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the un official workout thread


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Yeah, I tried GOMAD for a month. Shitting becomes a task instead of an enjoyment.

What I'm doing now seems to be packing on the pounds, just not getting it in my arms.

Kinda shocked because I work hard on my arms.


Now, my stomach is getting pretty big. Even bigger than when I complained a couple of weeks ago.


Eating dirty. I dunno about that. I was trying to do this thing pretty clean as far as foods.

You've got to figure that I'm 140 as of July. I'm shooting for 165 max so I'll weigh myself in November and figure out from there. That's a rough max. 155 would probably make me happy.


I keep forgetting about almonds being protein dense.


I started at 135 a year and a half ago and now weight 160. The key, more than anything, is not to hop around to different routines. The best exercises are compound exercises, the second best are body weight. I do 100 push-ups, 400 situps, and skip rope for ten minutes a day and in 3-4 months put on 10lbs. Before I started boxing i was doing SS and it a good way to go. I also have to say my post work out drink of choice is Myoplex.


tl;dr: Do Starting Strength, drink shakes.

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I started at 135 a year and a half ago and now weight 160. The key, more than anything, is not to hop around to different routines. The best exercises are compound exercises, the second best are body weight. I do 100 push-ups, 400 situps, and skip rope for ten minutes a day and in 3-4 months put on 10lbs. Before I started boxing i was doing SS and it a good way to go. I also have to say my post work out drink of choice is Myoplex.


tl;dr: Do Starting Strength, drink shakes.



I have been. SS was the first book I got and read. I'm applied prisoner squats to my workout

and deadlift at least once a week. I'm not a noob as far as knowing what I'm doing, but I like to learn more and modify my diet to fit my needs. "Do what works for you" is some advice I've taken to heart. It's taken a long time to figure out exactly what does work for me.

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Alright, good. I tried finding a diet but i think if you eat generally healthy, and eat when you are hungry you'll be ok. You may not be the type to make huge gains. People are built differently. Also if you dont do cardio, add something like rowing or running if you can handle it. Nothing more than 30 min.


As far as what worked best for me diet wise was to eat cottage cheese. I love it and its a great source of protein. Also, and this is very important, lots of carbs. They are as important, if not more important than protein with muscle recovery. Its a 2:1 ratio carbs:brotein.

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You're actually comparing two different kinds of hypertrophy... and that bit about how you cant do box squats with proper form on a smith machine. I did it. And I know i did it right because my entire hamstring and ass hurt (with no joint discomfort at all) for the entire next day.


i mean, i can sit here and say i did a 'clean and jerk' if i picked the weight up and some how got it above my head any way i could, but i wouldnt have the proper technique and wouldnt fall into the strict and proper definition of the lift. the very definition of a squat, especially in a competition sense, is putting a barbell on your back, free, (not on a smith machine) dropping to parallel then going back up. using a device to stabilize the weight and sitting on a bench that puts you at 'high parallel' not 'true parallel' is simply not the proper squat technique anyway you cut it.

not only does a smith machine put your body on an unnatural plane, it completely eliminates stabilization muscles working in the lift. people cling to the smith machine because they think 'it wont hurt me' yet it is probably the most dangerous piece of equipment in the gym.


as for box squatting, properly, on a smith machine, is absolutely impossible. when you box squat, you push your ass back about as far as you humanely can. this will result in your knees/shins being past perpendicular to the floor. the idea is to shoot to keep the bar in a straight path, but the small variations in natural body movement cannot be mimicked on a smith machine because your stabilizers arent being trained and because the machine straight up and down is NOT natural in the least. when you come off the box, with your shins/knees beyond perpendicular, you have to actually do a 'leg curl' movement to begin to lift back off of the box and finish the move. when you sit on the box, everything stays tight from your upper back and elbows UNDER the bar to your feet, EXCEPT your hips, they relax. you absolutely cannot mimic a proper box squat on the smith machine no matter how long you try to tell everyone that because you got under a smith bar and sat on a bench that was sort of parallel that you are performing an actual power lifting box squat. i mean really... the only evidence you need that you are wrong about this is NO power lifter uses a smith machine or has ANYTHING good to say about them.

a wider stance also reduces the travel of the motion. the same with the bench. with a proper arch with all the weight on your traps and with your lats pulling the bar out of the rack and descending, the decrease the distance of bar travel by almost half then if you laid flat with no arch and no back flex.


hamstrings and ass hurting doesnt necessarily indicate that you were doing a lift with proper form and technique, as it is impossible to do so on a smith machine to begin with. it just means your hams got a work out which is what tends to happen when your feet are in front of the bar and you push back/up. if your feet are in front of the bar on a smith machine the weight is on your hips and results in the pushing back motion i mentioned in my other post instead of pushing straight up.

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Alright, good. I tried finding a diet but i think if you eat generally healthy, and eat when you are hungry you'll be ok. You may not be the type to make huge gains. People are built differently. Also if you dont do cardio, add something like rowing or running if you can handle it. Nothing more than 30 min.


As far as what worked best for me diet wise was to eat cottage cheese. I love it and its a great source of protein. Also, and this is very important, lots of carbs. They are as important, if not more important than protein with muscle recovery. Its a 2:1 ratio carbs:brotein.


i dont know man... if he is having this much trouble gaining weight... i wouldnt even do anything except lifting weights. cardio health be damned if he is having this much trouble, it will just burn up to many calories.

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well, i ran the shittiest (best, if you interpret "cross country" as "cross all terrains"course ive ever seen my entire life.

we crossed 3 ditches (you could walk through them, they were like irrigation ditches)

ran down a gauntlet cut from the woods, about 8 feet wide with this grey dirt that made a giant dust cloud when we pre walked it, imagine it with 128 people RUNNING on it. with zero wind.

ran under powerlines (the giant ones you see in the middle of knowhere with the wide strip of wood cut out under them) for about a mile and a half in knee high brush. there was a trail, but it was barely wide enough for one person and it was at the start of the course so i wasnt about to run single file behind the slow fuckers, my shins are tore up from weeds and thorns.

roots fucking EVERYWHERE, the kind that pop up if someone beside you steps on them.

there was a loop back that used part of the existing track, so everyone that runs under 22 minutes had to run against the grain with the slower people, on the same skinny ass singletrack.

crossed 2 different parkinglots, which if you wore spikes was HELL on the soles of your feet and your spikes.


also, 89 degrees with 72 percent humidity. smack dab in the middle of a week of high 60's with 20ish percent humidity. WTF.

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i hate treadmills.

haha once you start running over 3 miles outside, and realize your literally running across town, running on a treadmill is the most boring thing on earth



edit: forgot to tell yall how i did, cut off 39 seconds. despite the crazy fucking course, and the shitty weather i paced myself perfectly and at the last quarter mile i came up behind someone i had promised to beat when i get faster, so that was a huge morale boost. didnt catch him, but i came close.

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i dont know man... if he is having this much trouble gaining weight... i wouldnt even do anything except lifting weights. cardio health be damned if he is having this much trouble, it will just burn up to many calories.


Cardio helps you warm up and lets your heart get the exercise it needs too. If you decide to run the impact can build stronger bones which helps in the long run. If you are exercising to get fit cardio is essential, if you want to get ripped, not as much. Personally, I always worked to be in the best shape possible and never really cared about getting ripped.

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Cardio helps you warm up and lets your heart get the exercise it needs too. If you decide to run the impact can build stronger bones which helps in the long run. If you are exercising to get fit cardio is essential, if you want to get ripped, not as much. Personally, I always worked to be in the best shape possible and never really cared about getting ripped.



cardio for 5 min, like jumping rope or on a tread mill is fine for a warm up in casek's case, but remember he is trying to gain weight and is having a hell of a time. if he burns 500 or 600 calories every day doing cardio he has to eat that much more to replace those calories. need we be reminded that he is barely moving up the weight gaining ladder right now, so eating that much more might be a real chore.

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cardio for 5 min, like jumping rope or on a tread mill is fine for a warm up in casek's case, but remember he is trying to gain weight and is having a hell of a time. if he burns 500 or 600 calories every day doing cardio he has to eat that much more to replace those calories. need we be reminded that he is barely moving up the weight gaining ladder right now, so eating that much more might be a real chore.



Yeah, it's funny how much I can eat and how little I can gain. My metabolism has always been super high. I could eat ice cream every day (not all day) for a couple of weeks and

show no sign. People tell me I'm lucky. Eff that. I want the weight.


The combo I have going on with the meat, the whole milk, the whey, and creatine seems

to be putting it on for me, though. It's just taking some time.

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Casek, if I could trade metabolism with you, trust me.. I fucking would.


I'm 5'10, went from 230 to 182, but keeping the weight off with a metabolism like mine from the beggining was fucking hard as shit. Id have salad/protein shake meals everyday then cheat for ONE day (either saturday or sunday) and Ill show/feel something the following week.


Its not as bad now, though. Green tea and six small meals does my metabolism good, but it could be a hell of a lot better. Im just UMAD at the fact that I forget how real good cuisine tastes like sometimes, and it doesn't help that my mother's cooking is fucking awesome either.

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Way to go podrido. How the fuck are you still small when you're busting out workouts

like that?


genetics i guess. im sure if i REALLY push it i can get bigger. but im still at 150 lbs lol


and now im off 4weeks in south america.

excersize will surely see a 95% decrease

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i dont know man... if he is having this much trouble gaining weight... i wouldnt even do anything except lifting weights. cardio health be damned if he is having this much trouble, it will just burn up to many calories.


Yeah dude because swimmers are tiny. hahaha they're all 187-200 lbs and totally lean.

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Soup dude c'mon...


I get that you'd rather not go down looking like an ass or a "punkassbitchpussy" but I really come in here to try and learn things I don't get anywhere else, besides google and that can all take me so far. At least here I more or less know these people and can interact casually. Stop derailing the thread homie. Arguments whatever, if you really have a point to correct at least use the PM. Generally you're going from informative to trolling pretty quickly.



And at some point all the rest of you really should stop actually blazing the argumentative fire.


I gotta be the nice guy here.


Seriously, please stop.

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Ya know what's a real bitch? All this hard work and I'm still "skinny". I can feel my strength.

I said it earlier, picking up 100+ lb boxes and such isn't a huge deal anymore. What is a big deal is piling on weight in different areas of my body. My stomach, for example, is getting larger. My arms, on the other hand, don't look very big.


It's all good, though. I'm prepared to fight it head on.


NO cardio for a little while, though. Not until I pack on some more pounds of muscle and

want to cut the weight out of my stomach.

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Exactly where I'm at but at a smaller scale I'm sure. I'd rather not mess with cardio until I've proportionately distributed muscle and weight. Even though this midsection fat is taunting the hell outta me.


In my head the plan is to get larger in areas and then cut fat from there. I know it's a long road but results that'll last don't come easy. Goal is december when I actually expect to look like what I feel.

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Exactly where I'm at but at a smaller scale I'm sure. I'd rather not mess with cardio until I've proportionately distributed muscle and weight. Even though this midsection fat is taunting the hell outta me.


In my head the plan is to get larger in areas and then cut fat from there. I know it's a long road but results that'll last don't come easy. Goal is december when I actually expect to look like what I feel.



What's your goal?


I'm at 140 (probably a little heavier) going for 165 at 5'5.

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