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the un official workout thread


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Man, all this weight gain and I am trying to lose weight. I need to stay lean, already lost 8 pounds in four weeks.

Diet is like 80% of all your goals, Casek you need to just cut down on cardio and eat a lot and lift heavy



I don't do cardio and I am doing a hypertrophy workout. AOD recommended that I lift heavy at least one day a week so I don't lose my strength. I think I may incorporate it into my workout.

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I don't do cardio and I am doing a hypertrophy workout. AOD recommended that I lift heavy at least one day a week so I don't lose my strength. I think I may incorporate it into my workout.


What are you taking besides protein shakes (no homo), creatine, and eating like a beast?


Ever think you might not be making enough testosterone?


Eat some nuts (more no homo) Get plenty of rest, quit drinking, and stop jerking off to /b/ and have sex with real girls. Also is your protein soy protein? Soy raises the levels of estrogen in your body...eat meat (even more no homo)

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What are you taking besides protein shakes (no homo), creatine, and eating like a beast?


Ever think you might not be making enough testosterone?


Eat some nuts (more no homo) Get plenty of rest, quit drinking, and stop jerking off to /b/ and have sex with real girls. Also is your protein soy protein? Soy raises the levels of estrogen in your body...eat meat (even more no homo)



We're all pretty mature on here, no need to /nohomo everything. This excludes gym shower stories.


No other supplements besides protein and creatine.


My meals are: steaks, pork chops, fruits, oatmeal, lots of water, mixed vegetables,

potato's (sweet and white...like I like my women. waka waka), pasta (with meat sauce),



I have insomnia that pops up every once in awhile. Otherwise, i get 8 hours of sleep a night.


I don't drink much at all. One beer a month max.


Whey protein. Soy is for hippies with hippie vaginas.


Not jerking off to /b/.


Speaking of blowing loads, I read an interesting article about peak testosterone levels

and masturbation relating to working out. I'll see if I can dig it up and post it later.

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haha as a matter of fact i need to eat more ..this is a direct result of me skipping breakfast and lunch due to having no time or money and only eating dinner.


i need to find the time to make myself breakfast and lunch before i go to sleep.



I know the perfect lunch food. Quinoa. Easy as fuck to cook up, add some salsa to it, and it's an awesome meal. Very filling.

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gold of the incas haha sounds nice i used to eat these berries i think it was a golden inca berry or something with a real sour taste i used to love those.

the quinoa stuff looks great in what it contains,would it work with spinach?and have you got any other suggestions or can i just experiment with it.


i was mainly thinking brown bread tuna and mayo :lol: i could eat that stuff till i pass out..and any thing bad/good about deviled eggs?

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i get about an hour or so workout if im lucky im pretty much at college 8:30-5 now and i get a 30 minute weight session on tuesdays at lunch i get home for 7-8pm im pretty much drained so i sit and chill for the remainder of the night or just crash out.


the one thing i have managed to eat near enough concistently is mealie pap..food of the gods in my books . eat it with meats,sugar&milk,chiken,salads pretty much anything

some sites for info it take not time at all to make which is why i pretty much make it when im home or every now and then my grams will make it before i leave.




completly forgot devilled eggs ..boiled eggs cut in half inside taken out mixed with mayo put back in bit of pepper or what ever done.


this also i would say if you guys ever feel like you want some nice meat(nh) for a bbq and dont want to just cook the normal..lots of different methods and little secrets people have come up with but from what i read there its pretty spot on.



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3 miles out, 6 sprints at 85% up this 200 meter "fade out" hill. (steep as fuck and at about the last 80 meters is gets less steep, but its still a hill so it confuses the fuck out of your legs) recovery jog back down imbetween sprints, and 3 miles back. could only stop jogging at the busy intersections. fucking SUCKED.

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Casek, have you seen that documentary FAT HEAD?

The information given in that movie is shocking and tells a lot about cholesterol and the whole low fat diet revolution that the USDA and blah blah blah.

Check it out.


Edit: Did my first muscle up today. That was nice.


No, but I will find it and search it out. I saw one called "Why Aren't Skinny People Fat?"

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