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Knee's feeling better. Still swelling up when i run but im just gonna see how much i can push it.


Acer, with your water sloshing problem, you remember how much carb-loading you were doing at the same time?


I wouldnt, if your knees are swelling when you run then something is wrong. Take it easy and ice that fucker down

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Haha, really man. Running is okay, but its not something that you can replace with some other cardio exercise. Swimming, biking, cross country skiing, stuff like that.


Running is an art that can either help your cardio or fuck your body up. if it wasnt part of my job to run, I would rather swim or ride bikes

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Swimming's fine. Skiing's not the easiest on the knee after a day or so of skiing, but i do alpine, not cross. And cycling can hurt after a while too. Right now it's fine, but im not anywhere near doing 120 miles a day anymore either.


In highschool I was a varsity swimmer and could keep pace with all the track athletes so it sucks not to be able to run. I may need surgery to clean up the mess of cartilage and scar tissue I have down there, but I wont have health coverage till obamacare kicks in. It just sucks going from being athletic to a basket case because of one stupid injury.

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i did squats today after a loooong time of not doing any...and i went too heavy....then had sex with this girl tonight, and after sex, my legs were shaking like i had parkinson's....wtf?!


im gonna say that by the size of the girls you fuck its no surprise you're legs were shaking, holding that weight up for an hour must be a test of endurance..



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I dont want to sound like an asshole but this seems easy..


Are those air squats or with weight?


I might try this today.



/not mad....it was hard for me considering this is week 5 of actually working out


in fact let us know if you try it out how it is.


btw no weights on the squats, just go to parallel.

also on the wall jump, 18 inches above extended arm while standing on tip toes, thats your mark to jump to.

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Knee's feeling better. Still swelling up when i run but im just gonna see how much i can push it.


Acer, with your water sloshing problem, you remember how much carb-loading you were doing at the same time?



i dont carbo load, fucking HATE pasta. although i do eat a good amount of bread.

i really dont care about my diet that much, if i can pronounce it, il put it in my body. thats my rule.


also, if your knees are swelling, cut your mileage in hal but keep running till it goes away. dont push your self.


i had an inflamed achilles, and wanted to quit running. instead i kept my mileage at 3 a day and ran through it. took a week of hell, but now its fine.


and lastly, if you have to get your knees replaced, dont sue me.


edit: your shoes might be flat. and if your going to start running on grass because of the impact, its going to take your legs atleast a week to get used to it so the improvement wont be instant. if it is, then your knees were REALLY fucked up from impact

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Hey its Soup


Yeah we swimmers have notoriously bad running shoes and generally fracture our feet before we ever get winded.


You probably dont need a lot of carbs because it sounds like you're running long distance. Science behind it is your body starts any exercise using glycogen store, which is about 3000 calories worth. Then, soon as glycogen stores get low, fat stores kick in. It doesnt take 3000 calories before fat kicks it. The more trained your muscles are, the sooner it kicks over to fat stores. For a conditioned runner it happens pretty fast. If you're sprinting, a few days of carb loading would be good tho. Not necessarily spaghetti.



And the thing about carbs was 1 gram of carbs absorbs 3 grams of water, so you get get the gut sloshing a lot with carb loading.

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i know i dont, the shortest i ever run is 3 miles unless im hurt.

i entered some info in on this calorie burning calculator thing for a 8 mile run i did in 89 degree heat and it said i only burnt 1500, so i doubt im running on fat stores.

i dont really care, the only thing holding me back right now is this fucking heat. ive got everything else down pat.

but in races and training runs i do pick it up and work into a full sprint starting at the last .75 miles, so idk what that draws on.


and we have a swimmer on our team, and hes constantly getting hurt :lol:

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believe it or not, but 4 months ago i couldnt run 3 miles nonstop.


once you make it past that first little plateau where your stuck at doing 2-3 and 4-5 seems crazy and 6-8 seems impossible, then running becomes fun and meditative for you. i fucking HATED running the entire summer training period. now i love it, and running under 3 miles a day seems crazy to me now :lol:


also, dont run with a ipod. if your on this site then your visually stimulated and looking around will be much better for you on your runs. i see a lot of people on the side of the road running with an ipod, but only about 3 of the 100 plus people on our team run with ipods. and everyone has one.

believe it or not but little things like this can make mental blocks for you, i shit you not. once you get to a point in your life where your running every day, so many little things can fuck with your run. its so weird.

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