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the un official workout thread


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i have been a little sick the last 3 days....back pain etc.


haven't worked out, still losing weight through dietary choices, looking forward to running and lifting tomorrow.


on a side note, crossfit is $100 a month, currently I am making $480 a week on unemployment....I don't know if I can justify the expense when I consider my gym membership is only $30.


I may can the crossift and hit the gym regularly instead. with crossift I am not on a regular schedule because some days literally kill me and put me out of commission for a day or two....


any opinions?

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Can the Crossfit "box."

You can do most of those workouts on your own or at your gym save for a few depending on how your gym is equipped. They claim that you get better coaching and blah blah blah at Crossfit gyms, but honestly, unless you're a retard or a macho idiot who overloads himself you'll be fine on your own. Plus, you already got them to show you the basics, correct?

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here is what i hate...when heads take their bar off the rack and then do the curls right in front of the rack where all the curl bars are


i agree on the crossfit thing, i can reproduce the workouts and save...i just wish i didnt owe money, i could afford gym and crossfit, but looks like its just gym now



I've got a ton of crossfit journals. If you want them I've got no problem zipping and upping them.

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i have been a little sick the last 3 days....back pain etc.


haven't worked out, still losing weight through dietary choices, looking forward to running and lifting tomorrow.


on a side note, crossfit is $100 a month, currently I am making $480 a week on unemployment....I don't know if I can justify the expense when I consider my gym membership is only $30.


I may can the crossift and hit the gym regularly instead. with crossift I am not on a regular schedule because some days literally kill me and put me out of commission for a day or two....


any opinions?


Yo, Crossfit is free bro



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Man, my problem with working out is that I am tired all the time.


I wake up early in the morning (5:00)

Ride to work (4 mile ride)

Then I work and I am zoned out...sometimes my job can be stressful and when I need to work out I am just so spent that I dont

So I just ride home (another 4 miles) and sit on the couch and watch TV


I worked out last week but this week I am just to tired to do it, any suggestions?

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I'd suggest doing exercises that make you excited to do them. Up until Casek posted the Convict Conditioning book, I was getting tired of doing my usual gym-style routine, such as benching, deadlifiting and what have you. It was just unmotivating. I mean I still did them, but never looked forward to it. Now I get pumped to do my favorite exercises, such as pullups (especially with a bookbag on and like 40lbs in it), handstand pushups, one-legged squats, and different variations of pushups. I also have been going down to the playground 2 blocks away from me and working out there, doing dips and pullups on the monkey bars. I get super-pumped now to workout because I can do my favorite exercises (bodyweight exercises) in my home or at the playground in 30 min. or less. When I worked out with a weight set and bench before, it took me over an hour, and much time was spent adding and removing plates. Plus, the results I'm getting from Convict Conditioning are the best I've ever had on any workout routine, so that's mad encouraging. I'm also never injuring or straining myself, or feeling completely sore and wiped out the next day.

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wellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll i just got talked into doing the running leg of an iron man in november. 26 miles...

BUT, its a sponsored team. so i get "everything i need to compete effectively" from the local bike shop, im thinkin new shorts, its a shame im not doing the cycling leg. i wouldnt mind one of those 6 thousand dollar tri bikes trek's making now.


also, i dont think il be able to finish it. but hey, a free tshirt is a free tshirt.

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I'd suggest doing exercises that make you excited to do them. Up until Casek posted the Convict Conditioning book, I was getting tired of doing my usual gym-style routine, such as benching, deadlifiting and what have you. It was just unmotivating. I mean I still did them, but never looked forward to it. Now I get pumped to do my favorite exercises, such as pullups (especially with a bookbag on and like 40lbs in it), handstand pushups, one-legged squats, and different variations of pushups. I also have been going down to the playground 2 blocks away from me and working out there, doing dips and pullups on the monkey bars. I get super-pumped now to workout because I can do my favorite exercises (bodyweight exercises) in my home or at the playground in 30 min. or less. When I worked out with a weight set and bench before, it took me over an hour, and much time was spent adding and removing plates. Plus, the results I'm getting from Convict Conditioning are the best I've ever had on any workout routine, so that's mad encouraging. I'm also never injuring or straining myself, or feeling completely sore and wiped out the next day.


And this is why I love this shit


Convict Conditioning works

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