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the un official workout thread


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I'm not going to argue with you because you are obviously ignorant to anything Bruce Lee did outside of movies. The man only got movie roles because of the unbelievable things he did in real life that any dipshit modern MMA would never EVER be able to accomplish.


You can keep on being an armchair expert on what he did based on having seen Enter the Dragon once.


But just in case you wish to educate yourself a little bit:



-Lee's striking speed from three feet with his hands down by his side reached five hundredths of a second.[78]

-Lee could take in one arm a 75 lb barbell from a standing position with the barbell held flush against his chest and slowly stick his arms out locking them, holding the barbell there for 20 seconds.[79]

-Lee's combat movements were at times too fast to be captured on film for clear slow motion replay using the traditional 24 frames per second of that era, so many scenes were shot in 32 frames per second for better clarity.[80][81][82]

-In a speed demonstration, Lee could snatch a dime off a person's open palm before they could close it, and leave a penny behind.[83]

-Lee would hold an elevated v-sit position for 30 minutes or longer.[75]

-Lee could throw grains of rice up into the air and then catch them in mid-flight using chopsticks.[84]

-Lee could thrust his fingers through unopened cans of Coca-Cola. (This was when soft drinks cans were made of steel much thicker than today's aluminum cans).[82]

-Lee performed one-hand push-ups using only the thumb and index finger.[76][84][85]

-Lee performed 50 reps of one-arm chin-ups.[86]

-Lee could break wooden boards 6 inches (15 cm) thick.[87]

-Lee could cause a 200-lb (90.72 kg) bag to fly towards and thump the ceiling with a sidekick.[76]

-Lee performed a sidekick while training with James Coburn and broke a 150 lb (68 kg) punching bag.[75][88]

-In a move that has been dubbed "Dragon Flag", Lee could perform leg lifts with only his shoulder blades resting on the edge of a bench and suspend his legs and torso horizontal midair.[89]


Those things alone trump any fighter anywhere ever.

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jesus id forgotten about the steel can trick haha that shits amazing.


no doubt lee was and always will be a true inovator of martial arts.


never seen this series but theres some fun things to see and what damage certain moves do..il start it with the wing chun chain punch

found a whole mix fuck a rear horse kick to the ribs

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they wernt random tests of strength each one of those are tests to see what he can do. elevated v sit position = rock solid core enough force to snap a 6 inch thick piece of wood broken rib,combine that force with a wing chunn chain punch at close range you are most likely to puncture a lung.


Lee could cause a 200-lb (90.72 kg) bag to fly towards and thump the ceiling with a sidekick.


the standard weight of a lot of ufc guys i think i dont watch it.


yes what about taekwondo?oh yeah the ufc invented it.fuck off already.savat looks pretty ruthless.

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So, let's talk dirt:



My father attained his 3rd degree black belt in Shorin Ryu from Master Ronald Duncan.

Ron has been in a ton of movies and tv shows (including the A Team).


At a demonstration, Master Duncan had 20 students attack him with everything from knives

and baseball bats to metal pipes while he was seated and blindfolded. He proceeded to disarm everyone and throw them several feet away, all while he was seated.


Would you consider this showmanship?


If so, see the following:


Ron catching a fucking arrow



More videos of Master Duncan doing some amazing shit....did I mention he also practices Ninjitsu?



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he was a martial artist before he was an actor he had to go to america because he wanted to be a star the guy was awesome and knew it.


he became an actor because its what he wanted to do he is recognised as a fighter and the greatest fighter to ever live in our times because he is/was. acting was his hobby martial arts was his entire life.


you're a fucking ignorant little twat.


holy shit casek.ronald duncan.


i know its wikipedia but heres his fight records



a little extract..sounds like you no?

Bob Wall, USPK karate champion and Lee's co-star in Enter the Dragon, recalled one encounter that transpired after a film extra kept taunting Lee. The extra yelled that Lee was "a movie star, not a martial artist," that he "wasn't much of a fighter." Lee answered his taunts by asking him to jump down from the wall he was sitting on. Wall described Lee's opponent as "a gang-banger type of guy from Hong Kong," a "damned good martial artist," and observed that he was fast, strong, and bigger than Bruce.[43]


This kid was good. He was strong and fast, and he was really trying to punch Bruce's brains in. But Bruce just methodically took him apart.[44] Bruce kept moving so well, this kid couldn't touch him...then all of a sudden, Bruce got him and rammed his ass with the wall and swept him up, proceeding to drop him and plant his knee into his opponent's chest, locked his arm out straight, and nailed him in the face repeatedly." — Bob Wall

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he was a martial artist before he was an actor he had to go to america because he wanted to be a star the guy was awesome and knew it.


he became an actor because its what he wanted to do he is recognised as a fighter and the greatest fighter to ever live in our times because he is/was. acting was his hobby martial arts was his entire life.


you're a fucking ignorant little twat.



No, he's "Important". <cough> Matt Hughes <cough>

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I'm just saying running a 5k daily on top of 4-6 hours of strength training and martial arts practice while developing your own style of fighting is an impressive thing no matter how many other people run more or get better times than he did.


Picking apart Bruce Lee without having any knowledge of what he did in his life other than from what has been seen in movies is just haterish.

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I'm just saying running a 5k daily on top of 4-6 hours of strength training and martial arts practice while developing your own style of fighting is an impressive thing no matter how many other people run more or get better times than he did.


Picking apart Bruce Lee without having any knowledge of what he did in his life other than from what has been seen in movies is just haterish.



first of all, seen maybe one of his movies.


all im saying is, compared to his other feats his running is pretty mediocre.

and dude, strength training is about the only one of his other activities that would impair his running abilities.


i mean, i run 5 miles a day, train in the art of print graphics, commute on my bicycle, develop my own sentences in spanish and strength train for about a hour a day, why arent i getting jpegs made with my impressive running abilities? :rolleyes:



also, why are you defending him like hes your god? seriously, you just justified his "easy runs" (yes, i say that because every single fucking person on my cross country team is FILLED with joy when we only have to run 3 miles. even if it is at 80 percent race pace which is what a 22 5k is for our varsity) with the fact that he developed his own fighting style.


what i am "hating" on is how this guy gets mad props for doing shit i do every day just because he did some pretty badass unrelated stuff. think of this like liady gaga getting mad fame for shitty fucking graffiti when youve been putting in hours every single day for months to get better, and get no fame what so ever.

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oh i know, but the (sometimes even at 6:30 a mile pace) part bugged me.


and yeah, i agree with you on that. il worship jackie chan in drunken master before i worship an invisible zombie in the sky.


and the work ethic, unless he came up with it then its also, as much as im sure you hate to hear it, a pretty widely accepted tactic in motivating male teenagers to give it their all when it comes to sports. a few practices ago i thought i was kicked off the team if i didnt pick it up, so i did and ran the fastest 5 miles of my life :lol:

basically (atleast what i got from it) all hes doing is pissing someone off, and unless you have a vagina its going to motivate you to do better.

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just dont stop, or else it will hurt every single time you run. if you can run 3k a day for a week, i think youl be able to run consistently without as much pain. but idk your body (nh?)



also, 2.5 miles out, 6 one thousand yard sprints in under 4:10 seconds each with a 3 minute rest period imbetween and 2.5 miles back. in 95 degree heat, i dont even want to know what the heat index was.

GET ON MY LEVEL BRUCE LEE :lol: i kid, i kid. but seriously, i think my lungs are bleeding

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