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I have been doing potentially the same routine as John Smith Doe or a similar one for about 4 months now. Keep in mind I'm a tiny motherfucker, 5'3" about 140-145lb. Here's my routine and my PR's:

Day 1:

Squat 3 sets of 5 after 3 or 4 warmups increasing the weight by 20lb until my actual weight (going up by 5lb each day) PR:175lb

Bench 3 sets of 5 after 3 or 4 warmups increasing the weight by 20lb until my actual weight (going up by 5 each day) PR: 120lb

Deadlift 1 set of 5 after 3 warmups increasing the weight by 20-30lb until my actual weight (going up by 10 each day) PR: 205lb

Day 2:

Squat 3 sets of 5 after 3 or 4 warmups increasing the weight by 20lb until my actual weight (going up by 5lb each day)

Overhead Press 3 sets of 5 after 3 or 4 warmups increasing the weight by 20lb until my actual weight (going up by 2.5lb each day) PR: 75lb

Standing barbell rows with back parallel to the ground 3 sets of 5 after 3 or 4 warmups increasing the weight by 20lb until my actual weight (going up by 5lb each day) PR: 155lb


I alternate between the 2 days every time and i lift 3 times a week. I recommend this routine for anyone starting off, just make sure you do your research and do the lifts with really good form to prevent injury. So far my quads, glutes, traps and forearms have blown up from this, as well as I've noticed a huge improvement in my back strength and posture which was horrible from a life of slouching. One thing I recommend which I made the mistake of not doing is to stretch, it will greatly benefit everything and reduce chances of strains.

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They look pretty fucking stupid in my opinion. I wouldn't get them but I could see why they would be good for squats and deadlifts because you're not supposed to wear shoes with any sort of support to get the most drive. But then again you could always save your money and just wear your socks. That's what I do.

Just wanted to say, if you wear gloves when you lift you're a pussy bitch. Be a man and get some callouses on your hands.

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I started wearing gloves in my work life much more frequently a few years back and find that it gives me much better grip than bare hands. I would not hate, but I have a bit of the germophobe in me and always appreciate a barrier between what some other dude is touching and any item I may touch later, totally grosses me out when people shower without flip flops for example.

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I guess I can see where you're coming from, but my buddy has a rack in his garage so I lift there and don't really have to worry about some random dudes germs. But also getting used to wearing gloves could be detrimental, if one day you don't have them or forget them you'll essentially be screwed. Especially if you're lifting heavy, I've seen pictures of dudes having the skin ripped right off their hands. If grip is an issue use chalk.

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One of the regulars at the pool passed away this weekend, I did not sign the card cause I never spoke with him.


Some of the folks there have been swimming laps everyday for like 30+ years, I think this guy was one of them. Definitely am working toward that kind of long term commitment to fitness as these old fuckers seem to have a much higher quality of life for their efforts.

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Walkin around the gym in your socks?? Squating in socks?? That's gotta go over well in the gym:(


I couldn't imagine doing squats without some kind of cushioning under my heals and I've been


a gym rat forever.


I don't actually go to a commercial gym but i don't think it would be a problem to them, pretty sure my buddy does it at his.

And try it man. If you think about it, having cushioning under your feet will add somewhat of a resistance when squatting/overhead pressing/deadlifts which you do not want. I find not wearing shoes gives you more drive, similar to lifting shoes. Everyone has different preferences tough.

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Haven't posted in a while, but just so you guys know, I haven't completely fallen off. I stopped lifting for about a week and a half because I was out of town in various places. But started off a little light again and have been building up to my numbers from when I last posted.


Last Workout:


Squat 150lbs 3x5


Felt good, but I feel like I still have room for improvement at this weight before I go on to 155lbs and then back to 160lbs. I've been stretching more and improving my hamstring flexibility for squats.


Bench Press 120lbs 3x5


The lifts felt good, the form was good, increase to 125lbs next workout.


Back Extension 3x10



Pullups 3x10



I'm excited to do powercleans tonight and squat. I've been stretching a lot more and in different areas that I haven't stretched before. My presses are starting to go up now. Woo!

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Walkin around the gym in your socks?? Squating in socks?? That's gotta go over well in the gym:(


I couldn't imagine doing squats without some kind of cushioning under my heals and I've been


a gym rat forever.




squatting with no shoes is different but i can see the advantages. sometimes i'll do a couple sets with shoes and then without. you get a more natural feel with no shoes but im not convinced it's better, for me anyway.

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Last night's workout


Squat 150lbs 3x5


Good hip and hamstring flexibility thanks to stretching on my off days. Made all five reps, but the very last rep I stalled in the middle but finished strong. I think it will only be one more workout, two max, until I increase to 155lbs.


Press 85lbs 3x5


I got some good reps out of my presses finally. I'm ready to increase to 90lbs.


Powercleans 100lbs 3x5


I felt really explosive during these. Struggled with the last two reps. Stay at 100lbs for a bit.

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Injuries for runners, I do not run but from what I understand the barefoot craze is leading to a lot of ankle problems.


My source on that is a casual conversation with my gf's brother in law who is a pretty smart guy.


They are meant for both running and working out. Maybe I'll only use them occasionally for running

My girlfriends aunt got a pair and no one told her she had to run on the balls of your feet, as a result she got a stress fracture in her heel bone. DERP


It's only leading to problems/injuries in people that try and use them in too much too quickly. They all recommend that you gradually work them into your life so that you can get your ankles and foot muscles accustomed to them, so...idiots get hurt.



you're not supposed to wear shoes with any sort of support to get the most drive.


Okay, caveman. Plz notify all oly/power lifters of how they have been doing it all wrong for decades by wearing supportive shoes.


I started wearing gloves in my work life much more frequently a few years back and find that it gives me much better grip than bare hands.


That shit isn't helping your grip.

If anything it's making it weaker.

Buy some chalk and some fucking purell if you're that worried about germs and grip, princess.




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Okay, caveman. Plz notify all oly/power lifters of how they have been doing it all wrong for decades by wearing supportive shoes.

By support I meant cushioning.


Went to my homie's gym the other day cause it was too damn cold to lift in buddy's garage. Always get a kick out of watching people's horrible form, roided out motherfuckers raging at themselves in the mirror and the abundance of chicken-legged curl and bench jockeys.

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I'm pretty small too.


Today's workout:


Squat 150lbs 3x5


Good form, legs felt great, time to move up to 155lbs. Soon I'll be back at 160lbs.


Bench Press 125lbs 3x5


Felt fine, form was good. Move up to 130lbs next workout.


Back Extensions 3x10






Time to rest and then lift again. I'm excited to squat more and deadlift more.

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