that. Just talk.


2 drops in the bucket...





excellent points.

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I'm a pretty healty cat... so I do a good amount jogging and play sports as much as possible... but most of my homies (especially graff homies) are lazy ass alcoholics. Spring and summer gets basketball... fall gets football and hockey if I can round enough heads up. And frisbee golf everyweekend all year reguardless.





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I don't think it's confined to just graffiti writers, I think in general people stop participating in organized sports once they hit their 20's. It's a lot easier to play in a competitive league when you're a kid than when you're older. I played soccer at the top level until I was like 18, and I had one, sometimes 2 games a week, conditioning twice a week, and practice every other day. There's no way older people can do that with jobs, family, etc. I fucked up my knee which is the main reason why I had to stop playing competitively. But I still play recreationally and drop-in whenever I can get a chance.


As for whoever said recreational leagues are full of idiots, I agree whole heartedly. I played CO-ED rec league and dealt with more assholes, more fights, more abuse than I ever did playing competitively.

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My plan is to turn directly into a Hessian

and skate only pools and bowls. Maybe rock

a mini ramp, but I just want to carve. As I

get older, I find that ollie'ing onto a picnic

table isn't easy any more. I remember

watching all the old dudes with their 80's

Powell with no nose and huge 65a wheels

and a Budwiser in hand at all times just

pumping around never getting off the ground

unless it was to do quick revert, or an indy air

onto the deck.


I want this.

It's finally time for that next step. I just need

a giant comfy board with huge soft wheels and

I already have several options for carving in my

area. I will kick it with dudes my age, and just

soul skate. Let my hair grow out, listen to slayer,

and have a grill on the deck.

Fucking eh right!

I want to be HESSIAN Skater.

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i used to play sports..... played basketball n football.... since my lungs aint what they used to be i stopped... i occasionally whoop some ass here n there though... but im better at rollin blunts n paintin now than runnin down a field half assed gaspin for air...

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