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Copenhagen riots for Youthhouse 69 *Updated with loads of flicks*


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You can support the struggle by turning up at the support-demo in NYC today Tuesday the 6th at Noon at the Danish Consulate in NYC.

Consulate General of Denmark

One Dag Hammarskjold Plaza

885 Second Avenue, 18th Fl.

New York, N.Y. 10017-2201


Oh man, this last week in Copenhagen has been absolute madness.

From what I know the news has gone around the world, so maybe you have heard already? In my neighborhood, the antiterrorsquad with helicopters evicted the Youthhouse 69 last thursday and since then big riots, demos, civil unrest... Almost 700 poeple arrested so far. I have seen crazy things, good friends violently arrested, heavy beatings from fucked up cops, I saved an unconscius man from certain death, I have been teargassed, cars burning in the streets, burning barricades all over my hood, rocks thrown at cops and cars, heavy graff bombing all over, Ive seen what the rightwing system can do to you and to the children of this democrazy, basic amendment laws are being broken all the time, no one is safe...

Today the last piece of our beloved Youthhouse 69 will be torn down, Im very sad, yet very furious at the powers that be. Later today there will be a big Reclaim The Streets demo at the most busy metro & S-train station in Copenhagen during the rushhour, should be good fun.

I havent had tiome to post anything on 12 oz since all this shit started, I dont know when I will have time to come back here, maybe Ill get arrested too like everyone else...


You can support the struggle by turning up at the support-demo in NYC today Tuesday the 6th at Noon at the Danish Consulate in NYC.

Consulate General of Denmark

One Dag Hammarskjold Plaza

885 Second Avenue, 18th Fl.

New York, N.Y. 10017-2201


Emailing the Copenhagen mayor at: ritt@kk.dk and tell her Copenhagen needs more youthhouses


Signing this online form for more youthhouses and peace in our streets: http://www.mangfoldighed.underskrifter.dk/


Background info on the conflict in english: http://www.thatswhy.dk

News updates in english http://indymedia.dk/newswire

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Re: People in NYC - please help today!!


See loads of crazy stuff from the Copenhagen riots on youtube & myspace & google and whatever:



Ungdomshuset 69


(Youthhouse69 in danish)

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Re: People in NYC - please help today!!


Yahoo news doesn't mention a peep. After some searching I found this.



Riots test Danes tradition of tolerance for rebellion

Tue Mar 6, 2007 11:11am ET




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More In Depth News... Email This Article | Print This Article | Reprints [-] Text [+] By Gelu Sulugiuc


COPENHAGEN (Reuters) - Three days of violent clashes between youths and police in Denmark's capital have left public sympathy for the protesters in tatters, even among those who have long lived outside the law.


Although Copenhagen's streets are now empty of rioters and demolition teams have torn down the youth center at the heart of the protests, the violence appears to have drained Denmark's traditional tolerance for rebellion.


Danes say that tolerance had anyway been dissipating in recent years and plunged further when protesters angry at the eviction of squatters from the youth center burned cars, ransacked a high school and fought police in the streets.


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from the last 24 hours.

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Lars Ewe, who has lived in Copenhagen's famous "free town" hippie enclave of Christiania for 24 years, said he and fellow residents started a neighborhood watch group over the riots.


"Even if we support the cause of the young people, we cannot support the violence and rioting," Ewe said. "A lot of people are scared that the violence might escalate and burn their houses down."


The daily clashes began on Thursday, after a police raid on a Copenhagen youth center to evict a group of squatters engaged in a long-running dispute with authorities.


In a city with a long history of non-conformism, Christiania's squatters have lived undisturbed in a military barracks since 1971 without recognizing Danish laws or paying taxes. Until recently, they ran a thriving open-air drug market. Continued...

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Re: People in NYC - please help today!!


Danish squatter building demolished after riots

Web posted at: 3/6/2007 2:23:10

Source ::: Agencies

copenhagen • Demolition crews under police protection yesterday began tearing down a Copenhagen youth centre after three days of rioting sparked by the eviction of squatters from the building.


Almost 650 people have been arrested during the disturbances that rocked the Danish capital.


Workers had their faces covered to protect their identities as they began demolishing the Ungdomhuset, “the youth house”, which had been a haven for punks and squatters since the 1980s.


Violence first erupted on Thursday in the Noerrebro and Christianshavn neighbourhoods when police evicted squatters from the building.


Police feared the demolition of the centre could spark further protests. They cordoned off the building before the demolition operation began.


During three nights of disturbances, rioters hurled petrol bombs and stones. Some 647 people have been arrested — including 140 foreigners, mainly Germans and Scandinavians suspected of involvement in the disturbances — with 227 placed in custody.


The centre has had a cult reputation in Copenhagen since the 1980s when the city’s council gave punks and squatters permission to move in.


An August 2006 court ruling ordered the centre evicted however.


People stood near the Ungdomhuset criticised the demolition of the building put up at the end of the 19th century as a community centre.


“This is a very sad day. They’re taking away a place young people love so much and that has been a centre for activities and creativity,” one woman told Danish television TV2. On Sunday, one group laid flowers, lit candles and left farewell messages some 100 metres from the building.

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Re: People in NYC - please help today!!



of course this came up in the search.

stay safe europe but do the damn thing

Riot-the unbeatable high!

Riot-shoots your nerves to the sky!

tomorow your homeless,

tonight its a blast!

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Re: People in NYC - please help today!!


Was even reported in the sydney papers last week but I didn't realise it got so much worse since this was printed on second of March


Danish police arrested about 190 people in Copenhagen in violent street clashes after authorities evicted left-wing squatters from a youth centre.


Authorities took control of the building in the multi-ethnic, working class Norrebro neighbourhood in an early morning raid.


Members of an anti-terrorist unit leapt on the roof from helicopters while police officers perching on a crane aimed water cannon through the windows.


After the eviction, scores of demonstrators threw cobblestones at police and set fire to makeshift barricades of rubbish bins and bicycles.


Officers in riot gear chased protesters through the streets and police vans smashed through barricades.


Television footage showed crude weapons that police said they found in the youth house, including crates full of stones and shopping carts wrapped in barbed wire.


One officer and two protesters were injured, police said, including one protester who blew off his hand trying to hurl firecrackers at police.


Clashes flared up again in the evening after a call on the youth centre's website for a demonstration through Norrebro towards the house.


Sympathisers from outside Copenhagen arrived by train and in cars to join the demonstration.


During the march, more than 1,000 protesters threw bottles and bricks at the police, who responded with tear gas.


Later the unrest spread to near the hippie enclave of Christiania, where rioters smashed shop windows, overturned cars and set them on fire.


"We hope the rain and the cold will help us calm things down," said Flemming Steen Munch, spokesman for Copenhagen police.


According to Danish news agency Ritzau, at least 17 of those arrested are foreigners.


Twenty-four people have been remanded in custody, and two have already been sentenced to 27 days in jail for assaulting police, Ritzau said.


The conflict over the youth centre has been simmering since 2000 when local government sold the building to a religious group. Left-wing activists have used it as a base since 1982.


The current owners have a court order to have squatters evicted, which sparked several clashes last year between police and demonstrators.


The youths have sworn to protect the house and have repeatedly called for a political solution while refusing a proposal to move to another building.


"We made them an offer and I'm sorry that they did not accept it," Copenhagen Mayor Ritt Bjerregaard told a news conference after hurrying back from a ski vacation in Norway.


"The police handled the situation very professionally," she said.

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Re: People in NYC - please help today!!


Danish media reports that about 10 protesters turned up in NYC.

Thanks for the support everyone.



sorry, but we just saw your thread today, and a lot of us are nowhere near nyc. plus, the biggest news ive seen the last two weeks is ron artest getting arrested. you know they havent publicized your plight to americans for shit. if they did, you know this would get insane amounts of attention because we havent seen violence like this in comparable cities in years.

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Re: People in NYC - please help today!!


CNN reports here (actually pretty unbiased):


Danes demolish disputed youth club (03.05.2007) :


^^ Includes cool video link


Denmark riots: Dozens more arrested (03.04.2007) :


^^Includes cool video link


Anarchists join Danish protesters (03.03.2007) :


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Re: People in NYC - please help today!!


Thanks to people posting photos and videos!

But all the stuff you have posted are from last years riot on Dec. 16th.

The new riots took place March 1st, 2nd and 3rd. 2007

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Re: People in NYC - please help today!!


Myspace support!

Add the house itself:


Add the pirate radio inside the house:


Add the group figthing for more youthhouses:


If you are an artist, add the artist-support network:


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